


RIBERA FedericaDirettore
COMO AlessandraMembro
Cucco PasqualeMembro
SICIGNANO EnricoCollaboratore Esterno
GALLO ANNACollaboratore
NERI GIULIACollaboratore


The Architecture Laboratory, to which the scientific-disciplinary sectors of Architectural Engineering (ICAR/10) and Architectural and Urban Composition (ICAR/14) belong, carries out the functions of promotion, development and planning of research, teaching and third mission activities within the reference areas.

The Laboratory has many advanced hardware and software equipment, as well as graphic workstations for the conduction and continuous implementation of theoretical and design studies and researches.

The office is located on the first floor of the INVARIANT C building E of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Salerno and has the code Archibus FINV 9C P02 050.


Architectural Engineering (SSD ICAR/10 art. 1 of M.D. 23 December 1999)

The research activities refer to the analysis of building organisms, in their fundamental aspects of constructive, functional, typological and formal nature and in their hierarchies of systems, also aimed at the optimal compliance of the works with the essential requirements and oriented towards the achievement of the sustainability goals. These include the critical evaluation of traditional and innovative construction techniques and their translation into the design, implementation and management of works. The research activities concern both the problems of new buildings at different scales, and those of conservation, recovery and reuse of the existing heritage.

The scientific subjects include (a) the history and technological culture of design and construction; (b) the study of building technologies and construction systems in their historical development; (c) the analysis of building typologies and housing needs; (d) the study of materials; (e) the sustainable design of buildings, including their energy efficiency, in accordance with the latest EU sustainable development programmes; (f) the management of the design process and the relationship with site, climate and landscape; (g) the maintenance and management of buildings; (h) the in-depth analysis of performance aspects at different design scales.

Moreover, special attention is given to the study of small towns in inland areas with the development of multi-criteria operational tools for the valorisation of small settlements. In addition to the analysis of the recovery strategies carried out at national level, the actions undertaken in the broader international framework, with specific reference to the European 'Smart Villages', are also examined.

Architectural and Urban Composition (SSD ICAR/14 art. 1 of M.D. 23 December 1999)

The research activities focus on the topic of architectural design, at different scales, considering its historical evolution and the inputs of the most recent contemporary trends; particular attention is given to the study of the relationship between the architectural project and the context in which it is inserted, with special reference to the contemporary city’s critical areas and to the landscapes in transformation. Research topics also arise from theoretical-critical reflections on the design process and the related experiments.

In close connection with the teaching programmes, research activities are in many cases based on the real needs of the territory and are developed within the framework of specific agreements and European funding.


The services potentially available to users in the form of scientific advice are the following:

  • Technological surveys of buildings and architectural works, including monumental ones;
  • Recovery Plans, Colour Plans and Integrated and Valorisation Programmes for the Historical and Architectural Heritage;
  • Building, architectural and urban design;
  • Implementation of the building organisms' performance, with reference to construction systems and technologies;
  • Energy audits and applications for the energy efficiency in buildings, also in relation to the tax benefits application (Ecobonus, Superbonus 110%, etc.);
  • Evaluation procedures for the sustainability of buildings through the application of specific protocols and best practices;
  • Development of models to support the Public Administrations’ or stakeholders’ decision-making strategies for the selection of the most appropriate interventions, both with regard to existing buildings and to the planning of works and infrastructures;
  • Development of research proposals and project studies in the European context;
  • Setting up of multi-criteria models aimed at supporting Public Administrations or stakeholders in the evaluation of the most effective strategies to be undertaken in the field of recovery and valorisation of small towns in inland areas.


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