
Knowledge and understanding:
Balance equations in differential and integral form for mass, momentum, energy and chemical species. The stress tensor and its properties. Newtonian, non-newtonian and viscoelastic fluids. Solution of momentum balance equations with more than one independent variable. Stream and velocity potential functions. Temperature profiles in systems dependent on two variables. Analogies between heat and mass transport and main dimensionless numbers. Transport properties in the turbulent regime. Theories for the description of the coefficients of heat and mass exchange. Transport of chemical species with homogeneous chemical reaction.

Applying knowledge and understanding – engineering analysis
The student will be able to understand the underlying mechanisms of transport phenomena and to break down complex problems into simpler problems being aware of the simplifications and approximations. The student will be able to find solutions to complex variable problems of several variables, introducing the necessary simplifications based for example on the analysis of orders of magnitude.

Applying knowledge and understanding – engineering design
Ability to write and solve in an appropriate way, also with the aid of a computer, the balance equations with the appropriate boundary conditions, for problems of transport of mass, momentum and heat.

Making judgments - engineering practice:
After the course, the student will be able to use a software for the solution of transport equations.

Communication skills – transversal skills:
Capacity to work in groups and to present with the help of a computer the solution to a momentum, heat or mass transport problem

Learning skills – transversal skills:
Knowing how to apply their knowledge to contexts different from those presented during the course, and deepen the topics using materials other than those proposed.
Essential prerequisites:
- concepts of momentum, energy and material balances on closed systems and on open systems
- concepts of transfer coefficients
- concepts of differential and integral calculus
- Elements of hydrostatic and hydrodynamics (3h th, 2h ex):
Surface tension. Eq. of continuity, stress tensor and pressure
- Momentum balance for newtonian and non-newtonian fluids (6h th, 8h ex):
Newton's Equations, non-newtonian fluids, examples of rheological equations, solution of some simple problems of motion for viscous fluids, pressure and temperature dependence of viscosity, rheometry in shear flow; Navier-Stokes equation; Non-dimentional form and main dimensionless numbers; scaling of variables; vorticity.
- Elements of viscoelasticity (5h th, 6h ex):
phenomenology and physical phenomena; some simple analog models; maxwell model; behaviour of fluids in shear and elongational flows.
- Two-dimensional flow and stream function (4h th, 6h ex):
streamlines, viscous flow around a sphere; velocity potential in the solution of flow problems for ideal fluids; ideal flow around a cylinder and other solutions based on velocity potential. Lubrication theory and its applications.
- Boundary layer for velocity (3h th, 1h ex):
boundary layer theory; boundary layer separation, friction factor for flow around objects.
- The energy equation and its forms (4h th, 3h ex):
convective transport of energy; energy balance in eulerian and lagrangian forms; mechanical energy equation; energy equation in terms of internal energy, enthalpy and temperature; dimensional analysis of energy equation and main dimensionless numbers;
- Use of a software for the solution of problems of transport phenomena (30h Lab)
- Heat transfer for fluids in pipes (4h th, 4h ex):
development of thermal profile in a heated pipe; fully developed temperature profile; dimensionless temperature; evolution of hermal profile in the entrance region; temperature profiles with viscous dissipation
- Transient temperature profiles in solids (4h th, 4h ex):
penetration theory; multidimensional heat transfer; heat transfer with solidification
- Mass balance equation (3h th, 3h ex):
average velocities; the convective and diffusive mass flow; balance equation chemical species, special cases; dimensionless form of mass balance equation; comparison among the momentum, energy and mass balance equations; analogies; physical meaning of the main dimensionless numbers and scaling of variables
- Theories for the calculation of mass tranfer coefficients (3h th, 3h ex):
film theory; penetration and surface renewal theories; correlation for mass transfer coefficients at a fluid-fluid interface;
analysis of the boundary layer thickness for temperature and concentration: mass and heat tranfer coefficients at a fluid-solid interface;
- Absorption with chemical reaction (3h th, 3h ex):
characteristic time of reaction; slow, fast and instantaneous reactions;
- Transport phenomena in turbulent flow (3h th, 2h ex):
time smoothing and averages; turbulent flows and diffusivities; temperature profiles in turbulent flow; turbulent boundary layer, transport coefficients in turbulent flow
Teaching Methods
The course consists in front lessons (45 h), classroom exercises (45 h) and computer applications (30 h) for a total amount of 120 hours which are worth 12 credits. The exercises are conducted in a cooperative way, led by the teacher, and are aimed at analyzing a complex problem of transport phenomena, dividing it into simpler problems by operating the right simplifications (and verifying them) through the analysis of orders of magnitude of involved variables. At the beginning of the course a project is assigned to students, divided into groups. The project has to be developed during the course. The project consists in approaching a problem of transport phenomena using a finite element program.
Verification of learning
The assessment of the achievement of the objectives will be done through a written test, a presentation of the work done in group and an oral interview.
The written test typically consists of two questions to be answered in three hours. A list of past tests can be found at the webiste
The questions concern problems of transport of momentum, heat or chemical species. In order to pass the test, the student must demonstrate to be able to identify the relevant transport phenomena and to properly formulate the macroscopic and differential balances.
The presentation of the project is carried out with a multimedia support. Students have 20min to illustrate the key points of the work. The mark is assigned on the basis of the ability to explain the problem and the methods used to address the problem.
The interview typically lasts about 30min. Students are required to deal with a problem involving transport phenomena and are asked questions aimed at evidencing the reasoning skills on aspects of interest for the course.
The final vote is expressed in a scale from 1 to 30, with a pass grade equal to 18. It is an average of the results obtained in the three tests and is based on the degree of mastering on content and methodological tools on the topics of the course, taking into account the quality of written and oral exposition and the autonomy of judgment demonstrated.
It is an essential condition for passing the exam the correct formulation of differential balances of momentum, energy and chemical species; the analytical resolution of problems of molecular transport depending on time for one-dimensional systems, the correct determination of the characteristic times and of the dimensionless numbers involved.
The student reaches the level of excellence once proving to be able to deal with problems (including unusual or not specifically presented in class) operating the correct simplifications and reaching a complete solution of all the parts, with the verification of the assumptions made.

All the information concerning the course can be found on the webiste
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