Giacomo DI RUOCCO | Curriculum
Giacomo DI RUOCCO Curriculum
From 07/12/2017 he is qualified as a second level University Professor for the Competition Sector 08 / C1 (Design and Technological Design of Architecture)
From 02/02/2015 is Researcher T.D.a ex L.240 / 2010, SSD ICAR / 10 (Technical Architecture) - Lecturer of the courses of Technical Architecture and Organization of the Construction Site, of the degree courses in Civil Engineering and Building Engineering-Architecture
In 2018 he is Visiting professor at the Escuela Técnica Superior De Arquitectura - Universidad de Sevilla - Avda. Reina Mercedes, 2 CP: 41012 (Sevilla), for the following activities: Lessons on the topics "the Italian single-family house: typological, constructive and bioclimatic characteristics "; "Light prefabrication and temporary housing"; "Universal design: the accessibility of buildings and cities". Workshop: TALLER REHABILITACIÓN (
2017: member of the patent application team: "Prefabricated construction system in cold metal sheet panels and dry injunctions"
2016: Lecturer in the module "Building, environmental and economic sustainability in the design, management and recovery of civil and infrastructural works" (2 CFU), as part of the Doctoral course "Risk and sustainability in civil engineering, construction and construction systems environmental ", at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Salerno
2016: Visiting professor at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Edificación - UPV Valencia - Camino de Vera, s / n 46022 - Valencia, with Lectio Magistral entitled: Intervencion en edificios existientes. Sostenibilidad and implantacion medioambiental
2008: holder of Research Grant, at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Salerno, for the development of the theme: "The redevelopment of the urban suburbs of Salerno"
2008: Lecturer in "Compatible building technologies" - at the training course PIT S20 "Technician for building and environmental recovery" - period 21/01 / 2008-30 / 05/2008
2006: PhD in Structural Engineering and Building and Urban Recovery, at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Salerno, with thesis entitled: "A new methodological approach to the recovery of wooden floors"
2002: holder of Research Grant, at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Salerno, for the development of the theme: "The popular houses in Campania in the twentieth century, typological and morphological characters"
1999: Assignment conferred by CUGRI at the University of Salerno, for consultancy activities in the area of activities aimed at delimiting areas at risk of landslides and floods and drafting the defense plan
1998: Assignment conferred by the National Research Council (CNR) - Operating Unit at the University of Salerno, for consultancy activities for technical support and monitoring, aimed at managing emergency plans, as part of the research activity "Pluviometric effects in slope dynamics"
1998: Assignment conferred by the Consortium Research Center in Pure and Applied Mathematics (CRMPA) at the University of Salerno, for consultancy activities, as part of the research activities applied on vectorization problems and GIS systems
1992: degree in Architecture at the University of Naples, with a thesis in architectural design - supervisor prof. Arch. Nicola Pagliara