Francesca DELL'ACQUA | Premi per la ricerca
Francesca DELL'ACQUA Premi per la ricerca
Accademia dei Lincei, Premio Mario di Nola per un'opera letteraria, filosofica o storica
Accademia dei Lincei, Premio Mario di Nola per un'opera letteraria, filosofica o storica L’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei bandisce, ogni due anni, un concorso perl’assegnazione di un Premio «Mario Di Nola», di € XXXX (al lordo dell’imposizione fiscale),destinato a un autore italiano di un’opera letteraria, filosofica o storica, anche dicarattere saggistico, critico o monografico, pubblicata nell’ultimo decennio.La Commissione giudicatrice sarà composta da tre Soci della Classe di Scienze Morali,Storiche e Filologiche nominati dal Consiglio di Presidenza.I Soci che presentano segnalazioni non possono far parte della Commissione.La proposta della Commissione di assegnazione del Premio è sottoposta, perl’approvazione, alla Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche e,successivamente, all’approvazione definitiva, alle Classi Riunite dell’Accademia.Il Premio non può essere assegnato ad un Socio dell’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. | |
Accademia dei Lincei - Italia | |
2023 | |
Francesca Dell'Acqua: La sua ricerca si distingue per la sistematica attenzione ai rapporti tra immagini e testi interpretati in precise situazioni storiche. Il volume "Iconophilia. Politics, Religion, Preaching and the Use of Images in Rome (c. 680-880)" delinea con un originale confronto tra Oriente e Occidente la formazione del pensiero e della politica della Chiesa romana a favore dell'uso delle immagini sacre. L'esame di una straordinaria e molteplice serie di fonti (omelie, testi liturgici, iscrizioni e oggetti devozionali) – alcune finora ignorate – mette in rilievo la teologia che dà fondamento alla produzione di immagini a Roma e nell'Italia centrale nella crisi dell'iconoclasmo. Nel contesto della 'lotta per le immagini', parallelamente al nuovo sviluppo del culto mariano la figura della Vergine, in rapporto con i temi dell'Incarnazione, è celebrata con modalità figurative dominanti per secoli nell'arte e nella cultura religiosa. La monografia apporta un nuovo e decisivo contributo a un complesso e dibattuto problema storiografico. | | |
2020 European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards: Special Mentions
2020 European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards: Special Mentions The Special Mentions of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards 2020 were made public today by Europa Nostra and the European Commission.Six remarkable heritage achievements from six European countries that are taking part in the Creative Europe programme of the European Union were recognised by the Heritage Awards Juries with a ‘Special Mention of the Jury’.The Special Mentions are granted to initiatives which have contributed to the enhancement of Europe’s cultural heritage which were particularly appreciated by the Jury but which were not included in the final selection to receive an Award.The project 'At the Crossroads of Empires,' which I have initiated in 2016 and I co-direct, has been selected in 2020 for a Special Mention. | |
Europa Nostra–European Commission - Belgio | |
2020 | |
Il progetto Crossroads of Empires è una collaborazione tra archeologi, storici e storici dell'arte nella Repubblica Ceca, in Italia e nel Regno Unito. Il progetto riunisce i risultati di un decennio di scavi e ricerche storiche tra partner internazionali su due siti unici del periodo longobardo nella provincia di Salerno in Italia. Il progetto mette in luce questi due esempi singolarmente conservati di strutture ecclesiastiche longobarde che rappresentano il dinamismo e la natura multeplice della cultura longobarda e il loro ruolo di mediatori culturali tra Bisanzio, il mondo islamico e le potenze emergenti dell'Europa continentale medievale. | | |
Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA), Individual Fellowship – European Commission
Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA), Individual Fellowship – European Commission The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) provide grants for all stages of researchers' careers and encourage transnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. The MSCA enable research-focused organisations (universities, research centres, and companies) to host talented foreign researchers and to create strategic partnerships with leading institutions worldwide. Individual Fellowships support the mobility of researchers within and beyond Europe - as well as helping to attract the best foreign researchers to work in the EU. The grant usually covers two years' salary, a mobility allowance, research costs and overheads for the host institution. Individual researchers submit proposals for funding in liaison with their planned host organisation. Proposals are judged on their research quality, the researcher's future career prospects, and the support offered by the host organisation. Fellows can also spend part of the fellowship elsewhere in Europe if this would boost impact, and those restarting their career in Europe benefit from special eligibility conditions. | |
European Commission - Horizon 2020 (The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation) - Belgio | |
2015 | |
The Marie Curie Fellowship (E 195.000) has been awarded to my project nr. 657240-ICONOPHILIA (MSCA-IF) "Religion, Politics and the Arts in Early Medieval Italy Against the Background of the ‘Image Struggle’ (680-850)". The evaluation report states: "Strengths: - Innovative aspects of the research program are focused on analysing the modalities in which theological ideas and artistic developments of the Byzantine "image struggle" impacted on western religious mentality. - The project is original concerning the relation between text and image and the possible transmission of information. - A detailed introduction is presented that states clearly the specific features of the project. - The proposal is of very good quality and the state of the art, research objectives and overview of the action are precisely described. - There is potential for innovation in the methodological approach, which involves an interdisciplinary and comparative approach to cultural history.- There is very good potential for the transfer of knowledge through research training from the host organisations during the fellowship. The researcher will gain new skills in philology historical studies, communication and management skills and by participating in international collaborative research program. - The proposal clearly describes the training objectives and how the host institution is committed to enhancing the researcher's competence. - The match between researcher's profile and the proposed project is excellent, and the researcher' s skills and experience are very suitable for the project proposed.- The hosting arrangements for the implementation and management of the research project are clearly described. - The scientific profile of the Experienced Researcher and their capacity to reach an internationally recognized position in the academic field is well proven. - The activities of the applicant that demonstrate leadership qualities and project management skills are clearly detailed in the proposal. - The shift from art history to art and religious history gives evidence of an independent thinking and capacity to foster original ideas."The project will be undertaken at the Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies in the University of Birmingham, under the guidance of Prof. Leslie Brubaker, a leading Byzantinist. | | |
Samuel H. Kress - Italian Art Society Travel Grant 2014
Samuel H. Kress - Italian Art Society Travel Grant 2014 | |
2014 | |
As the President of the Italian Art Society (IAS), it is my great pleasure to inform you that you have been selected to receive $606 (US Dollars) to support your presentation of “The Salerno School of Medicine, the Heritage of Archbishop Alphanus and the Narrative Programme of the Salerno Ivories” at the International Congress of Medieval Studies meeting at Kalamazoo in 2014. Unfortunately, due to the limited support that the IAS received from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation in relation to the large number of qualified applicants this year, the IAS is unable to fund your entire request. We hope, however, that this award will help to offset your travel costs and still allow you to travel to the conference.I wish you the best of luck at the conference and in your future endeavors. Please contact me with any questions.Sincerely,Cathleen A. Fleck, Ph.D.President, Italian Art SocietyFine and Performing Arts Dept.Saint Louis University3733 West Pine Blvd., Xavier 165St. Louis, MO 63108 USATel: 314-977-3504; E: | | |
Fulbright Research Scholar
Fulbright Research Scholar Fulbright grants for faculty and professionals from around the world to conduct research, lecture or pursue combined lecturing and research in the United States. | |
United States Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs - Stati Uniti | |
2011 | |
Eccellenza del progetto di ricerca presentato "Mediterranean Cross-Currents: The So-called 'Salerno ivories' as Examples of Artistic Interaction in the Middle Ages" da svolgersi nell'a.a. 2011-12 presso il Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies-Harvard University, Washington DC. | | |
The ICMA-Samuel H. Kress Research and Travel Award
The ICMA-Samuel H. Kress Research and Travel Award The ICMA-Samuel H. Kress Foundation fund for travel costs of speakers at ICMA-sponsored conference sessions:Thanks to the generosity of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, ICMA has some funds for speakers at sessions that it sponsors at scholarly conferences, such as Kalamazoo, the College Art Association and others. Under the Kress Foundation rules, only speakers are eligible, not session organizers or chairs or discussants. | |
The International Center of Medieval Art and the Samuel H. Kress Foundation - Stati Uniti | |
2010 | |
Per l'eccellenza del progetto di studio proposto per il 45th International Congress on Medieval Studies a Kalamazoo (USA), nella sessione Sculpture and the city. | | |
Hanno-und-Ilse-Hahn-Preis | |
2006 | |
2006: Francesca dell'Acqua (Salerno), "per meriti eccezionali nel campo della storia dell'arte italiana, in particolare per la ricerca sulle vetrate colorate dal periodo Tardoantico fino all'Alto Medioevo". | | |
Fonte dati IRIS-RM