Premi per la ricerca

Carmen GALLUCCI Premi per la ricerca

Best Paper Award
ICSB (International Council of Small Business)
Best Conference Paper Award for First-Time Presenter
IFERA (International Family Enterprises Research Academy)
Best Foreign Contribution Award
Best Foreign Contribution Award - Grand Prix de l'Economie PME 2015: "Profile of female leadership. The results of She Busienss Project", Le Grand Livre de l'Economiè PME (3° ed.), Lextenso Editions, ISBN 978-2-297-02068-8 (co-autori Carmen Gallucci, Giuliana Saccà, Francesca Saccà)
Ministère de l'Eduction Nationale (Francia), KPMG, CGPME, Fédère les dirigeants de TPE et PME parisiennes
Highly Commended Award at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence
The award winning papers are chosen following consultation amongst the journal’s Editorial Team, many of whom are eminent academics or managers. The papers are selected as they were the most impressive pieces of work the team has seen throughout the year.
Emerald Publishing - Regno Unito
  Fonte dati IRIS-RM