Chiara Maria LAMBERT | Curriculum
Chiara Maria LAMBERT Curriculum
06.04.1961 - Turin
Associate Professor of Early Christian and Medieval Archaeology (since 2011) at the Department of Science of Cultural Heritage (DISPAC) of the University of Salerno, she teaches Late Antique Archaeology , Medieval Archaeology, Archaeology of Medieval Settlements, Medieval Epigraphy (Master Degree in Archaeology and Ancient Cultures, School of Specialization in Archaeological Heritage). Member of the Board of the Doctorate 'Research and Studies on Antiquity, Middle Ages and Humanis' , University of Salerno.
Graduated in Turin (1985), qualified as Teacher of Literary Subjects in Secondary Schools and High Schools (1987), specialized in Turin (1988), PhD at the Univ. University of Rome "La Sapienza" (1993), Researcher at the University of Salerno (1998).
She has participated in national and international research projects on transformations of the city and territory use in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages (Christianization of space, funerary archeology and history of mentalities underlying rituals and mode of deposition).
Since 1998 she conducts a systematic study of the late antique and medieval epigraphic heritage of Campania [Inscriptiones Christianae Italiae saeculo septimo antiquiores (ICI); Inscriptiones Medii Aevi Italiae saecula VI-XII (IMAI)].
She collaborates with the Bureau of Benevento of Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage for the study of burials, epigraphic and sculptural artifacts; coordinating a project of archaeometric applications on ancient stones, in collaboration with the II University Naples.
She has carried out excavations and archaeological surveys in Italy (Novalesa, Almese, Imola, Lu Monferrato Curteri, Mercogliano, Grottaminarda) and France (Autun, Auxerre).
She is author of monographs, contributions in Conference proceedings and in national and international magazines; she is part of the Scientific Committee of some magazines.