
Vincenzo DEUFEMIA Curriculum


Vincenzo Deufemia is a Full Professor of Computer Science (Informatica – INF/01 – 01/B1) at the Department of Computer Science, University of Salerno, Italy. He serves on the Academic Board of the university's Ph.D. program in Computer Science and is a member of the IEEE Computer Society and ACM.

On 2017 he received the National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor (ASN, Settore Concorsuale 01/B1, Informatica, and 09/H1, Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni).

His research interests include natural language processing, data profiling, privacy and security in IoT, and human vulnerability assessment and mitigation.


2003: PhD degree in Computer Science, University of Salerno, Italy

1999: MS degree in Computer Science (cum laude), University of Salerno, Italy


11/1999 – 10/2002: PhD studentship, University of Salerno

03/2003 – 02/2004: Postdoctoral researcher, University of Salerno

07/2004 – 06/2005: Research fellow, University of Sannio

09/2005 – 01/2006: Research fellow, University of Salerno

2006 – 2016: Assistant Professor (Ricercatore), University of Salerno

2016 – 2025: Associate Professor, University of Salerno

2025 – today: Full Professor, University of Salerno


01/2013 – 06/2013: Visiting Scientist, University of Western Sydney, NSW, Australia.


He currently teaches “Object-Oriented Programming” for the bachelor’s degree in Computer Science of the University of Salerno, and “Artificial Intelligence” for the master’s degree in Computer Science of the University of Salerno. He also taught “Data Structures and Programming”, “Software engineering”, and “Web technologies” for the bachelor’s degree in Computer Science of the University of Salerno.

He supervised the PhD work of Bernardo Breve and Gaetano Cimino (University of Salerno) and co-supervised the PhD work of Loredana Caruccio (University of Salerno) and Christopher D’Souza (Western Sydney University).


He has contributed to several research programs funded by both national and international institutions. In particular, he had a responsible role in the following projects:

2000-2001 Coordinator of the project for young researchers entitled "Formalism for the specification and analysis of visual languages", funded by the University of Salerno.

2001-2002 Coordinator of the project for young researchers entitled "Modeling Statecharts with the formalism of XPG and implementation of a parser and visual editor for Statechart", funded by the University of Salerno.

2012-2015 Coordinator of Research Unit of the MIUR FIRB - Futuro in Ricerca 2010 project (Grant RBFR10PEIT) entitled "Indiana MAS and the Digital Preservation of Rock Carvings: A multi-agent system for drawing and natural language understanding aimed at preserving rock carvings".

2019-2023 Coordinator of Research Unit of the MIUR PRIN 2017 project (Grant 2017MX9T7H) entitled “Empowering People in Dealing with Internet of Things Ecosystems”.

2023-2025 Coordinator of Research Unit of the MIUR PRIN 2022 PNRR project (Grant P2022FXP5B) entitled “DAMOCLES: Detection And Mitigation Of Cyber attacks that exploit human vuLnerabilitiES”.

2024-2025 Head of the Research Unit for the Cascading Call project "ONFOODS Research and Innovation Network on Food and Nutrition Sustainability, Safety, and Security" for collaborative projects under SPOKE No. 1 – "GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY," with the project titled "OPERA: Optimization and Efficiency in Resource Allocation for Olive/EVO Oil Production".


Publicity chair of the 27th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT/ICDT'24), Paestum, 2024.

Program co-chair of International Symposium on Visualization in Data Science and Machine Learning, Tampere, 2023.

Program co-chair of International Symposium on Visualisation in Business Intelligence and Open Data, Tampere, 2023.

Program co-chair of the 2nd Workshop EMPATHY: Empowering People in Dealing with Internet of Things Ecosystems, colocated with INTERACT 2021, Bari.

Program co-chair of the 1st Workshop EMPATHY: Empowering People in Dealing with Internet of Things Ecosystems, colocated with AVI 2020, Ischia.

Program co-chair of the 2nd International Symposium on Visualization in Data Science and Machine Learning, Wien, 2020.

Program co-chair of the 8th International Symposium on Visualisation in Business Intelligence and Open Data, Wien, 2020.

Conference co-chair of the 26th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Visual Languages and Sentient Systems, Pittsburgh, 2020.

Program co-chair of the 1st International Symposium on Visualization in Data Science and Machine Learning, Paris, 2019.

Program co-chair of the 7th International Symposium on Visualisation in Business Intelligence and Open Data, Paris, 2019.

Program co-chair of the 25th International DMS Conference on Visualization and Visual Languages, Lisbon, 2018.

Program co-chair of the 6th International Symposium on Visualisation in Business Intelligence and Open Data, Salerno, 2018.

Conference co-chair of the 23rd International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Visual Languages and Sentient Systems, Pittsburgh, 2017.

Program co-chair of the 22nd International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Salerno, 2016.

Student talk chair of the 5th International School of Software Engineering 2008.

Publicity chair of the 14th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Ischia, 2002.


He received a nomination for the best paper award for the article "An Agent-Based Framework for Context-Driven Interpretation of Symbols in Diagrammatic Sketches" presented at the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VLHCC'06) conference.

He received an honorable mention for the article "Guaranteeing Integrity Constraints during Interactive Map Editing with Visual Language Parsing" presented at the International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM'07).

Winner of an international mobility grant funded by the University of Salerno and the Provinces and Municipalities of Salerno and Avellino for the project "Enhancing the meta-design of enterprise applications through visual languages".

He received the best paper award for the article "Visual ECG Analysis in Real-world Scenarios" at the 27th International DMS Conference on Visualization and Visual Languages, 2021.

He received the best paper runner-up award for the article "IndiBits: Incremental Discovery of Relaxed Functional Dependencies using Bitwise Similarity" at the 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2023).

Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing for the journals:

- Pattern Recognition,

- Pattern Recognition Letters,

- Journal of Visual Languages, and Computing

- Expert Systems with Applications.


He has been co-Guest Editor of the Special Issue on METADATA DISCOVERY FOR ASSESSING DATA QUALITY published in ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ), ACM, 2020, and co-Guest Editor of the Special Issue on VISUALIZATION IN BIG DATA AND DATA SCIENCE published in Big Data Research, Elsevier, 2022.

He has been co-editor of the Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Empowering People in Dealing with Internet of Things Ecosystems co-located with INTERACT 2021, Bari, Italy.

He has been co-editor of the Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Detection And Mitigation Of Cyber attacks that exploit human vuLnerabilitiES (DAMOCLES) co-located with AVI 2024, Arenzano, Italy.

He has been co-editor of the Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Empowering People in Dealing with Internet of Things Ecosystems co-located with AVI 2020, Capri, Italy.



citations: 2033;

h-index: 27;

i10-index: 53.


indexed docs: 154;

citations: 1370;

h-index: 22.


In 2008 he was admitted to the register of experts of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) for the evaluation of innovation technology projects.

In 2011 he was admitted to the register of experts for the evaluation of research and innovation projects founded by Calabria Region.

In 2011 he was admitted to the register of experts of the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research.

In 2012 he was admitted to the register of experts for the evaluation of research, development, and innovation projects founded by Liguria Region.

In 2015 he was admitted to the register experts for the evaluation of research, development, and innovation projects founded by Emilia-Romagna Region.

In 2015 he was admitted to the register of international scientific experts REPRISE: Register of Expert Peer Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation.

In 2016 he was admitted to the register of Experts in Technological Innovation established at the Ministry of Economic Development in order to have specific professional skills in the field of precompetitive research and development for ex ante, in itinere and ex post evaluation of technological innovation projects.


Scientific evaluator of research proposals for different regional, national, foreign funding agencies.

Since 2015, he has been a member of the REPRISE register of international scientific experts: Register of Expert Peer Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation.

Since 2016, he has been a member of the new Register of Experts in Technological Innovation established at the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE).

From 2007 to 2010 he was a member of the Group of National Selectors for the training and selection of students in the last years of high school for participation in the Computer Science Olympiad. The activities were organized by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and by the Italian Association for Automatic Calculation (AICA).

From 2012 to 2017, he directed the research group on Intelligent Systems for Cultural Heritage of the University of Salerno, which collaborated with the University of Genoa and the Laboratoire départemental de Préhistoire du Lazaret of Nice (France).

From 2011 to 2015, he directed the research group on Web Engineering and Technology of the University of Salerno, which collaborated with the University of Western Sydney and the Australian Catholic University of Sydney.

From 2006 to 2010, he collaborated with the research group on Distributed Multimedia Systems of the University of Salerno, which collaborated with the University of Pittsburgh (USA).