Rocco ROMANO | Research Awards
Rocco ROMANO Research Awards
SPECIAL BREAKTHROUGH PRIZE IN FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS The Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics was founded in 2012 by Yuri Milner to recognize those individuals who have made profound contributions to human knowledge. It is open to all physicists — theoretical, mathematical, experimental — working on the deepest mysteries of the Universe.The Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics is given annually for accomplishments in fundamental physics broadly defined, including advances in closely related fields with deep connections to physics. Guidelines:The Breakthrough Prize recognizes major achievements, with special attention to recent developments.The New Horizons in Physics Prize is targeted toward junior researchers.There are no age restrictions.Recipients of the New Horizons Prize will generally be no more than 12 years past their PhD. Exceptions will sometimes be made, especially in cases of experimental projects with long lead times.A person can receive a prize more than once.The prizes can be shared by any number of people.Nominations:Anyone can nominate a candidate at the online nominations page during the open nominations period.Self-nominations are not allowed.A valid nomination will have basic biographical information on the nominee and nominator and at least one third-party letter of recommendation.Candidate citations (up to 10) from a specified academic publishing database are required.During the nominations period please see the nominations form at Committee:Past recipients of the prizes are invited to serve on the Selection Committee to select recipients of future prizes.Special Prize:In exceptional cases a special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics can be awarded at any time, forgoing the nomination process. | |
BREAKTHROUGH PRIZE Selection Committee - Stati Uniti | |
2016 | |
Special Breakthrough Prize In Fundamental Physics Awarded For Detection Of Gravitational Waves 100 Years After Albert Einstein Predicted Their Existence | | |
Gruber Cosmology Prize
Gruber Cosmology Prize The Gruber Cosmology Prize is awarded annually to honor a leading cosmologist, astronomer, astrophysicist or scientific philosopher for theoretical, analytical, conceptual or observational discoveries leading to fundamental advances in our understanding of the universe. The Prize recipients are chosen by the Cosmology Selection Advisory Board. Its 2016 members were: Andrew Fabian, University of Cambridge; Robert Kennicutt, University of Cambridge (Chair); Helge Kragh, Niels Bohr Institute; Sadanori Okamura, Hosei University; Frans Pretorius, Princeton University; Subir Sarkar, University of Oxford; and Rashid Sunyaev, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics. Owen Gingerich of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and Martin Rees of the University of Cambridge also serve as special Cosmology advisors to the Foundation. | |
The Gruber Foundation - Stati Uniti | |
2016 | |
The vision, persistence, and leadership of Ronald Drever, Kip Thorne, and Rainer Weiss, along with the contributions of a thousand collaborators between The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration, led to the first detection of gravitational waves, not only validating a key prediction of Einstein’s general theory of relativity but inaugurating a new method for studying cosmology, in particular the workings of astronomical objects exhibiting the greatest gravitational effects in the universe. | | |
Fonte dati IRIS-RM