Massimiliano POLICHETTI | Curriculum
Massimiliano POLICHETTI Curriculum

Massimiliano Polichetti, PhD, graduated in Physics, is Associate Professor at the Department of Physics, University of Salerno. He made research activity at the University of Salerno, with a "Visiting Fellowship" at the Imperial College London (England), at the University of Leiden (The Netherlands) and at the Slovak Academy of Sciences of Bratislava (Slovakia). Since 2001 he has been teaching courses at students in Physics, in Chemistry and in Biology. He has been member of the Salerno University Scientific Board, of the Quality System Committee, of the Restricted Departmental Committee ("Giunta"), and of the "Dottorato" (PhD) Teaching Board. Actually, he is delegated for the Relations with the Enterprises, and for the "Placement" activity . He is Associated Editor of the journal “Frontiers in Physics / Condensed Matter Physics”, and of the journal “Frontiers in Materials”, Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Applied Sciences” - Material Section, and of the Journal "Materials", referee for various international scientific journals, and Tutor of PhD students and of graduating students during the carrying out of their degree Thesis. He is associated to the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) and is the Italian responsible of the International Project for Scientific Cooperation between CNR and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2013-2015 and 2019-2021/22). He is responsible of the laboratory for magnetic measurements "LAMBDA" ( 'Laboratory for Analysis of Materials Behaviour in Dc and Ac fields' ) at the Department of Physics. He has professional experience in electrical and magnetic properties of superconductors and magnetic materials, in automated data acquisition systems, high field magnets, cryogenic techniques, design, realization and test of equipment for measurements of electrical and magnetic properties of materials. He is author of more than 140 scientific publications on scientific journals and conference proceedings.