| By demonstrating methods and tools for the analysis, critical interpretation, commentary and historical contextualisation of Greek literary texts in poetry and prose, the course aims to provide PhD students with advanced specialist skills to tackle new problems and issues and to develop and manage original and innovative research directions. Particular attention will be given to the history of literary genres and forms of communication in ancient Greece.
(a) Knowledge and understanding. PhD students are expected to consolidate and deepen their knowledge of the discipline in all its articulations, including the methodologies of research in the field.
b) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding. Doctoral and post-doctoral students are expected to further refine their critical capacities in the analysis, translation and commentary of Greek literary texts, competently orienting themselves between problems and perspectives and understanding the relationships between literature and the other components of culture, within the general framework of the social, political and economic history of the ancient world. They are also expected to be able to set up bibliographical research, also using electronic and online tools, in order to undertake research on specific aspects of the discipline, possibly in collaboration with other colleagues, and with a view to publishing the results acquired.
c) Autonomy of judgement. PhD students will be able to orientate themselves independently within the present critical debate on the topics of the discipline, finding personal, scientifically grounded paths of investigation.
d) Communication skills. PhD students are expected to be able to communicate, in clear and correct form, orally and in writing, with order and appropriate language, to specialists and non-specialists, the contents of the discipline and the results of their research in the field. They are also expected to be able to collaborate with other scholars in research groups in the humanities.
(e) Learning capacity. PhD students are expected to master content and research tools in the subject area, so that they can pursue their research independently. |