Sergio PAGANO | Curriculum
Sergio PAGANO Curriculum
Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
Sergio Pagano
Professional Position
- 2019 Full Professor of Experimental Physics at the University of Salerno, Italy
- 2005 Associate Professor of Experimental Physics at the University of Salerno, Italy
- 2001 Senior Researcher at the Institute of Cybernetics, C.N.R., Pozzuoli (NA), Italy
- 1987 Researcher at the Institute of Cybernetics, C.N.R., Pozzuoli (NA), Italy
- 1987 Ph.D. in Physics at the Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Thesis: “Nonlinear Dynamics in Long Josephson Junctions” - 1984 Master’s Degree in Physics at the University of Salerno, Italy
Thesis: “Study of the Dynamic Behavior of a Josephson Junction Coupled to a Resonator”
Final Grade: 110/110 cum laude
Scientific Coordination
Throughout his career, he has participated in various scientific research projects funded by C.N.R., the University of Salerno, I.N.F.N., I.N.F.M., and the European Union.
In particular, Sergio Pagano has served as a scientific coordinator and principal investigator for the following projects:
- 2024-25 Principal Investigator, NbJTWPA project funded by NQSTI Spoke 6 Bandi a Cascata
- 2024-25 Principal Investigator, HIQRES project funded by NQSTI Spoke 6 Bandi a Cascata
- 2024-25 Principal Investigator, QSENS project funded by NQSTI Spoke 6 Bandi a Cascata
- 2021-23 Local PI, I.N.F.N. Project DARTWARS “Detector Array Readout with Traveling Wave AmplifieRS”
- 2019-21 Local PI, I.N.F.N. Project SIMP "Single Photon Microwave Detectors"
- 2017-20 Local PI, I.N.F.N. Project FEEL "Future Energy Efficient Electronics"
- 2017-19 PI, FARB UNISA
- 2015-17 PI, FARB UNISA
- 2011-14 PI, C.N.R. European Project IRONSEA: Establishing the basic science and technology for Iron-based superconducting electronics applications
- 2006-08 PI, C.N.R. European STREP Project SINPHONIA: Single-photon nanostructured detectors for advanced optical applications
- 2004-06 PI, I.N.F.M. Seed Project Fast Superconductive Optical Detectors
- 2002-03 PI, Pirelli Labs Contract Fast Photoresponse of Superconducting Josephson Devices
- 1998-06 Member, Steering Committee of RD39 Collaboration Cryogenic Tracking Detectors, C.E.R.N. – Switzerland
- 1998-01 National PI, I.N.F.N. Experiment Lazarus
- 1996-00 PI, CNR for I.N.F.M. Southern Project Non-destructive analysis with eddy currents using superconducting devices
- 1996-99 Local PI, I.N.F.N. Experiment Suradda
Management Activities
- 2025- President of the Teaching Council of the Department of Physics “E.R. Caianiello,” University of Salerno
- 2024-2025 President of the Joint Teaching-Student Committee of the Department of Physics “E.R. Caianiello,” University of Salerno
- 2021–2024 Member of the Executive Committee, Department of Physics “E.R. Caianiello,” University of Salerno
- 2016–2019 Member of the Executive Committee, Department of Physics “E.R. Caianiello,” University of Salerno
- 2016-2021 Head of the Review Group for Physics and Environmental Sciences Study Programs, University of Salerno
- 2015-2019 Member of the Institute Council, SPIN Institute of C.N.R.
- 2013-2014 Educational Coordinator for the Physics Study Program, University of Salerno
- 2012-2015 Member, Management Committee of the PON a3_00138 CETIS Project, University of Salerno
- 2010-2014 Head of the Salerno Operational Unit, SPIN Institute of C.N.R., responsible for Personnel Management, Safety, and Procurement
Teaching Activity
Since 2005, lecturer in physics and physics laboratory courses for undergraduate and graduate programs in Physics, Environmental Assessment and Control, and Environmental Sciences.
Supervisor of over 25 undergraduate and Ph.D. theses in Physics and Environmental Sciences.
Research Activity
His research has primarily focused on superconducting electronics, although it has also extended to the study of advanced materials, complex systems, and coherence phenomena.
Main research topics:
- Physics of Josephson Junctions
- High-Tc SQUID Devices
- Low-Temperature Semiconductor Radiation Detectors
- Josephson Digital Circuits
- Superconducting Radiation Detectors
- Development of New Active Superconducting Devices
- Low-Frequency Noise and Transport Properties in Innovative Materials and Devices
- Development of a Management Theory Based on Complex Systems
- Application of Network Theory to Public Healthcare
- Development of Superconducting Devices for Quantum Applications
Scientific Publications
He has authored approximately 220 scientific publications in international journals, books, and conference proceedings.
A detailed list of publications is available at: