ARMANDO LAMBERTI | Observatory on the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
DI STASI AngelaScientific Director | |
CAPELLI Fausto - Direttore della Rivista di Diritto comunitario e degli Scambi internazionaliCoordinatore | |
MENGOZZI Paolo - già Avvocato generale della Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europeaCoordinatore | |
NASCIMBENE Bruno - Professore Emerito-Università statale di MilanoCoordinatore | |
PANEBIANCO Massimo - Professore Emerito-Università di SalernoCoordinatore | |
TIZZANO Antonio - Vice Presidente emerito della Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europeaCoordinatore | |
VILLANI Ugo - Professore Emerito-Università di Bari Coordinatore | |
BARUFFI Maria Caterina - Ordinario di Diritto Internazionale-Università di BergamoMembro | |
BUONOMENNA FrancescoMembro | |
CASALE Lucia - Presidente della Sezione penale del Tribunale di Salerno-Presidente del CPO del Consiglio giudiziarioMembro | |
DE SANTIS FrancescoMembro | |
GIANNELLI Antonella - Sostituto Procuratore Generale presso la Corte di Appello di SalernoMembro | |
IANNICELLI LuigiMembro | |
KALB LuigiMembro | |
LANA Anton GiulioMembro | |
LONARDO Loris - Ordinario f.r. di Diritto Civile-Università di SalernoMembro | |
NINO MicheleMembro | |
ORIOLO AnnaMembro | |
PALLADINO RossanaMembro | |
PANELLA Lina - Ordinario di Diritto Internazionale-Università di MessinaMembro | |
PENNETTA Piero - Ordinario f.r. di Diritto Internazionale-Università di SalernoMembro | |
PISTONE PasqualeMembro | |
RUSSO Iside - Presidente della Corte di Appello di SalernoMembro | |
RUSSO TeresaMembro | |
SCIANCALEPORE GiovanniMembro | |
D'AVINO Gaetano - Dottore di ricerca in Spazio europeo di libertà,sicurezza e giustizia e cooperazione di polizia e giudiziaria in materia penale-Università di SalernoMembro | |
FESTA Angela - Ricercatore di Diritto dell'Unione europea-Università della CampaniaMembro | |
VOLPE VincenzoResponsabile Tecnico |
The Observatory on the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice is based at the Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law). .
The Observatory is a network of academics, representatives of legal professions, judicial institutions and diplomacy, experts in the field of European Union law in the light of its application outcomes within the Italian legal system. The synergy between its members (having different tecnichal-practical skills and experiences) serves to a territory that reflects limitations and asymmetries in the complete realization of the area of freedom, security and justice.
Research activities move in line with the provision of article 67 TFEU which provides that the Union "shall constitute an area of freedom, security and justice with respect for fundamental rights and the different legal systems and traditions of the Member States".
They focus on some of the European Area of freedom, security and justice's volet, specially:
- judicial cooperation in civil matters having cross-border implications
- police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters.
There are further analysis in the field of "embronyal" administrative cooperation as well as of internal border controls on persons and of common policy on asylum, immigration and external border control.
The European Area of freedom, security and justice, in its legislative and jurisprudential developments, as a core of the European integration process, can be compared to other non-European "areas" of integration in order to identify cross-fertilization cases.
The exploration of these themes has found a wider space for discussion with the creation of the online journal "Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies" (Editoriale Scientifica).
Didactic activities mainly include the organization of cultural initiatives (conferences, seminars, workshops) dedicated to students at various levels (I, II, III) and, in particular to Ph.D students in "European Area of freedom, security and justice and cooperation in criminal matters", autonomous sector of "Legal Sciences" Ph.D research (Curriculum of International, European, and Comparative Law).
The Observatory contributes to the internationalization of research and teaching by developing existing partnerships or creating further through collaboration with both European and non-European research institutes and universities.
Activation of the Observatory benefits from the experiences gained in the post lauream training in five editions, starting in 2006, of the Course on "EU Law applied" and in "European Law and the Italian legal system" (directed by prof. Angela Di Stasi) wich developed new forms of specialized education and training for legal practioners (judges, lawyers, public authority employees, etc...).
Moreover, the Observatory promotes creation of scientific and didactic collaboration, such as the one with the Court of Appello of Salerno (Memorandum of Understanding of 6 March 2014) and those with the Superior School for Magistracy and the Bar Association.
Since 1 September 2017, the Observatory has been supporting educational, scientific and dissemination activities of the Jean Monnet Chair “Judicial Protection of Fundamental Rights in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice” (European Commission).