Marialuigia RAIMONDO | Publications
Marialuigia RAIMONDO Publications
2016 | |
Poster | |
Viscoelastic properties and morphology of carbon nanotubes filled epoxy nanocomposites. In: XIII CONVEGNO NAZIONALE AIMAT ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA D'INGEGNERIA DEI MATERIALI Pag.12-12 | |
XIII CONVEGNO NAZIONALE AIMAT Ischia 13 -‐ 15 Luglio | |
Nobile, Maria Rossella; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Rosolia, Salvatore; Vertuccio, Luigi; Guadagno, Liberata | |
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2016 | |
Poster | |
Manufacturing process of a multifunctional composite panel with nanocharged matrix. In: Program - 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Times of Polymers (TOP) & Composites, CHAIRED BY DOMENICO ACIERNO CRdc Tecnologie scarl Naples ALBERTO D’AMORE Department of Industrial and Information Engineering, Second University of Naples SUN Pag.11-11 | |
8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Times of Polymers (TOP) & Composites Ischia – ITALY June 19th – 23rd 2016 | |
Volponi, Ruggero; Spena, Paola; De Nicola, Paola; Guadagno, Liberata; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Vietri, Umberto | |
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2016 | |
Poster | |
Synthesis of a new ruthenium catalyst for self-healing applications in aeronautics. In: NanoInnovation edition 2016 Pag.1-1 | |
NanoInnovation 2016 Conference & Exhibition Rome – Italy 20-23 September 2016 | |
Guadagno, Liberata; Longo, Pasquale; Mariconda, Annaluisa; Calabrese, Elisa; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Naddeo, Carlo; Vertuccio, Luigi; Russo, Salvatore; Iannuzzo, Generoso | |
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102244Investigation of rheological and dynamic mechanical properties of graphene-TGMDA nanocomposites
2016 | |
Poster | |
Investigation of rheological and dynamic mechanical properties of graphene-TGMDA nanocomposites. In: XIII CONVEGNO NAZIONALE AIMAT ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA D'INGEGNERIA DEI MATERIALI Pag.12-12 | |
Nobile, Maria Rossella; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Lafdi, Khalid; Guadagno, Liberata | |
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2016 | |
Poster | |
New ruthenium catalyst for self-healing applications in highly reactive environments. In: GRICU GET INNOVATION Pag.1-4 | |
GRICU MEETING 2016 Anacapri (NA), Italy September 12 - 14, 2016 | |
Calabrese, Elisa; Guadagno, Liberata; Longo, Pasquale; Naddeo, Carlo; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Mariconda, Annaluisa; Vertuccio, Luigi | |
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2008 | |
Poster | |
Electrical Properties of epoxy resin-filled with multiwalled carbon nanotubes. In: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials (ANM 2008)Vol.poster sessions Abstract Nr. 286, Pag.38-38 | |
2nd International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials Aveiro-Portugal 22 -25 June 2008 | |
Guadagno, Liberata; Naddeo, Carlo; Vittoria, Vittoria; Sorrentino, Andrea; Vertuccio, Luigi; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Tucci, Vincenzo; DE VIVO, Biagio; Lamberti, Patrizia; Iannuzzo, Generoso; Calvi, Erica; Russo, Salvatore | |
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