
Consiglia TEDESCO Curriculum

Since 1996 the research activity of Consiglia Tedesco is focused on to the structural characterization of crystalline materials.
As Ph.D. student (1996-1999) she contributed to the development of computer programs for the structural determination of fibrous crystalline polymers and to the structural characterization of polymer fibers. She spent the 3rd year of her Ph.D. studentship at the Laboratory of Crystallography of the University of Bayreuth (Germany) directed by prof. S. van Smaalen, where she worked at the structural characterization of crystalline polymers (powders and/or fibers) using both Image Plate and Curved Position Sensitive Detector. She worked also at the structural characterization of organo alkali metal complexes, carrying synchrotron radiation measurements at the NSLS, Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA) in collaboration with Dr. R. E. Dinnebier (Max Planck Institut for Solid State Research, Stuttgart).
From 2000 to 2001 as post-doctoral fellow she worked at the synthesis and structural characterization of polycrystalline materials with superconducting and magnetic properties in collaboration with the Department of Physics “E. R. Caianiello” of the University of Salerno and Unità INFM-Salerno.
Since 2001 as researcher at the University of Salerno (CHIM02, Physical Chemistry) she worked in the field of structural characterization of crystalline solid materials both as single crystal or powders or fibers paying particular attention to those difficult cases with an unfavourable ratio between experimental data and structural parameters. In this cases the difficulties were overcome by using synchrotron light or by devising algorithms to actively use chemical information and search more efficiently the direct space.
From November 2004 to June 2005 she worked in the Macromolecular Crystallography group at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) Grenoble, France, directed by Dr. S. McSweeney. She was interested in the crystallization, structure solution and refinement of proteins, with the aim of applying experimental techniques and computing methods to the study of synthetic supramolecular complexes.
She is currently involved in the design and characterization of new supramolecular materials based on organic macrocycles as calixarene and cyclopeptoids using single crystal X-ray diffraction and X-ray powder diffraction.
During the period 2006-20010 she has been Main Proposer of six research projects aimed at the structural characterization of the inclusion properties of a nanostructured supramolecular compound with nanosized pores. These projects have obtained beamtime at ESRF on the beamlines BM08, ID31, ID11 and ID13.

In 2005 she was elected to the Computing Methods and Instrumentation Facilities Committee of the Italian Association of Crystallography, in 2008 she has been re-elected to the same committee for the period 2008-2011.
In 2011 she has been elected as Councilor of the Italian Association of Crystallography for the period 2012-2014.
She was member of the Scientific Committee of the 35th Congress of the Italian Association of Crystallography and organized the microsymposium “Computational studies and crystallography”.
In 2009 she was responsible for the organization of the 38th Congress of the Italian Association of Crystallography, which took place in Salerno from September 20th to 23th.
She is referee for J. Am. Chem. Soc., Chemistry of Materials, Scientific Reports, Crystal Growth & Design, Langmuir, Powder Diffraction, CrystEngComm.
Up to now she authored 68 articles and 4 book chapters.