Maria RUSSOLILLO | Projects
Maria RUSSOLILLO Projects
12 Funded projects
Model averaging techniques are often used to improve the predictionsâ¿¿ accuracy due to their simple approach and excellent performance (Shang, 2012). However, some studies (Schmittlein, Kim, & Morrison, 1990; Swanson, & Zang, 2001) have shown that the predictive power of an ensemble model can be enhanced if redundant forecasts are removed from the forecasting group. In this project, we would like t
Department | Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES | |
Principal Investigator | RUSSOLILLO Maria (Project Coordinator) | |
Funding | University funds | |
Funders | Università degli Studi di SALERNO | |
Cost | 1.978,00 euro | |
Project duration | 25 November 2024 - 25 November 2027 | |
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Mortality is a dynamic process and actuaries need appropriate tools to forecast future longevity. In this framework, the accurate modelling and projection of mortality rates and life expectancy represent an issue of great interest in the actuarial literature, especially to estimate future health care and pension costs. For the demographic setting, many stochastic models for forecasting age specifi
Department | Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES | |
Principal Investigator | RUSSOLILLO Maria (Project Coordinator) | |
Funding | University funds | |
Funders | Università degli Studi di SALERNO | |
Cost | 2.108,00 euro | |
Project duration | 31 July 2023 - 31 July 2026 | |
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Il progetto intende valutare l'impatto in termini di equità distributiva e di equità attuariale del ricorso a coefficienti di trasformazione differenziati per condizione di reddito da lavoro. Ad oggi, l'applicazione di un coefficiente di trasformazione unico, che prescinde dalle condizioni di reddito del pensionato, si traduce in una penalizzazione per coloro che appartengono alle fasce di reddito
Department | Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES | |
Principal Investigator | RUSSOLILLO Maria (Project Coordinator) | |
Funding | University funds | |
Funders | Università degli Studi di SALERNO | |
Cost | 2.120,00 euro | |
Project duration | 25 July 2022 - 25 July 2025 | |
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This research aims at measuring the financial impact on social security system of an indexation mechanism for retirement age by considering the Italian longevity experience. The analysis is motivated by the progressive increase in life expectancy at advanced age, which is rapidly bringing to the fore noticeable socio-economic consequences in most industrialized countries. Among those, the impact o
Department | Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES | |
Principal Investigator | RUSSOLILLO Maria (Project Coordinator) | |
Funding | University funds | |
Funders | Università degli Studi di SALERNO | |
Cost | 2.460,00 euro | |
Project duration | 22 November 2021 - 22 November 2024 | |
Proroga | 25 Luglio 2025 | |
Detail |
Department | Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES | |
Principal Investigator | RUSSOLILLO Maria (Project Coordinator) | |
Funding | University funds | |
Funders | Università degli Studi di SALERNO | |
Cost | 2.399,21 euro | |
Project duration | 15 February 2021 - 30 September 2024 | |
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The research project is framed in the context of flexible pension schemes, which are developing in many countries in the last few years. Our aim is to contribute to the current literature covering different topics. First of all, referring to the Italian population, we would like to forecast mortality by using selected models within the GAPC family. Then, we will consider for our analysis an indexi
Department | Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES | |
Principal Investigator | RUSSOLILLO Maria (Project Coordinator) | |
Funding | University funds | |
Funders | Università degli Studi di SALERNO | |
Cost | 2.513,00 euro | |
Project duration | 18 May 2020 - 18 May 2023 | |
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The three-way LC model is an extension of the original Lee Carter, when a three-mode data structure is available. It provides an alternative for modelling mortality, by adding a subpopulation parameter that deals with different drifts in mortality. Making use of several tools of exploratory data analysis, it allows giving a new perspective to the demographic analysis.The first aim of this proje
Department | Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES | |
Principal Investigator | RUSSOLILLO Maria (Project Coordinator) | |
Funding | University funds | |
Funders | Università degli Studi di SALERNO | |
Cost | 2.524,00 euro | |
Project duration | 11 March 2019 - 10 March 2022 | |
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The rapid aging of the population has relevant effects in the Social Security System management. During the last years, several countries have set up reforms in order to ensure the Pension System sustainability. Two-thirds of pension reforms in OECD countries contain measures that automatically link in some way future pension payments to changes in life expectancy. In this research, we will focus
Department | Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES | |
Principal Investigator | RUSSOLILLO Maria (Project Coordinator) | |
Funding | University funds | |
Funders | Università degli Studi di SALERNO | |
Cost | 2.548,00 euro | |
Project duration | 20 November 2017 - 20 November 2020 | |
Proroga | 20 febbraio 2021 | |
Detail |
Department | Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES | |
Principal Investigator | RUSSOLILLO Maria (Project Coordinator) | |
Funding | University funds | |
Funders | Università degli Studi di SALERNO | |
Cost | 2.412,00 euro | |
Project duration | 29 July 2016 - 20 September 2018 | |
Detail |
Department | Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES | |
Principal Investigator | RUSSOLILLO Maria (Project Coordinator) | |
Funding | University funds | |
Funders | Università degli Studi di SALERNO | |
Cost | 2.300,00 euro | |
Project duration | 28 July 2015 - 28 July 2017 | |
Detail |
Department | Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES | |
Principal Investigator | RUSSOLILLO Maria (Project Coordinator) | |
Funding | University funds | |
Funders | Università degli Studi di SALERNO | |
Cost | 2.499,00 euro | |
Project duration | 7 November 2014 - 6 November 2016 | |
Proroga | 6 novembre 2017 | |
Detail |
Department | Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES | |
Principal Investigator | RUSSOLILLO Maria (Project Coordinator) | |
Funding | University funds | |
Funders | Università degli Studi di SALERNO | |
Cost | 2.450,00 euro | |
Project duration | 11 December 2013 - 11 December 2015 | |
Proroga | 11 dicembre 2016 | |
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Data source U-GOV dal 1 Gennaio 2013