Geographic Information Systems



SEBILLO Monica Maria LuciaResponsabile Scientifico
TUCCI MaurizioMembro
TORTORA GenoveffaMembro
VITIELLO GiulianaMembro
DEL FATTO VINCENZOCollaboratore Esterno
DE CHIARA DAVIDECollaboratore Esterno
FARRUGGIA SERGIOCollaboratore Esterno
SALVEMINI MAUROCollaboratore Esterno


The Laboratory of Geographic Information Systems (LabGIS) offers researchers and students the opportunity to collaborate in research activities on various issues in fields related to geographic information and geomatics, ranging from modeling and design of spatial databases to the development of applications for their management (also on mobile devices), from indoor / outdoor mobility to location-based services (LBS), from the study and evolution of international standards to the interoperability of spatial (open) data.

Each theme is addressed both from a theoretical and a methodological point of view through the definition of innovative solutions that integrate models and algorithms for issues identified in different domains.

Furthermore, the development of prototypes based on technological innovation allows to test and validate the results obtained, also in the context of basic and applied research projects, often carried out in collaboration with companies and research consortiums.

Finally, the multidisciplinary nature of these issues allows a strong synergy also with activities carried out within the Man-Machine Usability and Interaction laboratories and Visual Languages and Information Visualization.