Domenico GUIDA | Curriculum
Curriculum Docente
Il sottoscritto dott. Domenico Guida, è nato a Celle di Bulgheria (SA) il 20/09/1955 e , dopo aver frequentato con merito l’intero iter scolastico pre-universitario, si è iscritto alla Facoltà di Scienze dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli nell’Anno Accademico 1974-1975, frequentando il Corso di Laurea in Scienze Geologiche e superando con Lode, nella sessione estiva dell’Anno Accademico 1978, in data 27/07/1978, l’esame di Laurea, discutendo una tesi sperimentale in Geologia Applicata avente per titolo “Il bacino idrografico del F. Mingardo (Cilento): evoluzione geomorfologica, frane e franosità”, i cui relatori sono stati il prof. Antonio Vallario, il prof. Mattia Guida ed il prof. Giammaria Iaccarino. Con Decreto Rettorale n. 310 del 13 dicembre 2002, il Rettore della Università degli Studi di Messina (vista la relazione finale e i verbali, redatti dalla Commissione Giudicatrice della procedura di valutazione comparativa per il reclutamento di un professore universitario di ruolo seconda fascia nel Settore Scientifico-disciplinare GEO/04-Geografia Fisica e Geomorfologia presso la Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN., di cui al Decreto Rettorale di bando n. 94 del 05 aprile 2002), ha dichiarato idoneo il dott. Domenico Guida per la medesimo settore disciplinare. Con Decreto Rettorale n. 4480 del 30/12/2004, il prof. Domenico Guida è stato nominato Professore Associato per il settore scientifico-disciplinare GEO/04 (Geografia Fisica e Geomorfologia) presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Saleremo, a decorrere dal 3/01/2005, dove tuttora esercita. Da tale data, il prof. Guida esplica le sue attività di docente degli insegnamenti di geologia, geomorfologia e geologia ambientale nell'ambito del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e svolge ricerche in materia di idro-geomorfologia quantitativa applicata ai campi dell'ecologia del paesaggio, pianificazione territoriale, valutazione delle pericolosità geomorfologiche e gestione delle risorse, pubblicando numerose note su riviste ISI e capitoli di volumi di livello internazionale.
Domenico Guida, was born September 20’th 1955 in Celle di Bulgheria (SA – Italy), Cilento National Park and UNESCO Geopark, where he currently lives in Via Sandro Pertini, snc, 84030 Caselle in Pittari (SA, Italy).
In the Academic Year 1974-1975, he was is enrolled to the Faculty of Sciences of the University of the Studies in Naples, Course of Studies in Geological Sciences and overcoming with praise, in date July 27 7’th 1978, the examination of Degree, discussing an experimental thesis in Engineering Geology: "The basin of the Mingardo River (Cilento): geomorphological evolution , landslides and landslide susceptibility", chairmen Proffs. Antonio Vallario, Mattia Guida and Giammaria Iaccarino.
Since September 1978 to November 1980, he collaborated in the Operative Unity 32 (Scientific Chairman: prof. Antonio Vallario) to carrying out studies and researches within the Finalized Project of the C.N.R. "Soil Conservation", Sub-project "Landslides".
Particularly, he has performed researches concerning to geological and geomorphological mapping, with reference to the landslide hazard assessment and quaternary hillslope evolution, in the perspective of the land use and environmental planning. These researches have allowed to produce many scientific papers, published on Italian (publications from 1 to 7 of the paper list).
Based on the above papers, the prof. Domenico Guida was enrolled besides to the Bulletin-board of the Experts in Subject of Territorial Planning at the Italian Public Works Ministry (D.L. n. 854 of 08/05/84 and D.M. n. 22 of 13/12/89).
Successively, the professional activity was integrated by a continuous activity of scientific search, as external collaborator, within the contracts of C.N.R.-M.P.I research., chairmans prof. Mattia Guida, Giammaria Iaccarino and Antonio Vallario in the Earth Science Department of Naples University in the Applied Geomorphology and, as collaboration with the prof. Vincenzo Perrone in the Field and Regional Geology, contributing to produce scientific papers also introduced within the Congress of the Italian Geologic Society of Sorrento (1988), (see papers from n. 8 to 12 of the paper list, Appendix A). The above research activity in the Landslides Hazard Mapping and Hillslope Evolution has allowed to produce the papers from n. 13 to 22 of the List below.
In the field of the geologic sector supporting the environmental planning, he has developed searches within the activities of the Operational Unity 2.24 of the Hydrogeological Disaster Defense National Group of the C.N.R., with particular reference to the implementation of the territorial data in the Territorial Informative Systems (G.I.S.), (papers from 23 to of list).
Following the catastrophic hydrogeological events of Sarno in May 1998, he was involved, as Responsible of the Geomorphology Sector and Coordinator of the activities of Territorial Survey of the COM Quindici (AV) for the Hydrogeological Emergency Management in the Campania Region 1998 within the Operative Unit n. 2.38 CNR-GNDCI (Scientific Chairman prof. Leonardo Cascini) of University of Salerno. In such role, he has contributed to the formation of the thematic mapping for the predisposition of the Emergency Plan and Mitigation Actions in the post-catastrophe. Following these activities of the Operational Unity 2.38, besides the editing of numerous technical reports, a scientific publication has been produced furnishing a preliminary model to explain the debris flow events of May '98 along the mountain slopes of the Pizzo of Alvano (n. 27 of the list).
These activities of search continued on the evaluation of the landslide hazard along the carbonate hillslopes with pyroclastic covers, with the production of the notes n. 28 and 29 of the list.
The intense field activities and search carried out during the above cited Hydrogeological Emergency, was synthesized in two Monographs, concerning the activities of the Territorial Command and the Computer Management of the Emergency (n. 27 and 30 of the list).
In June 1999, the prof. Guida, was involved, on behalf the C.U.G.RI. (interUnivesitary Consortium, named Research Center for prevision and prevention of the Great Risks), as scientific responsible and coordinator of the Geologic Sector for the assessment of the Landslide Risk in the Campania Regional Authority of the Sinistra Sele Basin, within the Extraordinary Plan for removal the situation at Highest Hydrogeological Risk , according to the D.L. 180/98 and following modifications and integrations
Since June 1999, he coordinated, as Scientific Responsible of the Geomorphological Working Group, the “Extraordinary Plan for the Removal of the more elevated hydrogeological risks” (Law 226/99) and the Hydrogeological Assessment Plan promoting by the National Authority of Basin of the Liri, Volturno and Garigliano rivers. Starting from 1999, the prof. Guida was Work Manager for the Landslide Risk sector within the Hydrogeological Assessment Plan carried out both by the Campania Regional Basin Authority of the Destra and Sinistra Sele.
In the 1999-2000, D. Guida was involved by the CUGRI as the Scientific Responsible for the geological, geomorphological, hydrogeological and geo-environmental issues, within the elaboration of the Management Plan of the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park. These activities allowed to produce the papers 31 and 32 of the list.
In the September 1999, D. Guida participated, as invited teacher, to the "Program of formative intervention on the themes of the Civil Protection in the Province of Salerno" for Civil Disaster Protection Manager on behalf of the FORMEZ, contract R.A. 98253 Ros 115.
The university teaching activity of the Domenico Guida started in the years 1999-2000, when he was been entrusted by Salerno University, by a Teaching Contract, as lecturer, in Engineering Geology to the Environmental Defense - Course of Environmental Engineering of Resources at the Study Centre of Avellino (Italy). Successively, in 2001-2002, D. Guida had a teaching contract in Environmental Geology within the Master Degree in Environment and Territorial Engineering, at the Department of Civil Engineering in the University of Salerno.
In December 13th 2002, the Rector of the University of the Studies in Messina, by Rectoral Decree n. 310, approves the final report, compiled by the Examen Committee of the comparative evaluation procedure, and have pronounced fit the dott. Domenico Guida as Associate Professor in the Scientific Disciplinary Sector “Physical-geography and Geomorphology” - GEO/04 - at the Faculty of Sciences MM.FF.NN in Messina University.
Following this decision, with Rettoral Decree n. 4480 of 30/12/2004, the prof. Domenico Guida has been named since 3/01/2005 as Associate Professor in the Scientific Disciplinary Sector GEO/04 (Physical Geography and Geomorphology) at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Salerno. The activities of studies and searches of the prof. Guida have been continued within the National Project CARG (Survey and production of the new Geological Map of Italy) as:
- Responsible for the Applied Geology of the Sheet 521 "Lauria" Sheet 1:50.000 scale (Scientific Responsible: prof. Glauco Bonardi), contributing to the "Explanatory Notes" editing (paper. n. 34), now published by ISPRA 2016.
- Sheet 520 "Sapri" (Scientific Resp.: prof. Italo Sgrosso).
Using this activity, D. Guida performed n. 2 scientific notes introduced within the Second Congress AIGA (Italian Association of Applied Geology) in Bari (Italy). Cited as n. 35 and 36 of the list).
Publication list from 1978 to 2008
- Guida , D., Guida M., Iaccarino, G., Lambiase, S. Vecchio, V., (1978), Proposal to assess Landslide Prone Areas Mapping - Una proposta per l’elaborazione di Carte della Franosità- Boll. Soc. dei Nat. In Napoli, Vol. XXXVII, 1978, in italian;
- Guida , D., Guida M., Iaccarino, G., Lambiase, S. Vecchio, V. (1978), A Proposal to Landslide Hillslope Evolution Mapping- Proposta per la elaborazione di cartografia tematica inerente alla dinamica dei versanti, Mem. Soc. Geol. Itl 19, 61,67, Roma, in italian;
- Guida , D., Guida M., Iaccarino, G., S. Vecchio, V., Zigari, G., (1979), The Mingardo river drainage basin (Cilento, Campania region, Southern Italy): geomorphology, landslice and landslide susceptibility - Il bacino del Mingardo (Cilento): evoluzione geomorfologica, fenomeni franosi e rischio a franare; Geol. Appl. ed Idr. Bari, Vol. XIV, Parte II, Relazione (11a) e tavole fuori testo (116), in italian;
- Guida, D., Guida , M., Luise, D., Vallario, A., Hydrogeology of the Cilento (Campania region, Southern Italy) - Idrogeologia del Cilento (Campania); Geol. Romana, 19, 349, 369, Roma, in italian;
- Guida, D., Guida , M., Luise, D., Vallario, A., Reconstruction of Pleistocene Morpho-evolutive Sequences in the Western Piedmont and Hillslopes of the M.te Sacro-Gelbison (Cilento, Campania region, Southern Italy) - Ricostruzione di sequenze morfoevolutive pleistoceniche nell’area ad W di Monte Sacro (Cilento); Geol. Appl. ed Idrog. Bari, 1980, Vol. XV, in italian;
- Guida, D.,Guida , M., Luise, D., (1981) Some considerations on the Hydrogeology of Cilento (Campania region, Southern Italy) - Considerazioni sull’Idrogeologia dell’area Cilentana (Campania); Atti Acc. Pontaniana, Nuova Serie, Vol. XXX, Napoli, in italian;
- Guida, D., Guida , M., Vallario, A., (1981), Geology and landslide susceptibility in the Lambro river basin (Cilento, Campania region, Southern Italy) - Geologia e franosità del bacino del Fiume Lambro (Cilento), Geol. Romana, 20, 197, 218 Roma; Carta Geologica allegata, in italian;
- Guida D., Guida M., Perriello Zampelli, S., Viggiano, S., Vallario, A., (1987). Deep-seated Gravitational Deformations along the carbonate morpho-structures: the case-study of M.nt Bulgheria (Cilento, Campania region, Southern Apennines, Italy) - Deformazioni gravitative al margine di Morfostrutture carbonatiche: un esempio al Monte Bulgheria (Campania); Mem. Soc. Geol: It 37 363-373, 4ff, in Italian;
- Guida, D., Guida , Perrone, V., Sgrosso, I., Vallario, A., (1988), Typology and Distribution of Deep-Seated Gravitational Deformation on Hillslopes in the campania-Lucanian Apennine: relation with stratigraphical-structural setting - Tipologia e distribuzione delle Deformazioni Gravitative Profonde di Versante nell’Appennino Campano-Lucano Meridionale in relazione all’assetto stratigrafico-strutturale; Mem. Soc. Geol. It 41 889-896, 2ff, in italian;
- Guida, D., Guida M., (1988). Morphogenesys of the M.nt Bulgheria (Campania region, Southern Apennines, Italy) during Early and Middle Pleistocene - La Morfogenesi del Monte Bulgheria (Campania) durante il Pleistocene Inferiore e medio; Mem. Soc. Geol. It 41 667-672, 6ff., in italian;
- Guida D., Iaccarino, G, Basso, C., (1988), Hydrogeology of the Morigerati Karst Aquifer (Cilento, Campania region, Southern Apennines, Italy) - Caratteristiche idrogeologiche della struttura carbonatica di Morigerati (Cilento Meridionale); Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 41, 1065-1077, 2ff., 5 tabb, 1 tav., in italian;
- Guida, D., Iaccarino, G., Perrone, V., (1988). New data on Cilento Flysch Unit in the M.nt Centaurino area: relations on lithostratigraphical units, litho-technical units and main landslide systems (Cilento, Campania region, Southern Apennines, Italy) - Nuovi dati sulla successione del Flysch del Cilento nell’area di M.te Centaurino: relazioni fra Unità Litostratigrafiche, Unità Lito-tecniche e principali Sistemi Franosi. Mem. Soc. Geol. 41, in italian;
- Guida D., Guida M., Perriello Zampelli, S., Viggiano, S., Vallario, A. (1989). Deep-seated gravitational Deformations along the northern mountain Hillslopes of M.nt Bulgheria (Cilento, Campania region, Southern Apennines, Italy)- Le deformazioni gravitative profonde nella morfogenesi quaternaria del versante settentrionale del Monte Bulgheria (Campania), Boll. Soc. Geol. It. 108 431-451-17ff, in italian;
- Guida D., Iaccarino, G., Lazzari, S., (1991). Landslide inventory map of the Upper Basento river valley (Basilicata region, Italy) - Carta Inventario delle frane dell’alta valle del fiume Basento - Regione Basilicata a cura dell’Ufficio Geologico Regionale, in italian;
- Guida D., Iaccarino G., (1991). Geomorphic evolution of the flow-like landslides in the Upper Basento river valley (Basilicata region, Italy) - Fasi evolutive delle frane tipo colata nell’alta valle del F. Basento (Potenza). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, Acta Geologica, vol. 68 127-152, in italian;
- Guida D., Iaccarino G., Peduto, F., (1994). Areas of the Southern Italian Apennines characterized by high landslide frequency. Proceedings 1° Eur . Congr. Geol. Cart. Poster Session. Bologna.
- Guida, D., Guida, M., R., Vallario, A., (1994). The Earth Sciences in the Environmental Planning: an operative proposal - le Scienze della Terra nella Pianificazione Ambientale: Una proposta operativa: Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale , n.1, gennaio-marzo 1994;
- Guida, D., Guida, M., R., Lanzara, R., Vallario, A., (1994). Methodological and procedural proposals in the Protected Areas Planning: Basic Physical Landscape Unit - Proposte metodologiche e procedurali di pianificazione del territorio in aree protette: l’Unità Territoriale di Riferimento, Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale - Luglio-Settembre (1994), in italian.
- Guida, D., Guida, M., Lanzara, R., Vallario, A., (1996). Preliminary geomorphological analysis of the 1996 April 12’th in the Covatta Catchment, Biferno river basin (Molise region, Southern Italy) - Analisi preliminare della frana del 12 aprile 1996 in loc. Covatta nel bacino del Biferno (Molise). Geologia Tecnica e ambientale, Ordine Nazionale dei Geologi, n. 2/96 Roma, in italian;
- Guida, D., Guida, M., Lanzara, R., (1996). Digital Modelling of Morpho-evolutive sequenze in the NE piedmont of the M.nt Bulgheria - Ricostruzione di sequenze morfoevolutive mediante modellazione digitale nell’area nordorientale di M.te Bulgheria. Il Quaternario-Italian Journal of Quaternary Sciences, in italian;
- Guida, D., Guida, M., Lanzara, R., Vallario, A., (1996). Covatta Landslide in the Biferno river basin (Molise region, Southern Italy): geological and geomorphological setting – La frana in località Covatta nel bacino del fiume Biferno (Molise): aspetti geologici e geomorfologici; Convegno Internazionale “ Prevenzione delle Catastrofi Idrogeologiche: il contributo della ricerca scientifica”; Alba (TO), in italian;
- De Vita, P., Guida, D., Guida, M., R., Lanzara, R., Vallario, A. (1996). Basic Physical Landscape Unit to Environmental Planning: multi scale examples at the M.nt Bulgheria District (Cilento, Campania region, Southern Apennines, Italy)- Unità Territoriale di Riferimento per la pianificazione ambientale: esempi a diversa scala nell’area di M.te Bulgheria (Cilento, Campania). Geologia Tecnica e ambientale. Ordine Nazionale dei Geologi, n. 3/96. Roma, in italian;
- Guida, D., Guida, M., R., Lanzara, R., Vallario, A. (1996). Methodological proposal to a Deep-seated Gravitational Hillslope Deformation in the Campania-lucanian Apennine - Proposta metodologica per un database relazionale dei fenomeni di Deformazione Gravitativa Profonda di Versante dell’Appennino Campano-lucano.- Mem. Soc. Geol. Ital., Roma, Pubbl. n. 977 del GNDCI, in italian;
- Guida, D., Guida, M., Lanzara, R., Vallario, A., (1998). Covatta Landslide in the Ripamolisani municipality (Molise region, Southern Italy) - La frana Covatta nel comune di Ripamolisani (CB) del 12 aprile 1996 in Quarry and Construction, 1/1998, in italian;
- Corbi, I., De Vita P., Guida, D., Guida, M., Lanzara, R., Vallario, A., (1999) Mid-term geomorphological evolution of the Covatta catchment, Biferno river basin, Molise, Italy – Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, 22, 115-128, 7 figg. (IT ISSN 0391-9838, 1999);
- Cascini, L., Guida, D. Nocera, N. Romanzi, G. Sorbino, G. (2000). A preliminary model for the landslide of May 1998 in Campania Region (1998); “Hard and Soft Soil” Congress Proceeding - Napoli;
- Blasi C., De Filippo, G., Guida D. et al. - Sistemi e Sottosistemi Ambientali nel Parco Nazionale del Cilento – Documenti del Territorio – 2001, in italian;
- Guida, D. (2003), The role of the Zero-order-basins in flowslide-debris-flows occurrence and recurrence in Campania, Vol. II dell’ International Conference on “Fast slope movements prediction and prevention for risk mitigation” – Naples;
- Aleotti P., Polloni G., Falorni G., Canuti P., Fanti R., Pappalardo G., Grimaldi G., Lombardi G., Guida D. (2003), Assessment of potential debris-flow inundation areas on a small alluvial fan in Southern Italy - 9-17 – Vol. I dell’ International Conference on “Fast slope movements prediction and prevention for risk mitigation” – Naples;
- Cascini L., Guida D. e Sorbino G. (2005), (1998 Sarno Territorial Survey: a field experiece (Campania region Hydro-geological Emergency) - Il Presidio Territoriale: una esperienza sul campo, Gruppo Nazionale per la Difesa dalle Catastrofi Idrogeologiche. Linea 2: Previsione e Prevenzione eventi franosi a grande rischio. Pubblicazione n. 2857/B Unità Operativa 2.38Ed. Rubettino, in italian;
- Cascini L., Guida D., Sorbino G. e Lanzara R. (2005), Geografical Informative System of the Sarno Territorial Survey (1998 - Campania region Hydro-geological Emergency)- Il Sistema Informativo del Presidio Territoriale, Ed. Rubettino;
- Santangelo, N., Santo, A., Guida D., Lanzara R. & Siervo V. (2005). The geosites of the Cilento-Vallo Di Diano National Park (Campania region, Southern Italy) – Il Quaternario - Italian Journal of Quaternary Sciences - 18(1), - Volume Speciale, 101-112;
- D. Guida, A. Longobardi, P., Villani, P., (2005). Hydrological modelling for river basin management in highly hydro-geological conditioned environment, Convegno WIT, Bologna;
- Guida, D. (2005). Aspetti applicativi del Foglio geologico 1:50.000, n. 521 “Lauria”, nell’ambito delle Note Illustrative del Foglio (Resp. Sc. G. Bonardi);
- Guida, D., Siervo, V., 2005 . La carta Inventario delle Frane del Foglio 521 “Lauria”. Giornale di Geologia Applicata, Secondo Convegno AIGA, Bari;
- Guida D., Nocera, N., Siervo, V., 2005. Morpho-evolutive analysis on intermittent cynematic landslide reactivation in the Campania-lucanian Apennines (Southern Apennines) - Analisi morfoevolutiva delle riattivazioni di frane a cinematismo intermittente in Appennino Calmpano-lucano ( Italia Meridionale). Giornale di Geologia Applicata, Secondo Convegno AIGA, Bari;
- D. Guida; Longobardi A; G. Ragone; Villani P.(2006). Hydrogeological and hydrological modelling for water resources management in karstic landscape at the basin scale. A case study: the Bussento river basin. In: EGU General Assembly Vienna Vol.8, 08000;
- Blasi C, Guida D, Siervo V, Paolanti M, Michetti L, Capotorti G, Smiraglia D. 2007. Defining and Mapping The Landscape of Italy. In: Proceedings of the 7th IALE World Congress - Part 1. Wageningen, The Netherlands, July 8th-12th, vol. 1: 572-573. ISBN/ISSN: 978-90-78514-02-2;
- Blasi C., Guida D., Siervo V., Paolanti M., Michetti L., Capotorti G., Smiraglia D. 2007. An integrated, hierarchical, multiscale, gis-based approach to defining and mapping the landscape of Italy. European Geosciences Union Assembly. Vienna, Austria. Poster, abstracts 9:10822;
- Guida, Siervo, Cestari e Lanzara (2007), Hydro-geomorphotypes European Geosciences Union Assembly. Vienna, Austria. Poster, abstracts…………….
- Adamo N; Della Rocca M. R; Guida D; Guida M.; Lino R., Sicignano E., Cuomo A., Guadagnuolo D., Siervo V., (2008). Radioattività. In: Adamo N.; Dantonio G. Agenti Fisici : Il monitoraggio in Campania 2003 – 2007, Pag.169-206 , ISBN:978-88-902451-8-3, ID:2284647;
- Guida D., Guida M., Cuomo A., Guadagnuolo D., Siervo V., (2008). Valutazione delle Radon-Prone Areas in Regione Campania: un nuovo campo per la ricerca geologico-applicativa e la pratica professionale interdisciplinare. GEOLOGI. Vol. 24. Pag.7-18, ID:2285481;
- Guida D; Guida M.; Cuomo A; Siervo V; Guadagnuolo D. (2008). Radon-prone Areas Assessment in Campania Region. Applications of a Hierarchical and Multi-scale Approach to the Environmental Planning. GEologia Tecnica & Ambientale. Vol. XVI. Pag.38-62 ISSN:1722-0025, ID:2284640;
- M. Guida; D. Guadagnuolo; D. Guida; Longobardi A.; P. Villani(2008). Measuring groundwater - river interaction using 222Rn tracer in karstic Mediterranean environment. A case study: the Bussento river and the Policastro gulf system. In: EGU General Assembly Wien, Vol.10, 06292, ID:2295716;
- D. Guida; Longobardi A.; F. Rossi; P. Villani(2008). Semi-distributed hydrological model for discharge forecasting in un-gauged basin; Un modello idrologico semidistribuito per la previsione delle portate in bacini non monitorati. In: XXXI Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche Perugia PERUGIA Morlacchi Editore Pag.--- ISBN:978-88-6074-220-9, ID:2295713, in italian;
- Aloia, A., De Vita A., Guida, D., Positano P., Siervo V., (2009) The geological heritage of National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano, Salerno, Italy - Geomorphosites 2009: raising the profile of geomorphological heritage through iconography, inventory and promotion-International Symposium on Geomorphology Paris-Sorbonne University (France) Proceedings – 2009, June 10-12, Session 5 - From adventure tour guides to geoparks and geotourism: the popularisation and promotion of geomorphological heritage-Int. Association of Geomorphologist, Vol II, p. 92;
List of the 2010-2020 best papers
- Blasi C., Capotorti G., Copiz R., Frondoni R., Guida D., Mollo B., Smiraglia D., Zavattero L., (2010). The ecoregional approach for landscape classification: an Italian example. Living Landscape, The European Landscape Convention in research perspective, 18-19 ottobre 2010, Firenze. Conference Materials, Volume I: 178-193. ISBN 978-88-8341-458-9;
- Blasi C., Capotorti G., Smiraglia D., Guida D., Zavattero L., Mollo B., Frondoni R., Copiz R. (2010). The Ecoregions of Italy. A thematic contribution to the National Biodiversity Strategy. Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea Protection - CIRBFEP - University of Salerno, 16 pp;
- Cuomo, A. & Guida, D. Orographic barrier (2010). Orographic barriers GIS-based definition of the Campania-Lucanian Apennine Range (Southern Italy). Poster presented in EGU General Assembly (EGU,2010),Wien;
- D. Guadagnuolo, M. Guida, D. Guida, A. Cuomo, V. Siervo (2010). Using Radon-222 as a Naturally Occurring Tracer to investigate the streamflow-groundwater interactions in a typical Mediterranean fluvial-karst landscape: the interdisciplinary case study of the Bussento river (Campania region, Southern Italy). EGU General Assembly, Wien, Austria, 2-7 maggio 2010;
- Cuomo, A. & Guida, D. (2010). GIS-based definition of the Orographic Barrier in the Southern Apennines, Definizione Gis_Based Selle Barriere Orografiche dell’Appennino Campano-Lucano (Italia Meridionale). XXXII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche (IDRA, 2010), Palermo, in italian;
- Blasi C., Capotorti G., Frondoni R., Guida D., Mollo B., Smiraglia D., Zavattero L. (2011). Vegetation science and the ecoregional approach: a proposal for the ecological land classifcation of Italy. Fitosociologia 48 (2) suppl. 1: 75-82;
- Cuomo, A., Guida, D., & Palmieri, V., (2011). Digital orographic map of peninsular and insular Italy. Journal of Maps, 7(1), 447-463;
- Longobardi, A., Cuomo, A., Guida, D., & Villani, P. (2011). Water Resources Assessment for Karst Aquifer Conditioned River Basins: Conceptual Balance Model Results and Comparison with Experimental Environmental Tracers Evidences. In I. A. Dar, & M. A. Dar, Earth and Environmental Sciences (p. 276-298). InTech, December, 2011, 978-953-307-468-9;
- Dramis, F., Guida, D., & Cestari, A. (2011). Nature and Aims of geomorphological mapping. In M. Smith, P. Paron, & J. S. Griffiths, Geomorphological mapping: Methods and applications (Vol. 15). Elsevier, Developments in Earth Surface Processes.
- Dramis, F., Guida., Cestari, A., Siervo, V., Palmieri, V., (2011) From Geomorphological Mapping to Geomorphological Mapping System: procedures and applications - Dalla cartografia Geomorfologica al Sistema Cartografico Geomorfologico: Procedure ed applicazioni, Geologia Tecnica&Ambientale (Technical&Environmental Geology) , 2-3/11, 10-25, Roma, ISSN 1722-0025;
- Coico, Calcaterra, Guida, DePippo Landslide dams, Landslide World Forum (2011);
- Cestari, Dramis, Fubelli, Guida, Dessè Landslide risk, Landslide dams, Landslide World Forum;
- Capotorti G., Guida D., Siervo V., Smiraglia D., Blasi C. (2012). Ecological classification of land and conservation of biodiversity at the national level: the case of Italy. Biological Conservation, 147: 174-183.
Summari of 2015-2017 academic activity
In the 2017, Domenico Guida, in his role of associate professor of Physical Geography and Geomorphology (GEO / 04), at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Salerno, in compliance with the Note of the Careers and Legal Office, Area IV Human Resources - Coord . Pers. Teacher of 15 November 2017, prot. n. 0232848, prepared the "Report" to illustrate the teaching and scientific research activities carried out by the same during the 2015-2017 three-year period according to Art. 18 of the Presidential Decree 382/80.
Concerning the Educational activities during the three-year period in epigraph, D. Guida carried out the following teaching activities:
- Academic Year 20015-2016 - Teaching of Geology, in the second year of the Bachelor Course in Civil Engineering, 6 credits;
- Academic Year 20015-2016 - Teaching of Geology, in the second year of the Bachelor's Degree Program in Civil Engineering for the Environment and the Territory, 6 credits;
- Teaching of Geomorphology in the first year of the Degree Course in Environmental Assessments and Controls, Faculty of Sciences, University of Salerno, with specific authorization from the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and resolution by the Department Council, 5 credits;
- Academic Years 20015-2017 Teaching of Hydro-geomorphology in the second year of the Master of Science in Civil Engineering and Environment and Territory, 6 credits.
Complementary didactic activities and disciplinary support
- Complements of Hydrogeology within the teaching of Water Resources Management;
- Geomorphology complements within the teaching of Hydraulic Construction II;
- Over 20 degree thesis as tutor, supervisor and co-supervisor;
- Didactic seminars and conferences at DICIV and the Faculty of Science.
Research lines concerned:
- a) Geomorphology Mapping supporting Landscape Ecology
- b) Geomorphology Mapping supporting Hydrology
- c) Landslide Hazards Assessment and Mapping
- d) Geomorphosite Inventory, evaluation, planning and management
- e) Radon tracers supporting aquifer-river interaction studies
- f) Indoor and Outdoor Radon.
Research activities
- A) Participation of the Scientific Commission of the Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology for the preparation of the new Multiscalar Geomorphological Legend in the GIS environment as part of the Interinstitutional Agreement between ISPRA-National Geological Service and National Council of Geologists;
- B) Completion of the geological-applicative and geomorphological Illustrative Notes of the new edition of the Geological Map of Italy (scale 1: 50,000), as part of the CARG Project, Lauria Sheet, Sapri Sheet and Fogliuo Sorrento;
- C) Contribution to the study of the relationships between hydro-geomorphotypes and floods in significant areas of the Campania Region.
- D) Hydro-geomorphology of the Campania mountain waterways, completion of the activities carried out with the "ex 60%" 2014-2017 funding of the Engineering Department of the University of Salerno.
- E) Member of the Scientific Committee of the European and Global Geopark of the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park, from 2013.
- F) IRANOW workshop held in the Campus of Fisciano.
Publication list from 2015 to 2017
- Aloia, Aniello; Calcaterra, Domenico; Guida, Domenico; De Vita, Pantaleone (2015). Strategy of management of Cilento and Vallo di diano Geopark. In: European Geopark Conference, Book of Abstracts Katja Saari, Jarkko Saarinen & Mari Saastamoinen Pag.1-110 . ISBN:978-952-93-5939-4;
- Longobardi, Antonia; Guida, Domenico; Cuomo, Albina; Villani, Paolo (2015). Low flow regime description and its dependence on monitoring timing for the Ciciriello experimental catchment. In: 26th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly. Vol.IUGG-3573, Pag.1-1;
- Guida, Domenico; Guida, Michele; Cuomo, Albina; Mancini, Simona; Siervo, Vincenzo (2015). The RAD Campania Program: Premises, activities, state of art and perspective. In: Italian radon and norm workshop Parco Naz. del Cilento Pag.18-20. ISBN:9788890728167;
- Mancini, Simona; Guida, Michele; Guida, Domenico; Cuomo, Albina (2015). The validation of a semplified model to predict Indoor Radon activity concentrations: The S.I.R.E.M. model. In: Italian radon and norm workshop Vallo della Lucania Parco Naz. del Cilento Pag.25-26 ISBN:9788890728167;
- Cuomo, Albina; Guida, Domenico; Guida, Michele; Siervo, Vincenzo; Mancini, Simona (2015). Radon- Prone areas assessment in Campania Region. In: Italian Radon and Norm Workshop, Research and Advances on Radon and Norm Applications Pag.14-15. ISBN:978-88-907281-6-7;
- Longobardi, Antonia; Guida, Domenico; Cuomo, Albina; Villani, Paolo (2015). At which time step do we need to monitor the stream hydro-chemistry properties for low flow characterization? RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA. Vol. 35. Pag.188-191. ISSN:2035-8008;
- Bovolin; A. Cuomo; D. Guida (2015). Monitoring activity at the Middle Bussento Karst System (Cilento Geopark, southern Italy). In: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory Springer International Publishing Vol.3, Pag.275-279. ISBN:9783319090542;
- Guida Domenico e Cuomo Albina (2015). Using discharge-electrical conductivity relationship in a Mediterranean catchment: the T. Ciciriello in the Cilento, Vallo Diano and Alburni European Geopark (Southern Italy). In: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory Springer International Publishing Vol.3, Pag.201-205. ISBN:978-3-319-09053-5;
- Michele, Guida; Domenico, Guida; Albina, Cuomo (2015). Space-time Distribution of Radon-222 from Groundwater-Streamflow-Atmosphere Interactions in the Karst Systems of the Campania Region (Southern Italy). In M. Guida, D. Guida, A. Cuomo Radon: Geology, Environmental Impact and Toxicity Concerns Pag.1-54 Nova Science Publishers. ISBN:978-1-63463-777-0;
- Mancini Simona; Guida Michele; Guida Domenico; Cuomo Albina; Siervo Vincenzo (2015). An Innovative Tool for the Environmental Planning based on a Hierarchical Adaptive Multi-scale Geogenic Approach for the Mapping of Radon-prone Areas on a Regional Scale and the Assessment of Indoor Radon Risk for Population and Workers: The Case-study of the Campania Region, Southern Italy. In Audrey M. Stacks Radon: Geology, Environmental Impact and Toxicity Concerns Pag.1-50 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. ISBN:9781634637770;
- Antonia Longobardi, Paolo Villani, Domenico Guida, and Albina Cuomo (2016) Digital hydrograph filtering in small size rainfall-dominated terrigenous watershed. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 18, EGU2016-12227, 2016. EGU General Assembly 2016
- Longobardi, Antonia; Villani, Paolo; Guida, Domenico; Cuomo, Albina (2016). Hydro-geo-chemical streamflow analysis as a support for digital hydrograph filtering in a small, rainfall dominated, sandstone watershed. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY. Vol. 539. Pag.177-187 ISSN:0022-1694;
- Bovolin, Vittorio; Cuomo, Albina; Guida, Domenico (2016). Hydraulic modeling of flood pulses in the Middle Bussento Karst System (MBSKS), UNESCO Cilento Global Geopark, Southern Italy. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES. Pag.1-51. ISSN:1099-1085;
- Albina, Cuomo; Domenico, Guida (2016). Using hydro-chemograph analyses to reveal runoff generation processes in a Mediterranean catchment. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES. Pag.1-15. ISSN:0885-6087;
- Guida, Domenico; Cuomo, Albina; Palmieri, Vincenzo (2016). Using object-based geomorphometry for hydro-geomorphological analysis in a Mediterranean research catchment. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES. Vol. 20. Pag.3493-3509 ISSN:1027-5606;
- Domenico Guida; Alessio Valente; Renzo Valloni; Aniello Aloia (2016). Cilento meridionale. In D. Guida, A. Valente, R. Valloni, A. Aloia Guide Geologiche Regionali: Campania e Molise Pag.243-276 Roma Società Geologica Italiana. ISBN:9788894022728;
- Bellino, Alessandro; Guida, Domenico; De Riso, Laura; Aloia, Aniello; Baldantoni, Daniela (2017). An integrated approach to monitor the two main rivers of the “Cilento, Vallo di Diano e Alburni” National Park. In: XXVII Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Ecologia (SItE): “La ricerca ecologica in un mondo che cambia” Napoli Pag.125-125.
Third Mission recent activity of Domenico Guida As Third Mission of University, D. Guida carried out during the 2014-2018 period the following type of activity (at the university / outside the university):• For 2015, 2016, 2017 , chief organization of training schools - Hydrogeomorphology Summer School in the Cilento UNESCO Global Geopark • Organization of cultural / training activities (at the university / outside the university) Salerno: University Geomorphological Informative Mapping System to ARCADIS geomorphologists, 2016• Organization of conferences (at the university) 2014 Regional Geologists Order Conference: the 1954 Flood of Salerno; IRANOW Radon Workshop, 2015; Italian Geomorphologists (AIGeo) Conference, Ceraso, Cilento Geopark, September 2016 Geopark Magazine, Technical and Environmental National Geologist Journal• management of museums / archaeological sites Geodiversity Museum of the Cilento Geopark• National and international prizes awarded to the teacher of the Earth Culture Department, Sorrento, 2016. Starting from June, 27, 2019, the prof. Domenico Guida is Director of the above cited C.U.G.RI.