
Adele Anna RESCIGNO Curriculum

 Adele Anna Rescigno got her Laurea cum laude in "Scienze dell'Informazione" (Computer Science) in 1989  from the University of Salerno and in 1995 she received the Dottorato di Ricerca (PhD) degree in Applied  Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Naples. In 1992, she has been visiting student at the University "Eotvos Lorand" in Budapest. From 1993 to 1994, she has visited the Department of Computing Science of the Simon Fraser University  in Vancouver working in the team with Prof.  Art Liestamn in the field of communication in interconnection networks.From 1995 to 2000 she was an Research Associate at the University of Salerno. Since november 2000 she is an Associate Professor of the Dipartimento di Informatica of the University of Salerno.She teaches at the University of Salerno in the Computer Science. Her research interests lies in the area of Distributed Computing; in particular,  it focuses on communication in interconnection networks, fault tolerant algorithm  and network architectures. She is member of the Algorithmic Problems In Networking group.Adele Rescigno is author and co-author of many papers in internationally refereed journals and conferences.  She has been part of many program committees of international conferences and  is reviewer of journals and conferences.