
Stefania NEGRI Publications

European Court of Human Rights. Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from Selected Case Law (Case of Maestri v. Italy, Application No. 39748/98, Judgment,17 February 2004; Case of G.B. v. Bulgaria, Application No. 42346/8, Judgment,11 March 2004; Case of Assanidze v. Georgia, Application No. 71503/01, Judgment,8 April 2004; Case of Scordino v. Italy (No. 1), Application No. 36813/97, Judgment,29 July 2004; Case of Issa and Others v. Turkey, Application No. 31821/96, Judgment,16 November 2004), in "The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2005", vol. 5-II, pp. 1302-1321, 1360-1364, 1386-1395, 1429-1438. Pag.1302-1438
Negri, Stefania
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Court of Justice of the European Communities. Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from Selected Case Law (Jégo-Quéré et Cie SA v. Commission of the European Communities, Case C-263/02, Judgment, 1 April 2004; Kunqian Catherine Zhu, Man Lavette Chen v. Secretary of State for theHome Department, Case C-200/02, Judgment, 19 October 2004), in "The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2005", vol. 5-II.. Pag.1194 a 1205-1263 a 1270.
Negri, Stefania
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