
Giorgia IOVINO Curriculum

Current position

Full professor serving in the Department of Political Science and Communication (DISPC), University of Salerno. He belongs to SSD GEOG-01/B (formerly M-GGR/02).


Teaching positions (tenure) at the University of Salerno (last 15 years)

From 2012/13 to 2015/16

  • Urban and regional geography
  • Political and economic geography
  • Geographic Information Systems

2016/17 to 2021/22

  • Political and economic geography
  • Urban geography
  • Geography and globalization

From 2022/23 to the present

  • Political and economic geography
  • Urban geography
  • Tourism and sustainability

Other educational activities

  • 2000-2008: Geography Campana Inter-University School of Teaching Specialization (SICSI), University of Salerno;
  • 2000-2005: IFTS course in "Environmental technician specialist in planning and management of protected areas," Vallo della Lucania; IFTS Course in "Technician of restoration and recovery of historic centers ", Sapri; IFTS course in "Technical expert in management of artisan and tourism enterprises," Montella;IFTS course "Higher technician for assistance in the management of receptive facilities, Ascea, Alario Foundation.
  • 2000-01: Cartography and GIS: tools for spatial analysis and support for decision making activities" FSE Advanced Training Course in "Expert in Public Administration Management," University of Salerno, Department of Theory and History of Institutions, University of Salerno;
  • 2001-02: Networks and Regions: synthesis images of the European territory" at the S. Leucio School of Law and Economics of the European Union, Second University of Naples
  • 2013-14 participation as a research team and lecturer in the Erasmus Plus intensive course "I am a migrant" (attended by students and lecturers from 6 EU countries).
  • 2014-15 head of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Migration studies for the Graduate Courses of Political Science and International Relations and Sociology.
  • From 2010 to 2019 Lecturer in courses at the "Anna Lindh Chair", module: Environmental issues and spatial divides in the Mediterranean area: a geo-cartographic approach.


  • Member of the University Commission for the evaluation of research projects ex-60% /FARB- Area 11 Historical, Philosophical Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences (from 2000 to 2008), Department of Environmental and Land Studies;
  • Scientific head of the APSIL study center - Protected Areas and Local Systems at the University of Salerno (from 2005 to 2008);
  • Member of the FARB Research Project Evaluation Committee Area 11 Historical, Philosophical Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences, Department of Political Science and Communication (2014 to present)
  • Member of the Board of Lecturers of the PhD program "Geopolitics, Geostrategy, Geoeconomics," University of Trieste. Cycle: XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, (from 2004 to 2010)
  • Member of the Board of Lecturers of the PhD Program "Methods and Methodologies of Archaeological, Historical and Artistic Research and Territorial Systems," University of Salerno. Cycle: XXVI, XXVII, XXVII (from 2010 to 2015)
  • Member of the Teachers' Board of the Ph.D. Program "Sciences and Cultures of the Human. Society, Education, Politics and Communication" University of Salerno. Cycle: 37, 38 (2021 to 2025)
  • Member of the Board of Lecturers of the PhD program "Politics and Communications POLICOM" Cycle 39, 40
  • Member of the Technical Scientific Committee for University Publications for the three-year period 2011-14 by R.D. No. 984/2011 (prot no. 14743 of 04/04/2011), period extended by R.D. 1501/2014 (prot.26476 of 19/5/2014) until the issuance of the new Regulations for Publications, which took place by resolution of the Academic Senate 174/2016 (prot no. 109243 of 20/12/2016).
  • Member of the Steering Committee of CELPE - Center for Labor Economics and Economic Policy, University of Salerno, three-year period 2020-2022
  • Member of the scientific committee of the journal Annals of Tourism
  • Reviewer for the following journals: Bulletin of the AIC (Italian Association of Cartography), Geoprogress, Annals of Tourism.
  • Reviewer for VQR 2015-2019.

Participation in Conferences as Speaker (last 10 years)

  • “La rigenerazione del waterfront nelle città marittimo-portuali. L’esperienza di Salerno” AIC Annual Conference, University of Salerno, 28–30 April 2015.
  • “Waterfronts as Commons? Redistribution effects of urban regeneration projects” Università di Roma La Sapienza, 1 December 2015.
  • “Managing Land Take. Which The Most Appropriate Territorial Scale?” EURA Conference, University of Turin, 16–18 June 2016.
  • “Si salvi chi può: mobilità studentesca e equità socio-territoriale nel processo di accumulazione del capitale umano in Italia” University of Turin, 16 December 2016.
  • “Trasformazione del paesaggio costiero e aree marine protette. Il caso della Campania”, AIC Conference, Genoa, 10–12 May 2017.
  • “Fonti informative e tools cartografici per l’analisi del paesaggio costiero”, XXI National ASITA Conference, Salerno, 21–23 November 2017.
  • “Barriere nell’accesso alla terra. Il caso italiano”, VII Study Day of the Society of Geographical Studies, Pescara, 1 December 2017.
  • “I profughi siriani e le politiche europee”, Debate on the Syrian War, Linea d’Ombra Festival, Salerno, 12 December 2018.
  • “I molti volti della periferia. Riflessioni a partire da un caso di studio”, AIC Annual Conference, Benevento, 8–10 May 2018.
  • “Le banche della terra come strumento di policy per il recupero dei terreni incolti e il ripopolamento delle aree rurali”, XXII National ASITA Conference, Bolzano, 27–29 November 2018.
  • “Riscritture di paesaggi urbani marginali. La street art a Napoli”, VIII Study Day of the Society of Geographical Studies, Novara, 7 December 2018.
  • “La street art come leva per la valorizzazione turistica di contesti urbani marginali? L’esperienza di Napoli”, XVIII Edition of the Tourism Days, Naples, 21–22 October 2019.
  • “Approcci rigenerativi e visioni di città: una proposta metodologica”, Debate on the future of Salerno, 18 February 2019.
  • “Misurare la sostenibilità dell’ambiente urbano: sistemi di reporting e tools cartografici in ambito UE”, XXIII National ASITA Conference, Trieste, 12–14 November 2019.
  • “Nuove pratiche di confinamento nello spazio urbano: l’esperienza italiana del controllo di vicinato”, IX Study Day of the Society of Geographical Studies, Trieste, 13 December 2019.
  • “Historic urban landscape e turistificazione: il centro storico UNESCO di Napoli”, Study Day on the Landscape Convention, Webinar, 4–5 June 2020.
  • “La risorsa suolo e il suo insostenibile consumo”, Festival of Sustainable Development, Webinar, 5 October 2020.
  • “Feedback University: Il peso della valutazione e dei ranking sul ridisegno della geografia universitaria italiana”, X Study Day of the Society of Geographical Studies, Florence, 11 December 2020.
  • “Geografie dell’effimero: street art tour e periferie urbane”, XXXIII Italian Geographical Congress, Padua, 8–13 September 2021.
  • “Turismo, innovazione sociale e periferie. Il ‘modello Sanità’ a Napoli e gli effetti del coronavirus”, XX Edition of Tourism Days, Webinar, 26 October 2021.
  • “PNRR e rigenerazione urbana: una prima mappatura dei progetti approvati”, AIC Annual Conference, Naples, 28 September 2022.
  • “Cultura e turismo per la rigenerazione di aree fragili”, XXI Edition of Tourism Study Days, Verbania, 28 October 2022.
  • “Distretti rurali in Campania: un’analisi esplorativa”, AIC Annual Conference, Trento, 27–29 September 2023.
  • “Distretti rurali e turismo. Un focus sulla Campania”, University of Parthenope, Naples, 7 November 2023.
  • “Itinerari geoculturali nelle aree interne. Un’indagine esplorativa sui cammini bizantini campani”, AIC Annual Conference, Rome, 25–27 September 2024.
  • “Lento pede. I cammini come strumento di valorizzazione delle aree interne”, 2024 Tourism Days, University of Udine, 8 November 2024.

Funded Research Project (University of Salerno)

  • FARB “Tutela ambientale e sviluppo turistico nell’area del Parco del Cilento e Vallo di Diano”, 1995, 1996, 1997.
  • FARB “Turismo sostenibile e beni culturali: il caso di Napoli”, 1998, 1999.
  • FARB “Dismissione industriale e riconversione turistica in provincia di Salerno”, 2000.
  • FARB “GIS e ricerca geografica, le applicazioni in Italia”, 2001.
  • FARB “Trasformazioni urbane e riqualificazione funzionale a Salerno”, 2002, 2003.
  • FARB “Competitività territoriale e forme emergenti di governo del territorio”, 2004, 2005.
  • FARB “La territorializzazione delle politiche del turismo: un’applicazione alla provincia di Salerno”, 2006, 2007.
  • FARB “Città sul mare e città di mare: la riconquista del waterfront nel Mezzogiorno d’Italia”, 2010–2011.
  • FARB “Consumo di suolo e sprawl urbano in Italia”, 2014, 2015.
  • FARB “Innovazione sociale e percorsi di patrimonializzazione nelle periferie”, 2020–2021.
  • FARB “Beni culturali in disuso e pratiche rigenerative dal basso”, 2022, 2023

Participation in National and International Projects

  • CNR Finalized Project: "Cultural Heritage – Surveying Territory and Artifacts," coordinated by Mario Cataudella (1995).
  • "Thematic Cartographies for Territorial Analysis of Benevento’s Historical Center", funded by a POP (Action 5.4.2.), coordinated by Mario Cataudella (1997).
  • PRIN: "Regional-scale Sustainable Development: Diseconomies and Competitive Advantages in the Framework of Globalization," coordinated nationally by Menegatti from the University of Bologna; Salerno unit coordinated by Mariagiovanna Riitano (1997).
  • PRIN: "Dismissed Areas and Urban Green Spaces: New Landscapes in Italy," coordinated nationally by Ugo Leone from the University of Naples Federico II; Salerno unit coordinated by Mariagiovanna Riitano (1999).
  • PRIN: "Urban Ecosystem: Best Practices for Governance of Urban Sustainability and Compatible Development," coordinated by Tullio D’Aponte (2004).
  • PRIN: "Methods, Processes, and Integrated Policies for Sustainability Governance," coordinated by Tullio D’Aponte (2006).
  • HORIZON 2020: Research and Innovation, coordinated by Annibale Elia (2015–2016).
  • PRIN: "Territorial Impact Assessment of Cohesion in Italian Regions," coordinated by Maria Prezioso, University of Rome Tor Vergata (2017–2020).
  • CURE Project: Collaborative Urban Strategies for Resilience, coordinated by Stefania Leone as part of the RETURN project (starting February 2025).

Participation in Other Projects and Working Groups

  • 2013: "Strategies and communication tools for smart governance models," coordinated by Annibale Elia (Project Coordinator).
  • 2015–2016: HORIZON 2020 - Research and Innovation, coordinated by Annibale Elia (Project Coordinator).
  • 2017: "Youth condition: Articulation of multiple dimensions of individual and social growth of young people in Campania," coordinated by Annibale Elia (Project Coordinator).
  • 2019–2021: "The tools of international cooperation in the geopolitical space of the Mediterranean: between territorial dimensions and supranational contexts," coordinated by Virgilio D’Antonio (Project Coordinator).
  • 2019–2021: "Internationalization, risk management, and resource management in local labor systems," coordinated by Adalgiso Amendola (Project Coordinator).
  • Since 2018: Participation in the AGEI Environment Geography Working Group, coordinated by Marco Grasso.
  • Since 2020: Participation in the national research group "Riabitare l’Italia."


Publications in A-Rated Journals

  1. (2024) "Rural districts and tourism in a Mediterranean region," Geoprogress Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 83–99.
  2. (2023) "An exploratory analysis of rural districts in Campania," Bollettino dell’Associazione Italiana di Cartografia, Vol. 178, pp. 98–113.
  3. (2023) with E. Guadagno and D. Bagnoli, "Food for thoughts: The district approach to rural areas development—A case study in Campania," Sustainability, Vol. 15, Article 16263, pp. 1–26.
  4. (2023) "Tourism and cultural heritage in the urban transformation of Naples," Geoprogress Journal, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 87–106.
  5. (2022) "Il consumo di suolo e la sua regolamentazione in Italia," Geotema, Vol. 69, pp. 11–23.
  6. (2022) with D. Bagnoli, "Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza e rigenerazione urbana: una prima mappatura dei progetti approvati," Bollettino dell’Associazione Italiana di Cartografia, Vol. 174, pp. 103–119.
  7. (2021) "Affitti turistici a breve termine nelle città d’arte: l’airificazione di Napoli e i suoi impatti," Bollettino dell’Associazione Italiana di Cartografia, Vol. 172, pp. 4–19.
  8. (2019) with T. Amodio, M. Bencardino, and S. Siniscalchi, "Emerging topics in Italy: The Territorial Capital value," Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana, Vol. XIV, No. 2 (Special Issue), pp. 75–89.
  9. (2019) "Is street art a driver for tourist valorisation of marginal urban contexts? The experience of Naples," GeoProgress Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 79–100.
  10. (2019) "I molti volti della periferia. Riflessioni a partire da un caso di studio," Bollettino dell’Associazione Italiana di Cartografia, Vol. 165, pp. 106–122.
  11. (2018) "Urban regeneration strategies in waterfront areas. An interpretative framework," J-READING Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 61–75.
  12. (2018) "Trasformazioni del paesaggio costiero e aree protette in una regione del Mediterraneo," Bollettino dell’Associazione Italiana di Cartografia, Vol. 164, pp. 83–99.
  13. (2016) "La rigenerazione del waterfront nelle città marittimo-portuali. L’esperienza di Salerno," Bollettino dell’Associazione Italiana di Cartografia, Vol. 157, pp. 41–52.
  14. (2015) "L’Italia consumata: configurazioni e tendenze del land take," Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana, No. 4, pp. 491–514.
  15. (2014) "Le fonti informative per il monitoraggio del consumo di suolo," Bollettino dell’Associazione Italiana di Cartografia, Vol. 152, pp. 36–55.
  16. (2010) "GIS, ricerca geografica e pianificazione urbanistica: un’applicazione sul centro storico di Benevento," Bollettino dell’Associazione Italiana di Cartografia, Vol. 138, pp. 7–30.
  17. (2001) "Aree marine protette e turismo nautico da diporto: il caso del Parco di Punta Campanella," Geotema, Vol. 15, pp. 110–120.
  18. (1999) "Rifugiati e politiche d’asilo in Europa occidentale," Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana, Vol. XII, No. 4, pp. 697–718.

Other Publications (Last 8 Years)

  1. (2025) with E. De Marco, "Cultural Heritage and Aerification in UNESCO Art Cities. A Case Study from Southern Italy," in Ribeiro de Almeida C., Renda A.I., Echávarri J. (Eds.), Short-Term Rentals and their Impact on Destinations, IGI Global, pp. 237–268.
  2. (2023) with S. Leone and A. Orio, "La condizione giovanile nei territori del margine," in Membretti A., Leone S., Lucatelli S., et al. (Eds.), Voglia di restare, Donzelli, pp. 19–44.
  3. (2023) "Geografie dell’effimero: street art tour e periferie urbane," in Rossetto T., Peterle G., Gallanti C. (Eds.), Geografie in Movimento/Moving Geographies, CLEUP, pp. 212–218.
  4. (2023) "Pratiche artistiche, spazio pubblico e rigenerazione urbana," in Arte e Spazio Pubblico, Silvana Editoriale, pp. 56–62.
  5. (2022) "Dispositivi narranti dell’Antropocene. L’arte di strada ‘al servizio’ dell’ambiente," in Amato F., Amato V., De Falco S., et al. (Eds.), Oltre la Globalizzazione. Catene/Chains, Società di studi geografici, pp. 917–925.
  6. (2022) "Imprese di comunità, patrimonio culturale e sviluppo turistico in aree urbane marginali," Annali del Turismo, Vol. X, pp. 85–106.
  7. (2022) "Sperimentazioni di social street art nelle periferie partenopee," in Leone S., Della Mura M. (Eds.), Creare società, FrancoAngeli, pp. 121–134.
  8. (2022) "Urban sustainability: reporting systems and datasets in the European Union," in Calabrò F., Della Spina L., Piñeira Mantiñán M.J. (Eds.), Post COVID Dynamics: Green and Digital Transition, Springer, pp. 1218–1228.
  9. (2022) "Il riconoscimento UNESCO come driver di attrattività territoriale," in Lucia M.G., Valdemarin S. (Eds.), Geografia dell’attrattività territoriale, Pearson Editore, pp. 31–47.
  10. (2021) "Feedback University: Il peso della valutazione e dei ranking sul ridisegno della geografia universitaria italiana," in Dini F., Martellozzo F., et al. (Eds.), Oltre la Globalizzazione. Feedback, Società di studi geografici, pp. 417–427.
  11. (2021) "Unequal geographies of the Italian tertiary education system," Advances in Cartography and GIScience, Vol. 3, pp. 7.
  12. (2021) "Historic urban landscape e turistificazione: il centro storico UNESCO di Napoli," in Castiglioni B., Puttilli M., Tanca M. (Eds.), Oltre la convenzione. Pensare, studiare, costruire il paesaggio vent’anni dopo, Firenze, Società di Studi Geografici, pp. 1185–1201.
  13. (2021) "Italian agriculture in the shade of a pandemic. New and old dilemmas," in Mercatanti L., Montes S. (Eds.), Global Threats in the Anthropocene, Il Sileno Edizioni, pp. 230–254.
  14. (2020) "Approcci alla rigenerazione urbana e visioni di città," in Libero L. (Ed.), Cosa ci resta? Incontri sul futuro di una città, Salerno, Oèdipus Edizioni, pp. 57–62.
  15. (2020) "Nuove pratiche di confinamento nello spazio urbano," in Zilli S., Modaffari G. (Eds.), Confin(ati), Società di studi geografici, pp. 343–354.
  16. (2020) with T. Amodio, "La regione Basilicata 2020," in Prezioso M. (Ed.), Territorial Impact Assessment of national and regional territorial cohesion in Italy, Pàtron Editore, Bologna, pp. 521–546.
  17. (2019) "Misurare la sostenibilità dell’ambiente urbano: sistemi di reporting e tools cartografici in ambito UE," in 23rd ASITA National Conference, Trieste, pp. 573–586.