Alessandra ROSATI | Curriculum
Alessandra ROSATI Curriculum
Alessandra ROSATI Curriculum
Alessandra Rosati is Associate Professor of Biochemistry from 2018 at the Departement of Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry of the University of Salerno, where she is presently active, both in education and research projects.
1) Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Pathology of drugs actions at the University of Salerno, Fisciano (SA), Italy (2007)
2) Degree in Pharmacy awarded by the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Salerno, Fisciano (SA), Italy (2002)
Work experiences in foreign countries:
1) Research experience at the Center for Neurovirology, Medical School, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA (2004 - 2006).
2) Research experience at the MRC, Toxicology Unit, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK (2004)
1) Cavalierato Giovanile: Prize for Innovation 2011 awarded by the Province of Salerno.
2) Qualified at the Mediterranean School of Oncology for the "Young Investigator Award 2011" and "Venuta Young Scientist Prize"(2011)
3) Start Cup Award conferred by the University of Salerno (2008)
4) Prize "Arturo Leone" 2008 awarded by the "Meeting Internazione Cell Stress and Apoptosis: to Arturo."
Research activities:
In last years, prof. Rosati was mainly interested in the study of interactions between BAG3 and other proteins involved in the modulation of apoptosis (such as NF-kB, WT-1, Btk and other). Results of her research are published in international peer-reviewed journal. She has over 60 publications of which 26 as Corresponding, Last or First Author. H index: 23.
START-UP activities:
Founder member of the academic Spin-off named BIOUNIVERSA. Assigned role in the society: coordinator of the R&D activities. This applied research, funded by two venture capital funds, has focused on the validation of BAG3-specific reagents to be used in the diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases.
- USO DELLA PROTEINA BAG3 E SUOI FRAMMENTI PEPTIDICI PER IL CONTROLLO DELL’OMEOSTASI VASCOLARE - ITA application number: 102016000069391 by Turco MC, De Laurenzi V, Vecchione C and Rosati A. Priority: 04/07/2016
- ANTI-BAG3 ANTIBODIES IN COMBINATION WITH INHIBITORS OF IMMUNE CHECK-POINT FOR THERAPEUTIC USE- ITA application number: 102016000111877 by Turco MC, De Laurenzi V, Rosati A and Marzullo L. Priority: 07/11/2016
- ANTICORPI UMANIZZATI ANTI-BAG3 -ITA application number: 102015000069391 by Turco MC, De Laurenzi V, Rosati A and Sala G. Priority: 18/10/2015.
- ANTICORPI ANTI-BAG3 COME REAGENTE TERAPEUTICO NELLE MALATTIE CARDIOVASCOLARI -ITA application number: 10201700011364 by Turco MC, Marzullo L, Rosati A, De Marco Margot and Anna Basile Priority: 06/12/2017