Laboratorio di Storytelling audiovisivo (LABSAV) 2019/2020

Filippo FIMIANI Laboratorio di Storytelling audiovisivo (LABSAV) 2019/2020

Intensive Workshop | 30 hours | 7 days
with Achille Pisanti

Day 1 | Tuesday 17th March, 9 am-1pm | classroom 9

The languages of storytelling

Emotional intelligence. Story and seriality. Gender assumptions of serial storytelling. The formats of the serial product. Writing as command and control.

Day 2 | Wednesday 18 March, 9-13 am | classroom 10

The steps of serial writing

From the idea to the final screenplay. What is an idea? The dramatic conflict.

Day 3 | Thursday 19 March, 9-13 am | Classroom Imbucci

The narrative paradigm

Construction and verification of the character. Inform to tell. Surprise and suspense. The movements of the narrative.

Day 4 | Tuesday 24 March, 9 am-1pm | classroom 9

Creative start-up and tutorials
Participatory construction of an original audiovisual storytelling and story-editing project.

Day 5 | Wednesday 25 March, 9 am-1pm | classroom 10

Development of group projects tutored by the teacher

Day 6 | Thursday 26 March, 9 am-1pm | Classroom Imbucci

Group project development supervised by the teacher

Day 7 | Thursday 9 April, 9-15 am | Classroom Imbucci

Presentation of the projects
Presentation of the projects. Collective editing. Talent Contest.


The laboratory assigns 2 CFU for "other knowledge"
Attendance is mandatory, with incoming and outgoing signatures
The laboratory is reserved for students of the didactic area of Communication Sciences (Bachelor's and Master's) and will host up to 30 students in order of registration date
To register, send an email to Dr. Anna Chiara Sabatino (LABSAV) by 02/03/2020 with your name, surname, serial number and course