Antonio PROTO | Curriculum
Antonio PROTO Curriculum
prof. Antonio Proto was born in Salerno on 30th october 1960. He graduated in Chemistry in 1986 at University of Naples. Between 1987 and 1989 he received three fellowships from Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome and from Aristech Chemical Corporation Research-Monroeville (Pittsburg - Pennsylvania- USA). Between 1994 and 2005 he was Assistant Professor of chemistry and since 2005 he is Associate Professor of General and Inorganic chemistry. His teaching activity is relative to Inorganic and Environmental Chemistry.b From 2015 is professor of Environmetal Chemistry and Cultural Heritage.
The research interests of prof. Proto were directed to the synthesis and characterization of group IV catalysts for stereospecific polymerization of -olefins and conjugated dienes. Recently he moved his interests towards the synthesis of new smart materials for industry and environmental applications.