
Giuseppe RUSSO Projects

17 Funded projects
Our aim is to perform a longitudinal analysis of the ethnic identity among first- and second-generation immigrants, using panel data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP). We want to assess intra-generational and intergenerational changes of the ethnic identity by using one-dimensional and two-dimensional models of ethnic identity.
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorRUSSO Giuseppe (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost1.214,00 euro
Project duration25 November 2024 - 25 November 2028
Our aim is studying the long-term effect of immigration policies on the diffusion and the intergenerational transmission of cultural norms. This will provide us with information about the outcome of the integration process in the host societies in the very long run. The project provides us with new insights on the long-run process through which contemporary societies integrate the minorities, shed
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorRUSSO Giuseppe (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost1.718,00 euro
Project duration31 July 2023 - 31 July 2026
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorRUSSO Giuseppe (Project Coordinator)
FundingFinanziamenti da bandi nazionali Ministeriali ed altri EEPP
Cost461.281,00 euro
Project duration19 July 2024 - 31 October 2025
Our aim is to study the effect of restrictions on immigration on the socio-economic integration of the immigrants. In particular, we want to investigate the adaptation of the second-generations to the host society. This process plays a crucial role in the long-term adaptation of immigrant communities. A lack of integration has worrisome consequences for minorities, such as reducedeconomic opportu
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorRUSSO Giuseppe (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost1.987,00 euro
Project duration25 July 2022 - 25 July 2025
International agreements must be self-enforcing. The necessity to motivate compliance influences the optimal design of the agreement. When compliance is challenging, it is crucial to strengthen the treaty to ensure that compliance is more attractive than is defection. This observation leads to a number of important questions. Which policy implements the best self-enforcing agreement? Is a rigid qu
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorRUSSO Giuseppe (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.424,00 euro
Project duration22 November 2021 - 22 November 2024
Proroga25 Luglio 2025
In its very essence, learning is a technology. As such, it can be described bya production function, which, as in the R&D literature, we can call "knowledge production function". In the literature, few papers try to model how children learn. Our aim is to build a model of learning which accounts for the specific educational needs of second-generation immigrant children.
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorRUSSO Giuseppe (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.385,00 euro
Project duration22 November 2021 - 22 November 2024
Proroga25 Luglio 2025
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorRUSSO Giuseppe (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.460,00 euro
Project duration15 February 2021 - 30 September 2024
Over the past century women have majorly progressed in labour markets. As a result, there has been a clear convergence in the level of education across gender. Similarly, the employment prospects of women relative to those of men are also improving. Despite these progresses, women are still heavily under-represented in positions of power. The aim of this project is to investigate the selection of
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorRUSSO Giuseppe (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.522,00 euro
Project duration18 May 2020 - 18 May 2023
This project aims to verify whether the interaction of the immigrant status and the well-known age effects generates an extra penalty on the disadvantage of second generations. In the literature, having a double disadvantage is associated with female gender or ethnic minority status. So far, there are no attempts to check for this effect in the Italian schools.
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorRUSSO Giuseppe (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.522,00 euro
Project duration18 May 2020 - 18 May 2023
The aim of the project is to study the very early integration of second-generation immigrants into the Italian society. Early educational gaps are likely to persist in the adulthood and may foster poor socio-economic conditions and social exclusion. Thus, reducing early educational gaps looks crucial to reduce future social inequality. We plan to focus on the second generations in Italy at the ag
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorRUSSO Giuseppe (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.933,00 euro
Project duration11 March 2019 - 10 March 2022
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorRUSSO Giuseppe (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.647,00 euro
Project duration7 November 2014 - 31 December 2020
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) and other novel nicotine delivery products (NDP) represent one of the most important recent innovations in the tobacco market. This project aims at analyze the consumption of NDP in Europe and test whether the use of NDP by parents reduces the nicotine transmission to children compared to traditional tobacco products. This would allow to quantify the externalities de
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorRUSSO Giuseppe (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.585,00 euro
Project duration20 November 2017 - 20 November 2020
Proroga20 febbraio 2021
In simple competitive models, emigration from low-wage to high-wage areas continues until wages converge and unemployment disappears. Within thisframework, long-run regional unemployment disparities can only be determined by wage rigidity. However, when the possibility of externalities is taken into account, the effect of interregional labour migration on regional unemployment can be reversed and
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorRUSSO Giuseppe (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.427,00 euro
Project duration20 November 2017 - 20 November 2020
Proroga20 febbraio 2021
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorRUSSO Giuseppe (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.535,00 euro
Project duration29 July 2016 - 20 September 2018
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorRUSSO Giuseppe (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.301,00 euro
Project duration29 July 2016 - 20 September 2018
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorRUSSO Giuseppe (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.164,00 euro
Project duration28 July 2015 - 28 July 2017
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorRUSSO Giuseppe (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.800,00 euro
Project duration11 December 2013 - 11 December 2015

  Data source U-GOV dal 1 Gennaio 2013