Fernanda MAZZOTTA | Curriculum
Fernanda MAZZOTTA Curriculum
Born in Naples, December 10th, 1964
Running (7 m/KM), Italian cooking and walking around
Email. mazzotta@unisa.it
General information: Fernanda Mazzotta is Assistant Professor in Labour Economics and Human Resources at the Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Salerno. Her main research interests are: labour and social economics, youth unemployment, reservation wage, gender wage differentials and poverty. She’s member of the Research Centre of Labour Economics and Political Economy (CELPE). In addition, she has participated in several European research projects. Including Galca (2003), Active Ageing: Evaluating active ageing policies in Italy (2010) and an FTP7 project “Strategic Transition for Youth Labour in Europe” (STYLE), University of Brighton (2014-2017, Proposal ID: 613256)
1992 Degree in Economics and Commerce, University of Salerno, Title of dissertation “Poverty: methodological aspects and an estimate for Italy”.
1996 She completed PhD in “Public Sector Economics” (8th cycle), Economic's Faculty, University of Salerno, with a thesis entitled “Reservation wage and the probability of success in the search for a job in Italy: an estimate using the new Istat panel study” (Jan. 1994 – Jan 1995).
Since 1999, She has been working as University Lecturer, with tenure, Economic's Faculty, University of Salerno, within the disciplinary sector P01A. Her current position is “ricercatore confermato” (assistant professor).
Labour Economics and Human Resource, within the specialisation in Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Salerno.
I’m more skilled in Applied microeconomics
English - basic written and spoken English
French - scholastic French
Detailed knowledge of the statistical and econometric modelling packages as STATA, SPSS and LIMDEP. Experiences of programming in FORTRAN and SAS,
A.1 Mazzotta, F., (1998b) “Salario di riserva e probabilità di successo della ricerca di lavoro in Italia: una stima sul nuovo panel ISTAT”,Lavoro e Relazioni Industriali, n. 2, Roma, pp. 115-174. ISSN1129-6291; Reservation wage and employment probability: estimates on ISTAT panel
A.2 Mazzotta, F., (1999), “Efficienza tecnica delle nuove imprese nelle aree in crisi: un’analisi sulla legge 44”, L’Industria, n. 3, Il Mulino, pp. 511-536. ISSN0019-7416; DOI: 10.1430/2248; ISBN: 06927-2248. Technical Efficiency of firms in 44 incentives Italian law.
A.3 Autiero, G., Bruno, B., Mazzotta, F., (2001), “Modelli istituzionali e mercato del lavoro: un’analisi delle corrispondenze”, Economia & Lavoro, XXXV, 3. Donzelli, Roma, pp. 31-52. ISSN0012-978X; ISBN: 88-7989-703-9.
A.4 Autiero, G., Mazzotta, F., (2001), “Job search methods: the choice between the public and the private sector”, Lavoro e Relazioni Industriali, n. 1 gennaio – giugno 2001, pp. 37-65 . ISSN1129-6291
A.5 Mazzotta, F., (2007), “Disoccupazione e povertà giovanile: il ruolo del background familiare”, Economia & Lavoro, Maggio Agosto 2007, n. 2, pp. 35 – 59. ISSN0012-978X, ISBN:978-88-430-4371-2. Unemployment and youth’ poverty: the role of family background
A.6 Bettio, F., Mazzotta, F., (2011) “Aspettative salariali disattese: il divario Nord - Sud”, Rivista Italiana degli Economisti , XVI, n. 1, aprile 2011, Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 109-148; ISSN: 1593-8662; DOI: 10.1427/33905. Reservation wage and expected wage: North – South differences in Italy.
A.7. Bettio, F., Mazzotta, F., (2011), “The future of care in Europe. Exploring the trade-offs that are driving change”, in Kurswechsel, 4/2011,Journal of the Committee for Socio-economic and environmental alternatives (BEIGEWUM: Beirat für gesellschafts-, wirtschafts- und umweltpolitische Alternativen). Zulassungs nr. : 1104 50 W 88 U; pp. 36-49, ISSN: 1016-8419.
A.8 Aina C., Mazzotta F., Parisi L. (2012), “Income inequality among family members in Italy: who gains and who loses?”, in Genus, vol 68 (3), ISSN 2035-5556, pp. 23-41.
1) “Structural impact of informal caregiving on women’s labour supply: A Cross-European Comparison”, Francesca Bettio and Fernanda Mazzotta
The theoretical models on intra-household allocation have largely focused on the parental allocation of resources and the well being of children. Considerable less attention has been devoted to examining these distributional issues in the context of intergenerational families consisting of elderly parents and their adult children. With the increasing number of person surviving until older ages, often with disabilities and economical problems, family support (both in care activity and in economical contribution) is very important to maintain frail elderly persons in the community.
With this project I want to contribute to this research area by exploring questions concerning intergenerational transfer of financial resources and of time for long term care. In the current research project I intend to focus on the implication of elderly care for hours of work of the caregivers and in particular to extend the attention on the cultural attitude of the families. I used the Wolf and Soldo model(1994), and I try to estimate the hours of care and also the hours of work, controlling for some demographic variables and cultural variables (related to the duties and responsibility that people may have in their family)
Wolf, D. A., Soldo, B. J., (1994), Married Women’s Allocation of Time to Employment and Care of Elderly Parents, The Journal of Human Resources, XXIX, 4, pp. 1258-1276
2) Monetary and non monetary inequality within family
This project is very new. The object is to analyse the monetary and time using inequality within family. One first question was: a greater monetary contribution inside the family was synonymous of greater bargaining power (bargaining approach), so we will expect to find a positive relation between the personal monetary contribution and the decision making in the family and a negative relation between the decision making and the home working hours? Or on the contrary, according an home production approach, higher personal wage will either decrease this partner’s share in home production, or will have no effect at all on the distribution of home production between partners. So overall we will expect to find a negative relationship between monetary inequality and decision making and positive relation with hours of home working. We use a model quite similar to which used by Dobbelsteen and Kooreman (1997). Differently we consider a measure of income inequality and hours of home working inequality and we analyse the relation between those inequality measures and variables expressing the decision making in the family . We prefer an inequality measure because we think that in a couple, it’s important not only the absolute level of the personal wage but the relative measure in the family and how the intra-household resource (monetary and time) are allocate. We build two measure of inequality and we decompose its in a within and between family.
The second question is: A more equitable resources allocation within the family was better or not for individual or family welfare?
This last is a challenge and it’s difficult the reply, but any suggestion should be welcome.
For our analyses, we use Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) data.
3a) Foreign and domestic firms employment growth over the global crisis in Italy Anna M. Ferragina and Fernanda Mazzotta.
Making use of an original data set we investigate the effects of FDI on the conditional labour demand of a panel of Italian manufacturing firms over the crisis. We investigate upon the effects of the recent global crisis on Italian firms’ employment growth according to firm ownership status. The focus is upon the differential behaviour of foreign and domestic firms in the context of the global turbulence of 2008-2009. We estimate growth equations where the dependent variable is the log difference in employment, allowing the crisis to impact differently on firms growth trajectories according to ownership status, but also to other control variables following theories which justify firms’ growth on size (Evans, 1987), age (Jovanovic), involvment in exports (Liut, Tsou and Hammit, 1999), capital structure and financial health (Lang, Ofek anbd Stulz, 1996), innovation activities (Hall,1987). Descriptive statistics on employment growth for different subgroups of firms (all firms, small-medium, medium-large and large), both the whole period 2002-2009 period and the crisis years show an employment dynamic lower in foreign multinationals with respect to the other firm categories in all the different firms size classes. We check these descriptive results by Fixed Effect Model (FEM) and by system GMM regressions. We estimate a dynamic panel data model by means of System GMM allowing for the endogeneity of our right hand side regressors, especially of our FDI measures.
Keywords: FDI, employment adjustment, Gibrat’s Law,industry growth, Italian productive system, market dynamics.
3b) Italian firms’ survival and growth: a multidimensional analysis of globalization, innovation and agglomeration.
In this paper, we propose to adopt a “multidimensional approach” to the analysis of survival which combines firms, industry and location specific determinants of Italian manufacturing firms mortality. We would estimate firm hazard rates by checking for size (Evans, 1987), age (Jovanovic), involvement in exports (Liut, Tsou and Hammit, 1999), foreign ownership (Wagner, 2012), capital structure and financial health (Lang, Ofek anbd Stulz, 1996), innovation activities (Hall,1987) and economies of agglomeration (Cainelli, 2010) also checking for the effects of the crisis (Bugamelli et al., 2009 and Censis, 2010). We use the Aida data set (2002-2011), an extensive collection of information at firm level, including R&D activities, dimension, age, capital intensity, wage, region and province localization and merge them with data from ISTAT (census and yearly series of “Provincial Accounts” and the percentage change of the Industrial Production Index (IPI) at the national and province level, to account for the effects of cyclical factors). The localisation variables are used to build indicators of local agglomeration of activities, entropy, concentration (such as Theil and Balassa index), local industrial clusters of activities.
3c) Does “Knowledge” Affect Innovation in Small and Medium Firms?
Salvatore Farace and Fernanda Mazzotta
The paper analyze empirically the probability and the intensity of innovation in small and medium firms. Besides traditional variables, such as the firm’s dimension and sector which are known to boost innovation, we put emphasis on the level of firm’s knowledge, captured by human capital and networks. To investigate the relation between innovation and knowledge a Probit and a Poisson regression model are applied to an ad hoc survey OPIS (Permanent Observatory on Enterprises in the province of Salerno). This survey provides information on a representative sample of manufactured firms from a province of Southern Italy. The empirical results confirm that on one hand both the entrepreneur and workers’ human capital have a positive impact on innovation and on the other hand also networks inside the firms, through the decision making participation of the workers, shows a positive impact on innovation. The productive chain the firm belongs to is considered the most important external network in terms of knowledge and innovation. Besides we can control for survival of the same sample of firms after fifteen years and investigate on the effect of innovation on the firm’s activity.