
Mario CAPUNZO Curriculum

Born in Naples on February 5th  1956.

University Degree in Medicine and Surgery cum laude (June 16th, 1979);
Master in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine cum laude  at The School of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Specialization of the second Medicine and Surgery Faculty of University of Naples (July 28th, 1983);

Career :

a) University activities:

* Graduated technician  at  the Institute of Hygiene of the Second Faculty of Medicine -University of  Naples. (since July 16th 1980 )
Transferred to the Institute of Hygiene of the Second Faculty of Medicine of the same University From September 1st 1980 to October 30th 1992)
* Full time Associate Professor of Hygiene at the Faculty of Education Sciences of University of Salerno as winner of a free contest of University Teacher for the group F22A (General and applied Hygiene) from the Academic Year 1992-93; confirmed for the Academic Year 1995-96.
* Full time Extraordinary Professor of Hygiene at the Faculty of Education Sciences at University of  Salerno . as winner of a comparative evaluation to a seat of Ordinary Teacher for the general group Med/42(General and applied Hygiene) banned by the University of Salerno. Nominated by the Faculty of Sciences of Formation of the University of Salerno since 1/2/2001.
* Full time Ordinary Professor of Hygiene at the Faculty of Education Sciences at University of  Salerno since 1/2/2004.
* Chairman of Degree Course at Science Education Childhood and Preadolescence at University of Salerno from 2006 to 2010.
* Headmaster at the Faculty of Education Sciences at University of  Salerno since 2010.
* Director at the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Salerno since January 2013.

Clinical field Activities

* Full time Assistant to the Service of Ecology, Epidemiology and P.O. of University Polyclinic in Naples (January 26 th 1981-May 30 th 1987).
* Full time Vice Professor of the Service of Ecology, Epidemiology and P.O. of the First University Polyclinic in Naples (June 1 st 1987-October 30 th 1992)
* Scientific director of the Laboratory of Hygiene and Occupational Medicine at the University of Salerno since 1995
* Head of the Health surveillance with position of Competent Doctor at the University of Salerno since 2003
* Head of the Health surveillance with position of Competent Doctor at the University “Orientale” of Naples since 2007