
Sabino DE GISI Publications

Abstract in Atti di convegno
How much is sustainable producing low-cost adsorbents for wastewater treatment? A comparative evaluation.
In: Circular economy and environmental sustainability : conference abstracts book Iasi, Romania ECOZONE Publishing House Pag.1-2
9th International conference on environmental engineering and management, ICEEM09
Bologna September 6-9, 2017
De Gisi, Sabino; Notarnicola, Michele
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Abstract in Atti di convegno
Identifying the weakness of large centralized wastewater treatment plant operating in a critical area: The case study of Regi Lagni (Southern Italy).
In: Circular economy and environmental sustainability : conference abstracts book Iasi, Romania ECOZONE Publishing House Pag.1-2
9th International conference on environmental engineering and management, ICEEM09
Bologna September 6-9, 2017
Pica, Raffaele; De Gisi, Sabino; Casella, Patrizia; Sabia, Gianpaolo; Notarnicola, Michele
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