Simona CONCILIO | Curriculum
Simona CONCILIO Curriculum
Simona Concilio was born in Salerno, on January 14th 1972.
She received her Ph.D. in Chemistry in 2000 from the University Federico II in Napoli, with a thesis on Synthesis and characterisation of macromolecular materials with nonlinear optical properties.
During the PhD she spent one year at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in the group of prof. U. W. Suter (Dep. of Materials), working on the realization of thermally stable polyquinoline-based matrices and the nonlinear optical characterization of organic molecules.
She received thePremio Randazzo, signed by Società Chimica Italiana for the best PhD thesis in Chemistry in 1999.
She then held a Research Fellowship with prof. P. Iannelli at the University of Salerno (2001), where she worked on the synthesis of conjugated organic molecules with light-emitting, liquid-cristalline and third order nonlinear optical properties and on their structural characterization.
After a post doctoral stay with the group of prof. F. Diederich at the Department of Organic Chemistry of the ETH-Zuerich, working on the third and second-order characterization of polytriacetylenes and other conjugated compounds, in 2002 she returned with a post-doc fellowship to the Chemical and Food Engineering Department of University of Salerno, where she worked on the photo- and electroluminescent properties of organic materials, touching such topics as the synthesis and the characterization of photo-emmitting semiflexible polymers for organic LED applications, LC-polyuretanes, azo-containing polymers.
In 2003 she obtained a position as Assistant Professor in Chemistry at the University of Salerno, Faculty of Pharmacy, where she started to work on the synthesis of polymeric materials for pharmaceutical application and on the synthesis of materials for electro-optic devices.
In 2015, she received a research and teaching contract at UIB, Universitat de Les Illes Baleares, on the topic, “Study of the interaction between G proteins and cell membrane.” During this period, SC gives a series of lectures and seminars as part of the “Máster Universitario: Biotecnología Aplicada (MBTA)”
In 2019 she obtained a position as Associate Professor in General and Inorganic Chemistry (CHIM/03), at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno.
In 2022 she obtained the National Scientific Qualification for Full Professor, sector 03/B1 - Fundamentals of Chemical Sciences and Inorganic Systems
Since 2023 she has been Coordinator of the European Project NEWROAD, Grant Agreement No. 101080024 - cofunded by the European Union, EU4Health Programme (EU4H).
Since March 2025, she has been Director of the Interdepartmental Center on Biomaterials (BIONAM), which includes the Departments of Pharmacy, Chemistry and Biology, Medicine and Surgery, and Industrial Engineering at the University of Salerno.
The research activity has been devoted to the synthesis and characterization of polymeric systems.
Her main research topics are:
Fluorescent organo-metallic compounds;
Biopolymer for tissue engineeing,
Synthesis of azopolymers for drug delivery.
Synthesis of antimicrobial materials for pharmaceutical applications.
Simona Concilio has authored 104 publications in refereed international journals (H-index 30) and a number of communications at international and national conferences. She is a reviewer for several international journals (ISI).