Mikaela CORDISCO | Curriculum
Mikaela CORDISCO Curriculum
Associate Professor of English Language, Linguistics and Translation at the University of Salerno since 2015.
From 2005 to 2014 Assistant Professor/Senior Lecturer in English Language, Linguistics and Translation.
She holds a degree (cum laude) in Modern Languages and Literatures, University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Italy (1998). DIssertation in English Linguistics: The Rise and Fall of RP, social history of an accent”.
She attended post-graduate annual Masters at Istituto Universitario “Suor Orsola Benincasa”, Napoli:
1998-1999: “The English literary text: translation and/or interpretation”
1999-2000: “Teaching European languages”
2000-2001: “Teaching English as Second Language: methodologies, media and new technologies”
She also holds the qualification of English teacher in secondary schools (2000).
She taught workshops on Language teaching methodology in postgraduate teacher training programmes and English in a PhD course in Sociology.
She was consultant in the development of a self-access centre and self-study materials for an English language course aimed at managers of the Italian Public Service (Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione)..
She was manager and language advisor for the self-access centres of the Orientale University, Naples (1998-2000), and of the University of Salerno (2001-2004), in charge of the development of resources for autonomous learning and learner awareness training, and the use of multimedia and information technologies in FL teaching/learning.
1999-2001 Università “L’Orientale”, Napoli
• Member of the “Europoliglot – language centre for evaluation and certification” research project with Scoala Pentru Integrare Europeana “Pavox Studio 2001”, Bucarest (Romania) and ICC (International Certificate Conference), Frankfurt (Germania) Within the EU “Leonardo da Vinci” international program.
2002-2004 Università di Salerno
• Member of the CampusOne project with the Open University, Milton Keynes (UK) for distance learning and international certifications.
• Member of the 2008 PRIN project: Identità discorsiva e percezione dello spazio e dei luoghi: dalle parole chiave alla terminologia, national coordinator prof. Marina Bondi (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia).
Responsible for many local research projects since 2004.
• From 2008 to 2013 member or the Academic Board of the PhD program in “Linguistic and Literary Studies” at Università degli Studi di Salerno. PhD students supervisor.
• Since 2017 member of the Academic Board of the PhD Program in “Literary, Linguistic and Historical Studies” at the University of Salerno.
• Member of the I-LAND (Identity and Language Diversity) Interuniversity Research Centre, Università degli Studi “L’Orientale” di Napoli since 2015.
• Member (since 2003) and Campania local coordinator (since 2008) of AIA (Associazione Italiana di Anglistica).
• Member of the European Society for English Studies (ESSE) since 2003.
• Member of the Editorial Board of the A-ranking international journal Kalbų Studijos/ Studies about Languages since 2018
• In 2006 Referee for the Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics, peer-reviewd A-ranking international journal, APA indexed. Scientific Director: Mariantonietta Pinto, Fabrizio Serra Editore.
• In 1999 Editorial assistant of the A-ranking international journal Anglistica, An interdisciplinary journal, new series (AION), issue "English and the Other", vol. 3, 1999:1, DSLLO-IUO.
She has taken part in many national and international conferences, workshops as speaker, manager and coordinator and in various institutional commissions/committees within the University of Salerno.
She has published on autonomous and technology-enhanced language learning, on the use and function of taboo words in contemporary English, the English of Computer-Mediated Communication (especially word formation and neologisms) with corpus-linguistics methodology, gender and culture in translation. Her current research interest is the sociolinguistics of British English (the fall of Received Pronunciation and the phenomena of ‘dialect leveling’ and ‘urban dialects’ in the UK from a sociolinguistic perspective).
She took part in various conferences/workshops as speaker, manager and coordinator and in various institutional commissions/committees within the University of Salerno.