Research Awards

Carmine GRAVINO Research Awards

Best paper award Workshop on Distance Education Technology
First Place Award for the paper: On the Experience of Using Git-Hub in the Context of an Academic Course for the Development of Apps for Smart Devices (Distributed Multimedia Systems - Workshop on Distance Education Technology)
Distributed Multimedia Systems - Workshop on Distance Education Technology - Italia
First Place Award of the conference
Best paper award Workshop on Distance Education Technology
First Place Award for the paper: On the Experience of Using Git-Hub in the Context of an Academic Course for the Development of Apps for Smart Devices (Distributed Multimedia Systems - Workshop on Distance Education Technology)
Distributed Multimedia Systems - Workshop on Distance Education Technology - Italia
First place award of the conference
Reviewer Award: Information and Software Technology Journal
Certificate: for the exceptional contribution to the quality of journal when serving as reviewer from 2014 to 2015
Information and Software Technology Journal - Italia
Certificate: for the exceptional contribution to the quality of journal when serving as reviewer from 2014 to 2015
Best paper award International Conference on Predictive Models in Software Engineering
Best paper award of the International Conference on Predictive Models in Software Engineering
International Conference on Predictive Models in Software Engineering - Stati Uniti
  Fonte dati IRIS-RM