
Anna IERMANO Curriculum


- Since 1 December 2021 Assistant Professor of international Law, Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law)-University of Salerno.

- 1 November 2008 - 18 May 2012 Ph.D. in “European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice” (EU Law) – Department of Public Law, University of Salerno.

- From 1 February 2021 to 30 November 2021 Research Fellow in “Substantial-procedural Guarantees and Reform of the Common European Asylum System”, University of Salerno.

- 26 March 2018 - 25 March 2019 Research Fellow in “The procedural guarantees of refugees and applicants for international protection in the European system for the protection of fundamental rights”, University of Salerno.

- 03 June 2014 - 01 June 2017 Research Fellow in “Applied European Union Law”, University of Salerno.

- 02 April 2012 - 1 April 2013 Research Fellow in “Multilevel protection of fundamental rights and the accession process of the European Union to the ECHR", University of Salerno.

- 01 September 2009 - 31 August 2011 Research Fellow in “Judicial cooperation in the European Union and Italian law”, University of Salerno.

- 03 April 2008 - 03 July 2008 Scholarship for research in "EU Institutional Law: judicial practice and doctrine”, University of Salerno.

- 26 August 2019 National Scientific Qualification for the functions as associate professor in Italian Universities in European Union Law.

- 10 November 2020 National Scientific Qualification for the functions as associate professor in Italian Universities in International Law.

- 04 July 2007 Diploma post lauream in “Applied European Union Law”, University of Salerno. Final mark: 100/100.

- 03 May 2006 Post-graduate Diploma - Specialization school for legal professions, University of Naples “Suor Orsola Benincasa”.

- 27 July 2017 Diploma post lauream in “European Law and Italian Law” - Final mark: 100/100, University of Salerno.

- 14 November 2014 Professional Specialization Course in “Criminal Sciences and Criminal and Procedural Law”, University of Salerno. Final mark: 100/100.

- 29 July 2004 Degree in Law, University of Naples “Suor Orsola Benicasa”. Final mark: 110/110 cum laude.


- From 2013 up to date Member of the Observatory on the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice directed by prof. Angela Di Stasi, University of Salerno. Responsible for the Section “Judicial cooperation in criminal matters” and “Administrative cooperation”.

- From 2017 up to date Member of Editorial Board of the Review on line “Freedom, Security and Justice: European Legal Studies”,

- From 1 September 2017 to 30 November 2020 Teaching Staff Member of Jean Monnet Chair “Judicial protection of fundamental rights in the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice” (Chair Holder: Angela Di Stasi), University of Salerno (co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme – Jean Monnet Action).

- Since to May 2021 Member of the Permanent Observatory on the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, funded by Fondazione Terzo Pilastro - Internazionale.

- 2019/2020, 2020/2021 Adjunct professor of “European Law and new developments regard to Judicial cooperation in criminal matter”, Specialization school for legal professions, University of Salerno.

- 2017/2018 e 2018/2019 Adjunct professor of “European Law and protection of victims”, Specialization school for legal professions, University of Salerno.

- 2018/2019 Adjunct professor of European Union Law and Judicial cooperation (European Investigation Order in criminal matters; joint investigation teams; freezing and confiscation of instrumentalities and proceeds of crime in the European Union), Specialization school for legal professions, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Santa Maria Capuavetere.

- 2015/2016 e 2016-2017 Adjunct professor of “Harmonization of Procedural Safeguards in the European Area of Criminal Justice”, Specialization school for legal professions, University of Salerno.

- 2012/2013, 2013/2014, 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017 e 2017/2018 Adjunct Professor of “The proceedings before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance. The action for annulment. The preliminary ruling”, School of Specialization for Legal Professions, University of Naples “Federico II”.

- 2013/2014, 2014/2015 e 2015/2016 Adjunct Professor of “The Source of EU Law”, School of Specialization for Legal Professions, 2nd University of Naples “Santa Maria Capuavetere” (today University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”).

- 2013/2014 Adjunct Professor of “Applied European Union Law”, School of Specialization for Legal Professions, University of Salerno.

- 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021 Adjunct Professor of “The procedural guarantees of suspected, accused persons and victims in European Area of Liberty, Security and Justice”, Faculty of Law, University of Salerno.

- 2016/2017 Adjunct Professor of “Status of victims in European Criminal Justice Area”, Faculty of Law, University of Salerno.

- 2014/2015 Adjunct Professor of “The principle Ne bis in idem in the European Area of Liberty, Security and Justice”, Faculty of Law, University of Salerno.

- From 2011 up to date Teaching assistant for the Chairs of "EU Law", at University of Salerno.

- From 2013 up to date Teaching assistant for the Chairs of “International Law”, at University of Salerno.

- 2016-2017 Teaching assistant for the Chairs of “European Union Law and of migrations” at University of Salerno.

- 2011-2012 Teaching assistant for the Chairs of “International relations”, at University of Salerno.

- From 2019 up to date Didatic Tutor of Specialization school for legal professions, University of Salerno (200 hours).

- 22 April 2014 - 21 June 2014 Didactic tutor for the students of the National Project “Messaggeri della Conoscenza” on EU Constitutional Law.

- 2010/2011 Didactic tutor for the post-graduated students of the post-lauream Course on “Applied European Union Law” (III editions).

- 2000/2001 Didactic tutor for students of Law Faculty (150 hours), University “Suor Orsola Benicasa”, Naples.

- 2017/2018 Didactic tutor for students of Law Faculty in International Law (20 hours) Help teaching project, University of Salerno.

- 11 March 2019 – 9 May 2019 External expert for the Project “PON ZEUS I” in “European citizens”, Liceo Classico “P. Colletta”, Avellino (30 hours).

- 5 November 2007 - 5 February 2008 Internship at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Department of European Policies-Frame Mission, Rome.

- Since 06 February 2008 Lawyer – Bar Association of Avellino (Italy).

- Since 22 July 2010 Professional Mediator in civil Law.


Speaker at several national and international Conferences

4-5 April 2022, Speaker at the Conference “Migrazioni internazionali: la crisi dei rifugiati ucraini come nuovo banco di prova di riforme mancate”, with a contribution on the EU Strategy to tackle Organised Crime 2021-2025.

22 December 2020, Speaker at the Conference “Migrazioni e diritti procedural-processuali nel sistema CEDU”, with the contribution “La tutela dei richiedenti asilo in ragione dell’orientamento sessuale e dell’identità di genere”, Cittadella giudiziaria of Salerno.

25 November 2021, Speaker at the Conference “Flussi migratori, sovranità e tutela dei diritti delle persone” (24/25 November 2021), with the contribution “Donne migranti, violenze domestiche e interpretazione di genere della Convenzione di Istanbul”, University A. Saliceti – Teramo.

10 December 2020, Speaker at the Conference “L’azione dell’Onu per la promozione e la protezione dei diritti umani nel 75° anniversario dell’organizzazione” (10-11 December 2020), with the contribution “Il diritto universale all’uguaglianza e alla non discriminazione” , organized by SIOI, University of Messina and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Microsoft Teams.

12 November 2020, Speaker at the Conference “Cedu e ordinamento italiano. Itinerari giurisprudenziali a 70 anni dalla firma della Convenzione europea”, University of Salerno, Microsoft Teams.

13 December 2019, Speaker at the Conference “Oltre la globalizzazione” - “Confin(at)i/Bound(aries)”, with the contribution “Homosexual asylum seekers and multiple discriminations”, Società di Studi Geografici, Trieste, University of Trieste.

20-24 November 2019, Speaker at International Conference 2019 “Construction of Gender Equality and Rights of Girls and Women in the World”, with the contribution “The practice of surrogacy and the legal protection of the child and the intended mother in European law”, Federation Internationale des Femmes des Carrières legalese (FIFCJ), Goiânia GO-Brasile.

23-24 November 2018, Speaker at the Conference “Unità e frammentazione dentro e oltre lo Stato”, Italian section of the International Society of Public Law (ICON-S), with a contribution on the principle of solidarity within the EU, Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione, Roma.

20-23 November 2018, Speaker at the International Conference “Women’s human rights summit”, XIII Congress of International Federation of Women of Legal Careers, with a contribution on Forced sterilization of indigenous women, Lisbon University Law School.

26-27 April 2018: Speaker at the International Conference “Supranational Democracy. A dialogue among scholars, civil society and creative thinkers about global democratic solutions to global challenges”, with the contribution “Homosexual asylum seekers and multiple discriminations within European Union”, University of Salento, Lecce (Italy).

14 November 2018: Speaker at the conference “Parents and children in the crisis of family relationships. Protection of vulnerabilities” with the contribution “Vulnerable victims in European protection system”, Sala Consilina-Salerno (Italy).

22-23 June 2017: Speaker at the conference “European Union, States and citizens. Between anti-europeanism and conditionality”, with the contribution “Recent developments on the Monitoring of the Rule do Law within the European Union in the Respect of its Identity Values, University of Siena (Italy).

19-20 June 2017: Selected Speaker at the International Conference “Europe as a global actor” with a contribution “The Use of the Internet for Terrorist Purposes:The Role of the European Union in the Light of Directive EU 2017/541”, Instituto Universitário De Lisboa– ISCTE.

13-14 December 2016: Speaker at the conference “Looking beyond the 50th Anniversary of the Covenants.What Interdependence and Indivisibility of Human Rights?”, University of Padova, with the contribution “Women with Disabilities: Towards a More Effective Protection”.

24-25 October 2015: Speaker at the International conference Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo e ordinamento italiano” with a contribution on Covaci case of the European Court of Human Rights, University of Salerno (Italy).

24 October 2014: Speaker at the conference “Il rinvio pregiudiziale alla Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea: quale ruolo per l’opertore del diritto?”, with a contribution concerning the judgment of the GC (17 July 2014,C-58/13 and C-59/13, Torresi c. Consiglio dell’ordine degli Avvocati di Macerata), Tribunale of Avellino.

15 May 2014: Speaker at the conference “Verso uno spazio comune europeo di giustizia” – Tavola rotonda “Diritti di giustizia: l’applicazione del Capo VI della Carta dei diritti fondamentali”, with a contribution concerning the article 50 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, University of Salerno.

12 May 2014: Speaker at the conference “Le Ra/egioni sul futuro dell’Europa-Decidi anche tu-Dialogo con i cittadini in vista delle elezioni europee del 25 maggio”, with a contributing concerning the of criminal law in the European Union, University of Salerno.

27 May 2013: Speaker at the conference ”Gioventù attiva: diritti e responsabilità del cittadino europeo”, with a contribution concerning “Il diritto di ricorrere al Mediatore europeo”, University of Salerno.

9 January 2013: Speaker at the conference “Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo e delle libertà fondamentali: profili applicativi”, University of Salerno, with a contribution concerning “Il principio di retroattività della legge penale più favorevole tra Corte Europea e Corte Costituzionale”.

9-11 December 2010: Speaker at the conference Institutional structures and international cooperation. Terrorism, migrations and asylum, at the Centro Congressi, Aula Magna Storica-Faculty of Economics, Naples, with a contribution concerning “The Mediterranean as “Meeting Place” between Different Legal Systems: Italian and European Cases on the Subject of the Islamic Veil”.

Member of several National and International Research Projects on EU Law

- 2018: PRIN 2017 on “Substantial-procedural protection of migrants and applicants for international protection between Euro-international guarantees and internal guarantees” (Leader: prof. Di Stasi), University of Salerno.

- 2018: International Project “REFUGIUM: building shelter cities and a new welcoming culture. Links between European universities and schools in Human Rights” (2016-2019, ERASMUS+ KEY ACTION2, funded by European Commission – University of Murcia (Spain)/University of Salerno/Università of Lund (Svezia)/University of Lisbon, IUL-ISCTE (Portugal).

- 2008-2010: PRIN 2007 on Human Rights and Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Leader: prof. Di Stasi), University of Salerno.

- Since 2008 - Member of several FARB Projects: “Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’U.E. e Trattato di Lisbona” (FARB 2008-prof. A. Di Stasi); “L’Unione per il Mediterraneo: profili di soft law e di hard law” (FARB 2009-prof. A. Di Stasi); “Mercosur e Unione Europea: modelli e percorsi di integrazione a confronto” (FARB 2010-prof. A. Di Stasi); “Teoria e prassi delle Soft International Organizations” (FARB 2011-prof. A. Di Stasi); “La gestione dei flussi migratori tra esigenze di ordine pubblico, sicurezza interna e integrazione europea" (FARB Dipartimentale 2010-2011 prof. L. Kalb); “Il diritto alla ragionevole durata del processo: CEDU, Carta dei diritti fondamentali UE e ordinamento italiano” (FARB 2011 - prof. A. Di Stasi); “L’evoluzione della regola immunitaria alla luce della recente prassi internazionale" (FARB 2012-dott. T. Russo); “Utilizzo delle risorse energetiche nel Diritto Internazionale” (FARB 2012-dott. F. Buonomenna); “Common goods: regimi normativi, giurisprudenza interna ed internazionale e best practices” (FARB 2013-Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche-prof. E.M. Marenghi); “Lo Spazio europeo di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia: profili applicativi delle obbligazioni contrattuali” (FARB 2013-dott. T. Russo); “Le vicende della membership nelle relazioni organizzate tra Stati” (FARB 2014-prof. T. Russo); “Lo spazio europeo di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia nel post-Stoccolma” (FARB 2012-prof. A. Di Stasi); “L’applicazione della Carta dei diritti fondamentali nello SLSG” (FARB 2015-prof. A. Di Stasi); “Libertà versus sicurezza: la ‘detenzione’ degli stranieri nell’Unione europea” (FARB 2016-prof. R. Palladino); “L’impatto della CEDU nell’ordinamento interno” (FARB 2016-prof. A. Di Stasi).

- 2009-2011: Member of the “Human Rights and Economy” Project, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Leader: prof. M. C. Ciciriello).

Professional skills

- 24 January 2014 - 1 March 2014 "Training course on male violence against women", Court of Avellino.

- January - March 2017 Course “Fight against xenophobia and homophobia/transphobia” – “Human rights education for legal professionals” Program – help in the 28”, Council of Europe.

Computer skills

- 27 July 2010 European Computer Driving Licence.


- Prize “Young professionalism in the economic and legal Mercogliano 2009", awarded by the Town of Mercogliano to the youngest lawyer in Mercogliano.

- Prize “Napoli Cultural Classic 2014” for the best article “Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo e Corte costituzionale italiana a confronto: il sovraffollamento delle carceri e il rispetto della dignità umana”.

- Prize “Napoli Cultural Classic 2013” for the best article in International Law: «“Dialogo” tra la Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo e la Corte costituzionale italiana: il principio di retroattività della legge penale più favorevole».


- From 2008 up to date Member of Italian Society of International Law (SIDI) member (Via Taurini n.19, Rome),

- From 2019 up to date Member of Italian Association of European Union Law Scholars (AISDUE),

- From 2021 up to date Member of Italian Association for the Protection of Human Rights,