
Gian Domenico LICCIARDO Publications

Contributo in Atti di convegno
Toward hardware implementation of DoG.
In: 102nd MPEG Meeting, Shanghai Pag.1-10
102nd MPEG Meeting
Shanghai, Cina from the 15th to the 19th October 2012
Danilo, Pau; Vigliar, Mario; Licciardo, GIAN DOMENICO; Emanuele, Plebani; Arcangelo, Bruna; Claudio, Parrella
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Contributo in Atti di convegno
Memory analysis of Interest Point Detector and Compact Descriptor algorithms.
In: 100th MPEG Meeting, Geneva ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 Pag.1-7
100th MPEG Meeting
Geneva, Switzerland from the 30th April to the 4th May 2012
Arcangelo, Bruna; Danilo, Pau; Claudio, Parrella; Gianfranco Di Nuzzo, ; Vigliar, Mario; Licciardo, GIAN DOMENICO; Napoli, Ettore; Giorgio, Lopez
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