
Mariarosaria FALANGA Curriculum

From 1/06/2019 – Associate Professor in the SSD PHYS-05/B - Physics of the Earth system, planets, space and climate, GSD 02/PHYS-05 - ASTROPHYSICS AND COSMOLOGY, PHYSICS OF SPACE, EARTH AND CLIMA, formerly SSD FIS/06 (Physics for the Earth System and the Circumterrestrial Medium).

01/11/2005-31/05/2019 University Researcher in SSD GEO/10 – Solid Earth Geophysics, at the Department of Information and Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics/DIEM.


From 01/31/2022 to 01/31/2031 - Full professor in the scientific sector 02/C1 ASTRONOMY, ASTROPHYSICS, PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETS.

From 01/26/2022 to 01/26/2031 - Full professor in the scientific sector 04/A4 GEOPHYSICS.

EDUCATION 2003- PhD degree in Physics at Salerno University. 1999- Master degree cum laudae in Physics at Salerno University.

RECENT TEACHING FISICA I e FISICA II, and Physics for biomedical application.


Her research interests are in the areas of solid earth geophysics, atmosphere and physical oceanography. In particular, her research activity focuses on the analysis and interpretation of experimental data, the modeling of complex systems and the development of methodologies suitable for non-linear dynamics. At present, she is involved in litosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling modeling.


Referee of the "Rita Levi Montalcini" projects in the GEV 04; Reviewer of research products for the VQR 2011-2014 and the VQR 2004-2010 on behalf of ANVUR in the GEV 04 and 02. Reviewer of the FIRB-Futuro in Ricerca 2013 projects. Referee for the several scientific journals in the fields of Physics and Geophysics.


She has more than one hundred publications in international journals and presentations at national and international conferences.

PRIZES Fund for the financing of basic research activities, FFABR, year 2017


Scientific Responsible for the Unit Research for the project PRIN 2022: Characterization of the Lithosphere-Ionosphere coupling during seismic phenomena, evaluated 100/100, D. D. n. 965 of 30 June 2023, MIUR - MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY AND RESEARCH, CUP D53D23004950006, funding 145173 euros, from 28.09.2023 to 28.09.2025

2014- PI of the project L.R. n.5/2002 year 2008: “Analisi batimetriche e mareali nei laghi della Campania”

2010 - PI of the project “Finanziamento Grandi e Medie Attrezzature - Università di Salerno: Autoscillazioni in sistemi naturali”

2008-Chief of UR relative to the FIrb project: ASPERITY: frAttura Sismica di Piccoli Eventi: osseRvazioni, metodologIe e esperimenTi di laboratorIo evaluated 38/40 admitted to financing but not founded

FARB(EX60%): PI continously from 2007-2024

PARTECIPATION TO INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL RESEARCH PROJECTS: - H2020 - S4CE (grant agreement No. 764810), Science for Clean Energy, 1-09-17-31/08/2020 - MED-SUV-MEDiterranean SUpersite Volcanoes, FP7 2013-2016, coord: G. Puglisi. - The VOLUME Project VOLcanoes: Understanding subsurface mass moveMEnt, Resp. C. Bean. -PRIN 2007, Studio del quadro deformativo a breve e lungo termine nella catena appenninica, mediante osservazioni geodetiche, geofisiche e geologiche ed esperimenti di modellazione numerica, al fine di definire una procedura per la stima deterministica della pericolosità sismica. Coor. Sci. E. Mantovani.

Conference Organization

Convener of the session S.1.11, Understanding volcanic processes through geophysical and volcanological data investigations, Cities on Volcanoes 10 (IAVCEI), NAPOLI , ITALY, SEPTEMBER 2-7, 2018

Organizing Committee member of the summer school No Risk No Energy Summer School H2020 project S4CE (Science4Clean Energy) 16-18/09/19, Salerno.Organizing Committee member S4CE II Annual Consortium Meeting September 17 - 19, Salerno - Italy

Main Convener of the session GMPV5.11 “Fluid-solid interactions in volcanic processes over different time-scales: an investigation through geophysical and volcanological data” al convegno General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, 7–12 April 2019.