
Matteo FRAGETTA Projects

11 Funded projects
La letteratura sull'impatto della politica monetaria sui singoli paesi dell'Euro area è discordante. Date eterogeneità strutturali finanche all'interno dei singoli paesi, scopo della ricerca è vedere l'impatto della politica monetaria della BCE sulle singole regioni. Tale indagine potrebbe far emergere informazioni più accurate sulle possibili cause strutturali che generano impatti eterogenei.
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorFRAGETTA Matteo (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost1.989,00 euro
Project duration25 November 2024 - 25 November 2027
This research aims to analyze how the state of the economy affects the magnitude of tax multipliers. First, we use a panel regime-switching local projection method to investigate about the size of the multipliers in recession and expansion in the Euro Area. Thanks to the LP method, we are also able to capture asymmetries deriving from the direction of the fiscal policy intervention. Then, among Eu
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorFRAGETTA Matteo (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.057,00 euro
Project duration31 July 2023 - 31 July 2026
The literature has shown that the size of fiscal multiplier might depend on: the size of the automatic stabilizers, the trade openness, the exchange rate regimes, the level of public debt, the financial market development, the development stage of the economy, the monetary policy stance and the state of economy. The aim of this research is to investigate about nonlinearities that influence the si
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorFRAGETTA Matteo (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.089,00 euro
Project duration25 July 2022 - 25 July 2025
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorFRAGETTA Matteo (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.340,00 euro
Project duration15 February 2021 - 30 September 2024
Is the government spending multiplier greater in recession or in expansion? Can the level of debt-toGDP ratio influence multiplier in recession or in expansion? Using a Factor-Augmented Interacted Panel VAR Model enriched with exogenous variables (FAIPVAR-X), we firstly try to infer about the size of the government spending multiplier in expansion and in times of slack. Then, we investigate on how
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorFRAGETTA Matteo (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost498,00 euro
Project duration18 May 2020 - 18 May 2023
Starting from 2009, many OECD and developing countries have implemented expansionary fiscal policies with the purpose to soften the effects of the Great Recession A natural question arises: what is the magnitude of the government spending multiplier when monetary policy is constrained at the Zero Lower Bound(ZLB)? Is it larger or smaller than in normal times? On the one hand, there are researchers
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorFRAGETTA Matteo (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost500,00 euro
Project duration11 March 2019 - 10 March 2022
Inflation differentials in the European Monetary Union (EMU) have been at the core of the academic and policy debate since its onset. In fact, given that within the EMU a fixed exchange regime is in place, persistent inflation differentials lead to real exchange rate misalignments and competitiveness gaps. The objective is to establish empirically all, or at least many, potential determinants of i
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorFRAGETTA Matteo (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.371,00 euro
Project duration20 November 2017 - 20 November 2020
Proroga20 febbraio 2021
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorFRAGETTA Matteo (Project Coordinator)
FundingFinanziamenti da bandi nazionali Ministeriali ed altri EEPP
Cost3.000,00 euro
Project duration16 February 2018 - 15 February 2020
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorFRAGETTA Matteo (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.413,00 euro
Project duration29 July 2016 - 20 September 2018
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorFRAGETTA Matteo (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.119,00 euro
Project duration28 July 2015 - 28 July 2017
Proroga28 Luglio 2018
Analisi macroeconometrica (Finanziamento per avvio attività di ricerca - rif. prot. 32582 del 18/05/2015
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
Principal InvestigatorFRAGETTA Matteo (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost1.549,37 euro
Project duration18 May 2015 - 18 May 2017

  Data source U-GOV dal 1 Gennaio 2013