
Rosanna MANZO Curriculum

Rosanna MANZO obtained degree cum laude in Mathematics in 1996 and the PhD in Information Engineering in 2007 at University of Salerno. She has been a researcher assistant from 1999 at the Univerity of Salerno.

She has been researcher in Mathematical Analysis since March 1st, 2006 and she is associate professor in Mathematical Analysis since February 1st, 2019.

She obtained National Scientific Habilitation to the function of Full Professor in disciplinary scientific group 01/MATH-03

-Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, disciplinary scientific sector MATH-03/A from 09/11/2020 up to 09/11/20321.

She has been member of the University of Salerno Spin-off and innovative start-up X-FOR S.r.L. from 10 July 2023 up to 21 October 2024.

The research activity focuses on the following topics:

  • fluid dynamic models for road networks, telecommunication networks, supply chains and blood flows;
  • optimal control for hybrid systems;
  • variational analysis and optimization in normed spaces;
  • semigroups theory for linear elliptic and parabolic operators;
  • queueing systems and networks.

She is responsible of the Simulation and Optimization lab.

She participatesd to the realization of interesting research projects, also as Project Manager and she has been the coordinator of formation projects related to PON 2007-2013 projects.

She is author of about 150 papers, divided in 9 book chapters, 90 international journal papers, 4 didactic books of exercises, and numerous conference papers.

She is Math Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet since 2020.

She is Accademic Editor of Abstract and Applied Analysis since September 2023 and AIMS Mathematics since January 2025.

She collaborates with foreign professors: A.N. Dudin, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Belarusian State University, Minsk; P.I. Kogut, Department of Differential Equations, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro; B. Piccoli, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Rutgers University, Camden, NJ.

prof. Manzo is member of G.N.A.M.P.A. (National Group of Mathematical Analysis, Probability and its Applications), INdAM (National Istitute of High Mathematics “Francesco Severi”), AIRO (Italian Operational Research Society), UMI (Italian Mathematical Union) and SIMAI (Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics), Mathesis (Italian Society of Mathematical and Physical Sciences). She collaborates with CIRCLES (Congestion Impacts Reduction via CAV-in-the-loop Lagrangian Energy Smoothing) Consortium from July 2023.

Scopus H-Index: 18