Giovanni RICCIO | Curriculum
Giovanni RICCIO Curriculum
Giovanni Riccio was born in Siano (Salerno), Italy, in 1964. He received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Salerno, Italy. From 1995 to 2001 he was Assistant Professor at the University of Salerno, where he is currently Associate Professor of Electromagnetic Fields. He graduated PhD students and mentored post-doctoral fellows. His research activity includes standard and innovative near field – far field transformation techniques, analysis and synthesis of antennas, radar cross section evaluation of corner reflectors, wave scattering from canonical and complex structures, indoor and outdoor propagation. In these research areas, he has co-authored 3 books, 1 book chapter, and more or less 300 scientific papers in journals and conference proceedings. In recognition of this activity, he was invited to join the Electromagnetics Academy. He served as an Editor of Progress in Electromagnetics Research Journals (from August 2006 to September 2008).
prof. Riccio is a Fellow of the Electromagnetics Academy since 2007.