Anna Maria Cristina MENICHINI | Economics of banking - Syllabus
Anna Maria Cristina MENICHINI Economics of banking - Syllabus
∙ The main theories of financial intermediation
∙ Credit allocation and lender-borrower relationship
∙ Equilibrium in the credit market
∙ Freixas X. and J.-C. Rochet (2008), The microeconomics of banking , Boston: The MIT Press, 2nd. Chapters 1-5 (selected sections).
∙ Tirole, J., The theory of corporate finance, MIT Press. Chapters 3-4, 6, 9 (selected sections).
∙ Grinblatt M. and S. Titman (2002), Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy, Second Edition. McGraw-Hill. Chapters 1-3, 14, 16.
Slides of the course available at the CUSL