Paolo COCCORESE | Curriculum
Paolo COCCORESE Curriculum
1) CV
1. Undergraduate and graduate studies
1987: Degree in Economics, University of Salerno, Italy. Grade: summa cum laude.
1992: Master degree in Development Economics, CSREAM, University of Naples, Portici, Italy.
1993: Ph.D. in Economics, University of Naples, Italy.
1993-1994: Visiting Student, University of Warwick, UK.
2. Academic positions
1996-2002: University of Salerno, Assistant Professor of Economics.
2002-2011: University of Salerno, Associate Professor of Economics.
2011-present: University of Salerno, Professor of Economics.
3. Visiting positions
2014-2017: Visiting Fellow, Essex Business School (UK).
4. Teaching experience
1991-1997: Teaching assistant in Microeconomics, University of Benevento, Italy.
1996-present: Undergraduate and graduate courses in Economics, Microeconomics and Industrial Organization, University of Salerno.
5. Research activity
1992-1999: Research Fellow at the CNR-IRiDiSS (National Council of Researches - Institute of Researches on the Dynamics of Social Security), Penta di Fisciano, Salerno, Italy.
1995-2000: Research Fellow at the IREPA (Institute for Economic Researches on Fisheries and Aquaculture), Salerno, Italy.
1995-1998: Research Fellow in the EU-funded project "Innovative integrated bio-economic models for the management of multi species and multi gear fisheries".
2003-2004: Director of the MIUR research project on "Tourism and territory".
2020-present: Research Fellow in the Research Project of National Relevance “A new assessment of cohesion policies’ effectiveness: Macro and micro approaches” (2017JRWTJC_003).
2023-present: Research Fellow in the Research Project of National Relevance “Green investments and environmental risks: Banks, firms and public policies” (202259EZSJ).
2023-present: Associated Investigator in the PNRR Research Project of National Relevance “From banking diversity to local sustainable development and inclusive growth: Lessons from Italy and cross-country comparisons” (P2022WP49F).
6. Refereeing activity
Referee for: Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, British Journal of Management, Economic Analysis and Policy, Economic Modelling, Economic Notes, Economic Systems, Economics Letters, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, European Journal of Political Economy, Financial Innovation, German Economic Review, International Journal of Social Economics, International Review of Financial Analysis, Italian Economic Journal, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Growth, Journal of Economic Integration, Journal of Economics and Business, Journal of Financial Services Research, Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions and Money, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, Quantitative Finance, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Regional Studies Regional Science, Review of Economics and Statistics, Review of Finance, Review of Industrial Organization, Spatial Economic Analysis, Telecommunications Policy, The Manchester School.
7. Main fields of interest
Features and functioning of banking markets. Financial sector and economic growth. Banks and local economic development. Theoretical and empirical industrial organisation.
8. Academic positions
Member of the Faculty of the Ph.D. Program in "Economics of the Public Sector", Doctoral School "Antonio Genovesi", University of Salerno.
2005-2010: Member of the Training and Apprenticeship Committee of the Faculty of Economics, University of Salerno.
2005-2012: Member of the Scientific Committee for the awarding of the research funds sourced from the FARB (Fondi di Ateneo per Ricerca di Base, Funding for Basic Research) programme of the University of Salerno, Economic and Statistical Sciences.
2008-2013: Deputy Manager for the Faculty of Economics website and Member of the management committee of the Department of Economics and Statistics website, University of Salerno.
2010-2012: Chair of the entrance examination test committee for the first-level degree courses in Economics, University of Salerno.
2011-2015: Deputy Head of the Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Salerno.
2012-2019: Scientific Head of LABETI (Research Laboratory of Economics and Technologies for Innovation), Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Salerno.
2013-2014: Chair of the Teaching Council of Economics, University di Salerno.
2013-2016: Member of the Faculty Council, Faculty of Economics and Political Social & Communication Sciences, University of Salerno.
2013-2016: Member of the Department Executive Committee, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Salerno.
2015-2018: Member of the entrance examination test committee for the second-level degree courses in Economics, University of Salerno.
2016-2019: Head of the Research Committee, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Salerno.
2018-2021: Head of the Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Salerno.
2018-2022: Elected member of the Academic Senate, University of Salerno.
2019-2021: Member of the Academic Committee on supporting and funding students’ mobility, University of Salerno.
2019: Member of the Academic Committee on revising the rules for self-certification and verification of teaching and service activities for students provided by professors and lecturers, University of Salerno.
2019-2021: Member of the Academic Committee for the authorization of outside work for pay by professors and lecturers, University of Salerno.
2022-present: Member of Board of the University of Salerno Foundation.
9. Other positions and activities
2002-present: Member of the Italian Economic Association.
2006-2010: Responsible for the analysis and interpretation of data from a half-yearly survey on the economic and productive system of the province of Salerno, joint with Confindustria Salerno (the local association representing the Italian manufacturing and service companies).
2009: Dissertation committee member for PhD candidates in Applied Economics (cycles XVI e XXI), University of Calabria.
2013: Discussant at the Conference "Prestare in tempo di crisi: economie locali e credito nella grande recessione del 2008-09", organized by the Bank of Italy and the Department of Economics Marco Biagi of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Modena, 21-22 March).
2013-2015: Responsible for the analysis and interpretation of data from a half-yearly survey on the dynamics of the building sector in the province of Salerno, joint with ANCE Salerno (the local association of the National Association of Construction Companies).
2015-2016: Scientific supervisor of the Economic Observatory of the Campania Federation of Cooperative Banks for the analysis of regional socio-economic and financial trends.
2016: Eligible member of the Italian Evaluation Committee for professorship positions (ASN 2016), sector 13/A1 (Economics).
2018-present: Member of the Scientific Committee of the MMF-EFIC Conference in Banking, Finance and Financial Econometrics, Essex Business School, University of Essex (UK).
2018-2021: Member of the Italian Evaluation Committee (in execution of judicial decisions) for professorship positions (ASN 2016), sector 13/A1 (Economics).
2021: Eligible member of the Italian Evaluation Committee for professorship positions (ASN 2016), sector 13/A1 (Economics).
10. Awards
1993-1994: Study abroad research grant, University of Salerno.
1996-1997: Post-doctoral research grant, University of Salerno.
2016: International Visiting Fellow appointment and grant, University of Essex (UK).
2018: Best Paper Award in Finance, 24th ERF Annual Conference, Cairo, Egypt (8-10 July) for the paper “How Far Away is the MENA Banking System? Efficiency Comparisons with International Banks” (with M. Chaffai).
2) Main publications