Giovanni Maria RICCIO | Publications
Giovanni Maria RICCIO Publications
2023 | |
Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio) | |
Canzone napoletana, Chanson française and Southern Italian Folk Music: Who Took from Whom?. In Music Borrowing and Copyright Law A Genre-by-Genre Analysis Pag.321-338 Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN:9781509949397 | |
Riccio, Giovanni Maria | |
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2023 | |
Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio) | |
Copyright as a Fundamental Right and the Infl uence of the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights and of the European Court of Justice. In The European Convention on Human Rights and its Impact on National Private Law Pag.157-176 Intersentia. ISBN:9781839703423 | |
Riccio, Giovanni Maria | |
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2023 | |
Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio) | |
Metaverso, logiche proprietarie e poteri privati. In Metaverso. Diritti degli utenti - piattaforme digitali - privacy - diritto d'autore - profili penali - blockchain e NFT Pag.85-101 Pacini Giuridica. | |
Riccio, Giovanni Maria | |
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2023 | |
Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio) | |
La disciplina normativa del crowdfunding. In Creare valore condiviso Crowdfunding e co-progettazione negli ecosistemi dell’innovazione sociale. Pag.177-182 Venezia Marsilio. ISBN:9788829719341 | |
Riccio, Giovanni Maria | |
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