
Enzo MARTINELLI Curriculum

Born in ROME, June 11th 1975


1999 MSc Degree in Civil Engineering at the UNIVERSITY OF SALERNO (110/110 cum laude) (graduation thesis on the Service Limit State of Steel-Concrete Composite Beams);

2003 PhD Degree in Structural Engineering at the UNIVERSITY OF SALERNO (dissertation on the analysis of Steel-Concrete Composite beams and frames in partial interaction);


2015 Associate Professor in Structural Analysis and Design (ICAR/09: Tecnica delle Costruzioni) at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Salerno, Italy;

2005 Assistant Professor in Structural Analysis and Design (ICAR/09: Tecnica delle Costruzioni) at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Salerno, Italy;

2003 Post-Doc Position at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Salerno, Italy;


2017 Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (Repubblica Italiana, Legge 30 Dicembre 2010, n.240) alle funzioni di Professore Universitario di I Fascia, Settore Concorsuale 08/B3 – Tecnica delle Costruzioni (National Scientific Qualification (Italian Republic, Law 30 December 2010, n.240) for the Role of Full Professor – Sector 08/B3 – Structural Analysis and Design);

2013 Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (Repubblica Italiana, Legge 30 Dicembre 2010, n.240) alle funzioni di Professore Universitario di II Fascia, Settore Concorsuale 08/B3 – Tecnica delle Costruzioni (National Scientific Qualification (Italian Republic, Law 30 December 2010, n.240) for the Role of Associate Professor – Sector 08/B3 – Structural Analysis and Design);

2012 Qualification aux fonctions de Professeur des Universités, Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, République Française, Campagne 2012, Section: 60 - Mécanique, génie mécanique, génie civil; n. de qualification: 12160229787 (Qualification for the Role of University Professor, Ministry of High Education and Research, French Republic, Campaign 2012, Section: 60 – Mechanics, Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Qualification n. 12160229787).


2008-Pres Teaching the module “Strutture Speciali” (Special Structures) for students of the M.Sc. (and Ph.D.) Courses in both Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering at the School of Engineering of the University of Salerno (Italy);

2004-Pres. Co-teaching (with prof. Ciro Faella) of the module “Tecnica delle Costruzioni I” (Structures I) for students of the BSc Course in Civil Engineering at the School of Engineering of the University of Salerno;

2004-Pres. Co-teaching (with prof. Ciro Faella) of the module “Tecnica delle Costruzioni II” (Structures II) for students of the MSc Course in Civil Engineering at the School of Engineering of the University of Salerno;

2015-2017 Co-teaching of the Continuing Education Course on “Special Concretes” (Hormigones Especiales) at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) (Director prof. Paula Folino) – taught in Spanish.

2014 Teaching the module of “Stability of Structures: theoretical bases and applications” as part of the Master Course in “Structural Engineering” at the Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology of the National University of Tucuman (Argentina) “Federico II” – taught in English.

2007-2013 Teaching the module of “Stability of Steel Structures” in the Master Course on “Design of Steel Structures” at the University of Naples “Federico II” (Director prof. Antonello De Luca, President prof. Federico M. Mazzolani) – taught in English.

2003 Practical Exercises within the Course “Theory and Design of Bridges” (taught by prof. Emidio Nigro) for students of the MSc Course in Civil Engineering at the School of Engineering of the University of Salerno;


2016 PI of the project “Toward a unified modelling approach for next generation sustainable concrete” granted as part of the DAAD-MIUR Joint Mobility Programme 2015;

2015 Coordinator of the European Project “SUstainability-driven international/intersectoral Partnership for Education and Research in modelling next generation CONCRETE” SUPERCONCRETE (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 n° 645704);

2012 Coordinator of the European Project “Environmentally-friendly solutions for Concrete with Recycled and natural components” EnCoRe (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES n° 295283) (2012-2014) (;

2007 Coordinator for the research project titled “Identification of bonding relationships for FRP-to-concrete and FRCM-to-masonry under monotonic and cyclic actions”, granted by the Campania Region within the framework of the regional law on Innovation and Research (Legge Regionale n.5/2002) founded by the European Union;

2001 Coordinator for the research project devoted to “Theoretical and Experimental Models for C-FRP strengthened RC members” financed within the “Young Researchers Programme” of the University of Salerno;

2000 Coordinator for the research project devoted to “Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Steel-Concrete composite beams” financed within the “Young Researchers Programme” of the University of Salerno.


2010 University of Buenos Aires (AR) (UBACyT 2010/2012 Programme, Universidad de Buenos Aires - Ciencia y Tecnica 2010/2012): "Estudio multifisico y multiescala de procesos de degradacion mecanica en materiales estructurales", Coordinator prof. Guillermo J. Etse (UBACyT 20020090100139);

2011 CONICET (Argentinean Council for Research and Technology), University of Tucuman and the University of Buenos Aires (AR): “Fiber Reinforced Quasi-brittle Porous Materials: Multiscale and Multiphysic Approach”, Coordinator prof. Guillermo J. Etse (PIP 112 201101 01079).

2014 University of Buenos Aires (AR) (UBACyT 2014/2017 Programme, Universidad de Buenos Aires - Ciencia y Tecnica 2014/2017): "Análisis teórico y numérico del comportamiento de falla dependiente de la temperatura de materiales porosos compuestos como morteros y hormigones reforzados con fibras", Coordinator prof. Guillermo J. Etse (UBACyT 20020130100769BA);


European J. of Environmental and Civil Eng. (Taylor & Francis; Associate Editor);
AIMS Materials Science (Associate Editor);
The Open Construction & Building Technology (Bentham Open);
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (Hindawi, Associate Editor);
Fibers (MDPI);
Polymers (MDPI);
Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Springer);

ACI Material Journal;
ACI Structural Journal;
Advances in Concrete Construction (Techno-Press);
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering (Springer);
Cement and Concrete Composites (Elsevier);
Composites - Part B (Elsevier);
Composite Structures (Elsevier);
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (Wiley);
Computer and Structures (Elsevier);
Construction and Building Materials (Elsevier);
Engineering Fracture Mechnics (Elsevier);
Engineering Structures (Elsevier);
International Journal of Solids and Structures (Elsevier);
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (Elsevier);
Resources, Conservation & Recycling (Elsevier);
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Elsevier);
Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE);
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management (Taylor & Francis);
Journal of Composites for Construction (ASCE);
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE);
Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE);
Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A (Springer);
Mechanics Research Communications (Elsevier);
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (Springer);
Structural Concrete (Ernst & Sohn);
Structural Engineering and Mechanics (Techno-Press);
Structures and Buildings (Thomas Telford).


2019 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region (French Republic): Expert Evaluator of proposals submitted to the "Pack Ambition Recherche 2018" Programme;

2017 European Commission: Expert Evaluator of proposals submitted to Eureka/Eurostars Programme

2014, 2016, 2017 National Centre of science and technology evaluation (Kazakhstan): review of project proposal submitted for funding in national programmes;

2012 Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT): Exact Sciences & Engineering 2012 Call;

2012 Superior Council of the National Fund for Scientific & Technological Development (FONDECYT, Chile), 2012 Initiation into Research Funding Competition.


2017 Giuseppe Ferrara: Physical and mechanical characterisation of natural textile mortars for seismic strengthening of masonry walls (co-tutored by Dr Aron Gabor of the University “Claude Bernard” Lyon 1) (final defence foreseen in March/April 2020);

2016 Roberto Falcone: A Soft-Computing approach to seismic retrofitting of existign RC frames (final defence foreseen in May 2018);

2015 Marco Pepe: A conceptual approach to design recycled aggregate concrete for structural applications (co-tutored with prof. E.A.B. Koenders of the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, and prof. R.D. Toledo Filho of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil);

2013 Gaetano De Stefano: Analisi sismica di strutture in c.a. con tamponamenti in muratura,

2013 Antonio Caggiano: Meso-mechanical analysis of steel fiber-reinforced concrete (co-tutored with prof. Guillermo J. Etse of the Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, Argentina).

2011 Carmine Lima: Capacity Models for Beam-to-Column in RC Frames Under Seismic Actions;

2011 Gianpietro Camorani: A contribution to design of strengthening intervention on masonry structures based on composite materials: experimental investigation and theoretical models (in Italian).


2005 ACI (American Concrete Institute) – Italy Chapter: Work Group for the Italian Translation of the instruction ACI 440.R2: “Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures”.

2004 CNR (National Research Council): Work Group for "Guidelines for Design, Execution and Control of Strengthening Interventions by Means of Fibre-reinforced Composites".


2014 IRSES Secondment (as part of the EnCoRe Project (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES n° 295283) at the National University of Tucuman (UBA) from June to August;

2013 IRSES Secondment (as part of the EnCoRe Project (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES n° 295283) at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) from July to August;

2012 INSA - RENNES (FR): “Rapporteur” for the Ph.D. Dissertation by Lai Van Anh, advisor prof. Mohammed Hjiaj, (14 December 2012);

2012 IRSES Secondment (as part of the EnCoRe Project (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES n° 295283) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) from July to September;

2012 Visiting scholarship at NORSAR Stiftelsen - Kjeller, Oslo (NO) as part of the EU-funded NERA Project (EC project number 262330);

2012 Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina): Member of the Committee for the Ph.D. Dissertation of Paula Folino, advisor prof. Guillermo J. Etse (Faculty of Engineering, 16 March 2012);

2009 Sabbatical Semester as “Academic Guest” at the Laboratory of Structures of the Swiss Federal Laboratory for Material Sciences and Technology (EMPA) in Dübendorf (CH), (till 31 January 2010).

2007 Member of the Work Group on “Education” within the International Institute for FRP in Constructions (IIFC).


2016 University of Michigan (USA), two lectures on “Numerical modelling of RC slabs on grade” as part of the course “CEE 547-Pavement Analysis and Design”.

2013 Universidad de Buenos Aires (AR), Seminar "Structural concrete made with recycled components: empirical observations and fundamental modelling", 28 August 2013.

2013 Universidad Nacional de Tucuman (AR), Seminar "The EnCoRe Project (Environmentally friendly solutions for concrete with Recycled/Natural components)", 16 August 2013;

2012 Universidad de Buenos Aires (AR), Facultad de Ingenieria: Seminar "Current researches and open issues on design-oriented methods for analysing the seismic response of structural and non-structural components in buildings", 14 March 2012;

2012 Univesidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (BR), Programa de Engenharia Civil – COPPE/UFRJ: Seminar titled "The EnCoRe Project and other research activities currently ongoing at the Laboratory of Structures of the University of Salerno (Italy)", 10 August 2012;

2012 INSA - Rennes (FR), Seminar "Recent advances on the mechanical behaviour of concrete with recycled constituents", 25 September 2012;

INSA - Rennes (FR), Seminario " Seismic response of RC frames through nonlinear static analysis: discussion about some open issues", 26 September 2012;

2011 HILTI Corporation, Schaan (LI): Seminar titled: "Presentation of the University of Salerno and detailed research activities on Earthquake Engineering", 20 July 2011 (as part of a LLP Erasmus Staff-Training mobility);

2010 EMPA - Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt, Dübendorf (CH): Closing seminar at the end of a sabbatical semester: "Bond between FRP and Concrete: Experimental Work and Numerical Models", 25 January 2010;

2008 EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (CH), Faculté de l’Environnement Naturel, Architectural et Construit (ENAC): Invited Lecture on the Subject “Composite beams in partial interaction: theoretical models and applications”, 9 April 2008;

2002 INSA - Rennes (FR), Laboratoire de Mécanique des Materiaux et Structures: Seminar about the topic "Models for Steel-Concrete Composite Structures", 16 March 2002;


2013 CONICET, the Argentinean Council for Research and Technology, awarded the undersigned a three month scholarship for a visit at the National University of Tucuman;

2013 The EnCoRe Project (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES n° 295283), coordinated by the undersigned, has been selected as a "Success Story" among the “Research & Innovation” initiatives granted by the European Union;

2013 The TV Programme FUTURIS of EuroNews selected the aforementioned EnCoRe Project for an episode devoted to the topic of concrete sustainability.


CEO at TESIS srl, a spin-off company “approved” by the University of Salerno ( in July 2017.


English: Written (good), Spoken (fluent);
French: Written (intermediate), Spoken (good);
German: Written (basic), Spoken (basic);
Portuguese (Brasilian): Oral Practice;
Spanish: Written (intermediate), Spoken (fluent).


Member of the Board of Chartered Engineers (Ordine Professionale degli Ingegneri) of the Province of Salerno (Italy) since 2000;
Consultancy in the formulation and implementation of commercial software for structural analysis and design at Soft.Lab ( from 2002 and 2007;

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