cod. 0512800029
0512800029 | |
EQF6 | |
2024/2025 |
BIO/05 | 7 | 56 | LESSONS | |
BIO/05 | 1 | 12 | LAB |
Exam | Date | Session | |
ZOOLOGIA | 10/02/2025 - 10:00 | SESSIONE ORDINARIA | |
ZOOLOGIA | 10/02/2025 - 10:00 | SESSIONE DI SECUPERO |
Objectives | |
The aim of the course is to provide students with the basic knowledge of general Zoology and methodologies for studying fauna, adopting an integrated approach that includes morpho-functional, ethological, and evolutionary aspects. These knowledge, together with other skills in general biology acquired during their studies, will give the graduate a broad understanding of the biological world, from microorganisms to plant and animal kingdoms, including humans, with a focus on ecosystems. Ultimately, the knowledge provided by the course will enable Biology students to work in the field of animal biodiversity conservation. The student must demonstrate knowledge of the main taxonomic animal groups covered, in terms of scientific nomenclature, classification, structural, morphological, and functional differences of the systems within the different taxa. The educational path of the course aims to provide students with the fundamental knowledge necessary for understanding the mechanisms underlying the evolution and adaptive diversification of animals. The student must demonstrate the ability to classify and recognize animal taxa, also through the use of various technical tools (microscope, stereo-microscope, dichotomous keys). The educational path is aimed at imparting the skills and methodological and operational tools necessary to apply knowledge concretely through comparative morphological analysis, identification, and classification of specimens representative of the various animal taxa, for the purpose of applying this knowledge in the professional field of animal conservation. The student must develop independent skills in the classification and recognition of animal taxa, with particular emphasis on the use of technical tools such as microscopes and dichotomous keys. In practice, the student must discern animal samples, also using both optical microscopes and stereo-microscopes to observe morphological details. The student will be able to communicate effectively about the characteristics of animal species, with particular emphasis on biodiversity conservation in relation to climate change. The student's skills will be cross-disciplinary and applicable in scientific contexts other than zoology. In particular, they will be applicable in the management and restoration of natural ecosystems, as well as in the field of scientific research and updating in synergy with skills from other disciplines. |
Prerequisites | |
Basic knowledge of cell biology, chemistry and histology. |
Contents | |
Notes on the history of Zoology. Zoology today. The objectives of zoology. The importance of zoological studies for the conservation of animal biodiversity. The concept of animal. The concept of species: typological, morphological, biological, ecological, and evolutionary. Linnean zoological nomenclature, taxonomic categories, and taxa.4 hours Section 1: BASIC PRINCIPLES OF EVOLUTION AND ADAPTATION The historical path of evolutionary theories: keywords: microevolution and macroevolution, evolutionary theory, theory of common descent, abiogenesis. Naturalists of ancient times. The Prelamarckian Scholars. Lamarck. The fixist reaction: Georges Cuvier and the theory of catastrophes. Evolutionary theory in its original formulation (Charles Darwin): the premises (geological principles of James Hutton's gradualism and Charles Lyell's actualism, artificial selection, Malthus, Wallace); theory (variations, growth, types of competition (struggle for existence), selection (artificial, natural, sexual). Post-Darwinian evolutionism: Neo-Darwinism (Weismann), Neolamarckism (Pavlov, Lysenko, epigenetics), Hologenians (Daniele Rosa), mutationism (Hugo De Vries), theory of punctuated equilibria (Stephen Jay Gould).2 hours The biological basis of variability: Keywords: genes and alleles, structural and regulatory genes, multiple alleles, gene locus, diploidy and polyploidy, phenotype and genotype. Expression of genes: monofactorial, multifactorial, pleiotropy. Gene expressivity. Mendel's laws. The meaning of sexual reproduction. Meiosis and Crossing over. Point mutations. Chromosomal mutations. Gene duplication.2 hours Stochastic events: Keywords: concept of population, gene pool, gene flow. The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Genetic drift. Bottleneck effect. Principle of the founder.2 hours Selective strategies: Reproductive fitness (fitness and inclusive fitness). Natural selection: stabilizing (normalizing), directive (directional), diversifying (disruptive), depending on the frequency, balancing (heterozygote advantage).2 hours Sexual selection: sexual competition, mate guarding, sperm competition, cryptic female choice, intrasexual and intersexual selection, handicap theory. Sexual dimorphism: in size, color, extreme dimorphisms, eusexual, somatosexual, seasonal characters, sexual liveries. Behavioral sexual dimorphism.2 hours Artificial selection: domesticated and tamed animals, the reasons for domestication, characteristics necessary for the success of domestication, domestication syndrome, advantages and disadvantages of domestication.2 hours Evolutionary principles and adaptations: divergent evolution: homologies, adaptive radiation, the phenomenon of the displacement of characters, behavioral homologies. Convergent evolution: morphological and behavioral analogies. Parallel evolution. Principles of development: von Bear's principles, gastrea theory. Evolutionary developmental biology (EVO-DEVO): developmental genes, heterotopia, heterochrony, heterometry, heterotypia. Regressive evolution: vestigial organs. Atavism.2 hours Adaptive strategies: Symbiosis: mutualism, commensalism, parasitism (ectoparasites and endoparasites), parasitoism, brood parasites, social parasitism, behavioral effects of parasites, sexual parasitism, parasitic degeneration. Mimicry: cryptic homochromic, homomorphic, ephemeral, acquired. Camouflage strategies: disruptive designs, opposite shadow phenomenon, flashing designs. Self-mimicry. Aposematic stains. Faneric camouflage. Mullerian mimicry. Acoustic camouflage. Chemical camouflage. Animals and temperature: keywords: bioenergetics, metabolism, biological system, stenoterme and eurytherm species. Exchanges of heat: radiation, conduction, convection, evaporation. Body temperature regulation: endothermic and ectothermic. Structural thermal adaptations: furs, plumage, fatty pannicles, livery color, Bergmann and Allen rules. Behavioral thermal adaptations: sun exposure, postural attitudes, shelters, social thermoregulation, aestivation/hibernation. Physiological thermal adaptations: vasodilation/vasoconstriction, shivering and non-shivering thermogenesis, counter-current exchangers, partial endothermia, transpiration and hyperpnea, regulation of metabolism, daily adaptive hypothermia (torpor), and seasonal. Global warming and adaptation: areal expansion, morphological changes.4 hours Section 2: REPRODUCTIVE MECHANISMS AND BIOLOGICAL CYCLES REPRODUCTIVE MODES: Asexual reproduction: splitting, budding, fragmentation, polyembryony, larval amplification. Sexual reproduction: gametogenesis, fertilization. Interpretive models of reproduction. Reproductive strategies: semelpar and iteroparous species, r and K strategies.2 hours SEX DETERMINATION: Chromosomal (singamic) determination. Environmental determination of sex (metagamic and progamic). Temperature dependent, photoperiod dependent and multifactorial determination of sex. Interpretative models.2 hours INTERSEXUALITY: Simultaneous hermaphroditism (sufficient, insufficient). Sequential hermaphroditism (sexual inversion): proterandry, proterogyny. Factors that determine the change of sex. Gonadal morphology. Experimental hermaphroditism, induced by parasites, secondary, by pesticides. Gynandromorphism.2 hours PARTENOGENESIS: Definitions according to the sex of the offspring. Restoration of diploidy (apomictic, self-infecting). Parthenogenetic models (accidental, optional, mandatory, geographic). Interpretative models.2 hours DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES: Oviparity and viviparity. Nutritional modalities of embryos (oviparity and lecitotrophic and matrotrophic viviparity). Diffusion of viviparity. Pseudoviviparity. Mother / embryo nutrient transfer patterns (placentotrophy, trophoderma, oophagy, adelphagy). Egg-laying sites. Interpretative models.2 hours Risultati della traduzione Section 3: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MAIN PHYLA The unicellular organizational level (protozoa): general organization of the main forms (amoebas, ciliates, flagellates and sporozoa), protozoa of interest to humans and the environment.2 hours The multicellularity (Porifera): ascon, sycon and leucon structures, cell types. Characteristics of calcareous, glassy, coral and cornea sponges.2 hours The tissue organizational level and radiated symmetry (cnidarians): polymorphism, metagenesis, general organization of hydrozoans, scyphozoans, cubozoans and anthozoans.2 hours The cephalization process and bilateral symmetry (flatworms): general organization of the Neodermata (monogenei, flukes and cestodes) and turbellars.2 hours The evolution of body cavities (nematodes): phasmids and aphasmids. Annelids: general organization of polychaetes, oligochetes and hirudines.2 hours Molluscs: general organization of aplacophores, monoplacophores, polyplacophores, gastropods (prosobranchs, opisthobranchs and lungs), bivalves, scapopods and cephalopods (decapods, octopods and nautiloids).4 hours The definitive conquest of the emerged lands (arthropods): general organization of chelicerates, myriapods, crustaceans and insects; characteristics of the main orders of insects (odonates, orthoptera, hemiptera, diptera, hymenoptera, lepidoptera, coleoptera).4 hours The return to radiated symmetry (echinoderms): general organization of asteroids, ophiuroids, echinoids, holothuroids and crinoids.2 hours Chordates: general organization of tunicates, cephalochordates and vertebrates (agnates, chondrichthyes, osteichthyes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals).4 hours Laboratory activities.12 hours |
Teaching Methods | |
Lectures with electronic supports and laboratory activities |
Verification of learning | |
The exam consists of a written test and an oral test. The written exam consists of 30 multiple-choice questions with 3 options. The correct answer is worth 1 point, a wrong answer incurs a penalty of 0.3 points, and an unanswered question is worth 0 points. The test lasts for 30 minutes. If the student scores at least 18 points on the test, they may choose the oral option, or they can accept the grade based on the written test alone. If they choose the oral option, the final grade will be determined by averaging the grade from the written test and the score obtained in the oral exam. For the oral exam, the minimum mark (18/30) is reached when the student demonstrates the achievement of a sufficient level in knowledge, language ability and quality of presentation. The maximum mark (30/30) is achieved when the student demonstrates full and complete knowledge of the topics addressed, with maximum quality of presentation. Honors are awarded when the student demonstrates a particular quality of presentation with critical analysis skills. |
Texts | |
Main Book: D'Aniello - Appunti di zoologia adattativa - EdiSES Other suggested BOOKS to consult: Candia et al. - Zoologia. Parte sistematica (II Edizione) a cura di Fiorenza De Bernardi - Idelson-Gnocchi Hickman et al. - Zoologia (Diciottesima edizione) a cura di Arizza et al. - McGraw-Hill |
BETA VERSION Data source ESSE3 [Ultima Sincronizzazione: 2025-01-27]