
Ornella DE ROSA Curriculum

Researcher at the University of Salerno, since 2005. She was PhD student in “Storia dell’industria”.  She resulted to be winner of a scholarship and she was post-doctoral fellow with several research projects on migration’s history and public game.She teaches contemporary history (at the University of Salerno) and Metodology of historical and social research (at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University in Salerno). She gave her contribute to the research “Itaca. Il problema del rientro migratorio in Campania”, coordinated by professor Giuseppe Imbucci.She organized the international conference on migration’s history “Appunti di viaggio. L’emigrazione italiana tra attualità e memoria”.Chief of the International Game Observatory and coordinator of the scientific committee of the “Giuseppe Imbucci” Grant.She is a member of the scientific committee of the series of seminars “Migrazioni tra memoria e nuovi paradigmi” (in collaboration with Vittorio Dini, Sebastiano Martelli and Donato Verrastro), organized by the Department of Sociology and political science and the Department of Literature, arts and entertainment at the University of Salerno.She was member of PhD Council in “Metodologia della ricerca educativa e della ricerca formative”, and she is currently a member of the PhD school Council in “Sociologia, analisi sociale, politiche pubbliche e teoria e storia delle istituzioni”, at the university of Salerno.Since 2012, she is the head of an international research project on the propensity to play in countries around the Mediterranean basin, in collaboration with the Universidad Carlos III in Madrid, the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Swtzerland in Lugano, the University Paris 13, and the University of Salerno.She is editor-in-chief (with Donato Verrastro) of the series “Il veliero” published by Il Mulino and she is a member of the scientific committee of the series “Itinerari sociali”, published by Aracne.