Marialuigia RAIMONDO | Publications
Marialuigia RAIMONDO Publications
2022 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Strategic Role of Carbon Nanotube Functionalization on the Multifunctional Properties of Structural Epoxy Nanocomposites MACROMOLECULAR SYMPOSIA. Vol. 404 (2100275). Pag.1-4 ISSN:1022-1360. | |
Raimondo, M; Catauro, M; Guadagno, L | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1002/masy.202100275 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000842344000027 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85136512377 | |
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2022 | |
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Hybrid composites based on carbon nanotubes and graphene nanosheets outperforming their single-nanofiller counterparts FLATCHEM. Vol. 36 (100431). Pag.1-12 ISSN:2452-2627. | |
Raimondo, M; Donati, G; Milano, G; Guadagno, L | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.flatc.2022.100431 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000866514200002 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85138549355 | |
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2022 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Self‐Healing Ability of Poly (PEGMA‐5‐UPy) Evaluated by Thermomechanical Analysis MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING. Vol. 2200500. Pag.1-10 ISSN:1438-7492. | |
Calabrese, Elisa; Guadagno, Liberata; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Sorrentino, Andrea; Russo, Simona; Longo, Pasquale; Mariconda, Annaluisa | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1002/mame.202200500 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000881805700001 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85141746277 | |
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2022 | |
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Rheological, Thermal and Mechanical Characterization of Toughened Self-Healing Supramolecular Resins, Based on Hydrogen Bonding NANOMATERIALS. Vol. 12(23), 4322. Pag.1-19 ISSN:2079-4991. | |
Guadagno, Liberata; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Naddeo, Carlo; Vertuccio, Luigi; Russo, Salvatore; Iannuzzo, Generoso; Calabrese, Elisa | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.3390/nano12234322 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000896269300001 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85143692626 | |
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2022 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Electrical Investigation by Tunneling Atomic Force Microscopy of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Panels Manufactured by Modified Resin Film Infusion MACROMOLECULAR SYMPOSIA. Vol. 404 (2100274). Pag.1-5 ISSN:1022-1360. | |
Raimondo, M; Catauro, M; Reverchon, E; Scognamiglio, M; Guadagno, L | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1002/masy.202100274 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000842344000028 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85136496231 | |
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258033Viscoelastic Behavior of Structural Epoxy Resins Loaded with Different Carbon Nanostructured Forms
2022 | |
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Viscoelastic Behavior of Structural Epoxy Resins Loaded with Different Carbon Nanostructured Forms MACROMOLECULAR SYMPOSIA. Vol. 405. Pag.1-4 ISSN:1022-1360. | |
Raimondo, M; Naddeo, C; Catauro, M; Guadagno, L | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1002/masy.202100209 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000870688000059 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85140253041 | |
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2022 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Design of self-healing biodegradable polymers JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY. Vol. 147. Pag.5463-5472 ISSN:1388-6150. | |
Guadagno, L.; Raimondo, M.; Catauro, M.; Sorrentino, A.; Calabrese, E. | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1007/s10973-022-11202-0 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000746381500003 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85123484934 | |
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2022 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
High-Performance Properties of an Aerospace Epoxy Resin Loaded with Carbon Nanofibers and Glycidyl Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane AEROSPACE. Vol. 9(222). Pag.1-17 ISSN:2226-4310. | |
Guadagno, Liberata; Pantelakis, Spiros; Strohmayer, Andreas; Raimondo, Marialuigia | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.3390/aerospace9040222 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000786081500001 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85129308595 | |
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2022 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Thermo-mechanical properties and electrical mapping of nanoscale domains of carbon-based structural resins JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY. Vol. 147. Pag.5473-5481 ISSN:1388-6150. | |
Raimondo, M.; Naddeo, C.; Catauro, M.; Guadagno, L. | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1007/s10973-021-11176-5 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000738559300002 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85122235206 | |
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2022 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Electrospun Membranes Designed for Burst Release of New Gold-Complexes Inducing Apoptosis of Melanoma Cells INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. Vol. 23. Pag.1-21 ISSN:1422-0067. | |
Guadagno, Liberata; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Vertuccio, Luigi; Lamparelli, Erwin Pavel; Ciardulli, Maria Camilla; Longo, Pasquale; Mariconda, Annaluisa; Della Porta, Giovanna; Longo, Raffaele | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.3390/ijms23137147 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000825629600001 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85132804820 | |
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2022 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Electrospun Membranes of Poly(butylene succinate) and Poly(butylene/2-butyl,2-ethyl-propylene succinate) MACROMOLECULAR SYMPOSIA. Vol. 405. Pag.1-5 ISSN:1022-1360. | |
Raimondo, M; Longo, R; Lotti, N; Soccio, M; Catauro, M; Guadagno, L | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1002/masy.202100210 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000870688000047 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85140227352 | |
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2022 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Self-healing systems for aeronautical application. In: 12th EASN International Conference on "Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons" - Book of Abstract Pag.100-100 | |
12th EASN International Conference on "Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons" Barcelona, Spain 18th-21st October 2022 | |
Russo, Simona; Mariconda, Annaluisa; Calabrese, Elisa; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Guadagno, Liberata; Longo, Pasquale | |
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2022 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Ballistic self-healing capability of polymeric materials for aeronautical applications. In: 12th EASN International Conference on "Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons" - Book of Abstract Pag.98-98 | |
12th EASN International Conference on "Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons" Barcelona, Spain 18th-21st October 2022 | |
Longo, Raffaele; Vertuccio, Luigi; Aliberti, Francesca; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Catauro, Michelina; Pantani, Roberto; Guadagno, Liberata | |
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2022 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Thermal and mechanical investigation of toughened epoxy resins having auto-repair ability based on supramolecular chemistry. In: 12th EASN International Conference on "Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons" - Book of Abstract Pag.97-97 | |
12th EASN International Conference on "Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons" Barcelona, Spain 18th-21st October 2022 | |
Calabrese, Elisa; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Naddeo, Carlo; Vertuccio, Luigi; Guadagno, Liberata | |
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2022 | |
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3D printing of self-responsive polymers for aeronautical applications. In: 12th EASN International Conference on "Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons" - Book of Abstract Pag.99-99 | |
12th EASN International Conference on "Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons" Barcelona, Spain 18th-21st October 2022 | |
Aliberti, Francesca; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Longo, Raffaele; Pantani, Roberto; Vertuccio, Luigi; Sorrentino, Andrea; Guadagno, Liberata | |
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2022 | |
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Nanoscale electrical performance of multifunctional carbon fiber reinforced panels. In: 12th EASN International Conference on "Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons" - Book of Abstract Pag.97-97 | |
12th EASN International Conference on "Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons" Barcelona, Spain 18th-21st October 2022 | |
Raimondo, Marialuigia; Guadagno, Liberata | |
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2022 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Current conduction mechanisms in structural resins loaded with non-covalently functionalized graphene nanosheets. In: ATTI 1° Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica per le Tecnologie della Società Chimica Italiana Napoli, 4-7 settembre 2022 Napoli Edises università Vol.P2, Pag.87-87 ISBN:9788836231041 | |
1° Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica per le Tecnologie della Società Chimica Italiana Napoli 4-7 settembre 2022 | |
Raimondo, Marialuigia; Naddeo, Carlo; Guadagno, Liberata | |
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2022 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Self-healing biodegradable polymers. In: ATTI 1° Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica per le Tecnologie della Società Chimica Italiana Napoli, 4-7 settembre 2022 Napoli Edises università Vol.P6, Pag.91-91 ISBN:9788836231041 | |
1° Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica per le Tecnologie della Società Chimica Italiana Napoli 4-7 settembre 2022 | |
Calabrese, Elisa; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Sorrentino, Andrea; Arconati, Vincenzo; Catauro, Michelina; Guadagno, Liberata | |
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2022 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Thermal characterization and local electrical mapping of 3D printed self-responsive polymers. In: 13 th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry - Book of Abstracts Pag.94-94 | |
The 13th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Palermo (Italy) 19th-22nd September 2022 | |
Aliberti, Francesca; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Longo, Raffaele; Pantani, Roberto; Vertuccio, Luigi; Sorrentino, Andrea; Guadagno, Liberata | |
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2022 | |
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Thermal and mechanical investigation of UPy based copolymers. In: 13 th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry - Book of Abstracts Pag.164-164 | |
The 13th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Palermo (Italy) 19th-22nd September 2022 | |
Calabrese, Elisa; Guadagno, Liberata; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Sorrentino, Andrea; Russo, Simona; Longo, Pasquale; Mariconda, Annaluisa | |
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2022 | |
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Thermal properties of non-covalently functionalized graphene nanosheets and carbon nanotubes for advanced composites. In: 13 th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry - Book of Abstracts Pag.180-180 | |
The 13th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Palermo (Italy) 19th-22nd September 2022 | |
Raimondo, Marialuigia; Naddeo, Carlo; Vertuccio, Luigi; Guadagno, Liberata | |
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2022 | |
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Influence of carbon nanofiber heat treatment on thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties of structural epoxy resins. In: 13 th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry - Book of Abstracts Pag.179-179 | |
The 13th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Palermo (Italy) 19th-22nd September 2022 | |
Raimondo, Marialuigia; Naddeo, Carlo; Guadagno, Liberata | |
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2022 | |
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Thermal investigation of ballistic self-healing capability of polymeric materials. In: 13 th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry - Book of Abstracts Pag.160-160 | |
The 13th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Palermo (Italy) 19th-22nd September 2022 | |
Aliberti, Francesca; Vertuccio, Luigi; Longo, Raffaele; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Catauro, Michelina; Pantani, Roberto; Guadagno, Liberata | |
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2022 | |
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Curing kinetics of epoxy-amine resin filled with functionalized carbon nanotubes. In: 13 th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry - Book of Abstracts Pag.204-204 | |
The 13th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Palermo (Italy) 19th-22nd September 2022 | |
Vertuccio, Luigi; Catauro, Michelina; Maria Piccirillo, Anna; Raimondo, Marialuigia; Guadagno, Liberata | |
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2022 | |
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Thermal analysis and nanometric mechanical map of electrospun membranes loaded with Fe3O4 nanoparticles. In: 13 th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry - Book of Abstracts Pag.98-98 | |
The 13th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Palermo (Italy) 19th-22nd September 2022 | |
Longo, R.; Pantani, R.; Speranza, V.; Raimondo, M.; Guadagno, L. | |
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2022 | |
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Thermal analysis of coaxial electrospun membranes for biomedical applications. In: 13 th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry - Book of Abstracts Pag.167-167 | |
The 13th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Palermo (Italy) 19th-22nd September 2022 | |
Longo, R.; Catauro, M.; Vertuccio, L.; Raimondo, M.; Guadagno, L. | |
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2022 | |
Prefazione/Postfazione | |
Special Issue "Polymeric Self-Healing Materials". A special issue of Polymers (ISSN 2073-4360). This special issue belongs to the section "Polymer Applications".. In Polymers Pag.1-2 | |
Raimondo, Marialuigia | |
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2022 | |
Prefazione/Postfazione | |
Call for papers – Special Issue for Hybrid Graphene Materials – Graphene-based Hybrid Materials and Composites. In Hybrid Advances Pag.1-2 | |
Raimondo, Marialuigia | |
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