

Achille M. Notti, Professor (disciplinary sector M-PED/04), teaches  "Methods and techniques of educational research" and "Models and tools for evaluation" at the Faculty of Education Science, University of Salerno.

He's President of the degree course in Primary Education.
He has been Executive Member of the Faculty and the Department, before assuming the role of President of the degree course,  of the Committee and internship coordinator of the working group for the entry tests for the degree course in Primary Education.

He has taught Assessment for over a decade, at the University Suor Orsola Benincasa of Naples.
He is “Laboratory Manager” of Evaluation processes and Training activities and of the e-learning laboratory of the Human, Philosophic and Education Sciences Department (DISUFF), University of Salerno.
He is director of two book series  and is member of scientific committee of the "Italian Journal of Educational Research."

He's Secretary of SIRD (Italian Society for Research Education).
He directed the second-level Master "Planning and evaluation training" and professional training courses "Learning, Assessment and Technology Education" and "The organizing  and curricular planning and the role of  Funzioni Obiettivo" at the Department of Education Sciences, University of Salerno.

He is responsible of the Research and Experimentation of 'IRRSAE Campania.
He was researcher  since 1982.  After  benchmarking banned by the University of Padua, he has become associate professor.