

9 Funded projects
Functionally graded materials (FGMs) are composite materials with an inhomogeneous micromechanical structure. They are generally made of two components and, in contrast to traditional composites, are characterized by a compositional gradient from one component to the other.In the special case of heat-wave propagation in 3D FGMs we aim to study, in the framework of this project, the role played by
DepartmentDipartimento di Ingegneria Civile/DICIV
Principal InvestigatorCIARLETTA Michele (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost4.196,35 euro
Project duration16 January 2019 - 10 March 2022
Functionally graded materials (FGMs) are composite materials with an inhomogeneous micromechanical structure. They are generally made of two components and, in contrast to traditional composites, are characterized by a compositional gradient from one component to the other.In the special case of heat-wave propagation in 3D FGMs we aim to study, in the framework of this project, the role played by
DepartmentDipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale/DIIN
Principal InvestigatorSELLITTO Antonio (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost3.500,00 euro
Project duration11 March 2019 - 10 March 2022
Lo sviluppo dell'ingegneria dei materiali ha portato oggigiorno alla produzione di una nuova classe di materiali denominati metamateriali. Non è facile trovare delle linee guida per il loro corretto uso in quanto la composizione interna dei metamateriali può essere molto complessa e variegata, come pure alcune proprietà termomeccaniche non sono ancora ben note.Nell¿ambito della Meccanica del cont
DepartmentDipartimento di Ingegneria Civile/DICIV
Principal InvestigatorCIARLETTA Michele (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost11.000,00 euro
Project duration15 November 2017 - 20 November 2020
Proroga20 febbraio 2021
In this project, we are interested to continue the study of the propagation of Rayleigh waves in anisotropic and strongly elliptic materials by means of the Stroh formulation. In particular, our interest is related with the connection between this aforementioned propagation of Rayleigh waves and the heat conduction according to different hyperbolic theories. The types of material that we would to
DepartmentDipartimento di Matematica/DIPMAT
Principal InvestigatorTIBULLO Vincenzo (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost4.206,00 euro
Project duration20 November 2017 - 20 November 2020
Proroga20 febbraio 2021
DepartmentDipartimento di Matematica/DIPMAT
Principal InvestigatorCASO Loredana (Project Coordinator)
PATERNOSTER Beatrice (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost10.516,57 euro
Project duration29 July 2016 - 20 September 2018
Proroga20 settembre 2019
DepartmentDipartimento di Matematica/DIPMAT
Principal InvestigatorPATERNOSTER Beatrice (Project Coordinator)
TRANSIRICO Maria (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost11.522,28 euro
Project duration7 November 2014 - 7 November 2016
Proroga7 novembre 2017
DepartmentDipartimento di Matematica/DIPMAT
Principal InvestigatorTRANSIRICO Maria (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost18.783,00 euro
Project duration7 November 2014 - 7 November 2016
Proroga7 novembre 2017
DepartmentDipartimento di Matematica/DIPMAT
Principal InvestigatorDI NOLA Antonio (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost11.292,26 euro
Project duration11 December 2013 - 11 December 2015
DepartmentDipartimento di Matematica/DIPMAT
Principal InvestigatorTRANSIRICO Maria (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost18.382,50 euro
Project duration11 December 2013 - 11 December 2015
Proroga11 dicembre 2016

  Data source U-GOV dal 1 Gennaio 2013