
Pio ZEPPA Curriculum

prof. Pio Zeppa, is Professor of Pathology at the University of Salerno (IT) and Chief of the Pathology Istitute. He graduated and post graduated in Pathology at the University of Naples “Federico II”; and obtained a Ph.D in Quantitative Pathology at the University of Siena. He has studied at the Cytopathology Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New-York, at the Leids Cytologish en Pathologish Laboratorium, Leiden (the Netherlands) and at the Department of Pathology, MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, Houston. He is mainly interested in esfoliative and aspirative cytology and hematopathology. prof. Zeppa is member of the Società Italiana di Anatomia Patologica e Citodiagnostica, Italian Division of International Academy of Pathology (IAP), is member of the European Society of Pathology, is Committee member International Academy of Pathology (IAP) and 2010 up to now: member of the IAC Continuing Education and Quality Assurance Committee. From the 2011-2014 he has been, Secretary of the Working Group (WG) of European Society of Pathology (ESP). prof. Zeppa is Editorial Managing Board member of Cytopathology and Acta Cytologica. in 2014 prf. Zeppa achieved the italian idoneità nazionale as full professor of Pathology. prof. Zeppa is author of 220 scientific articles with IF and author of chapters of books and enciclopedias. His present position is full professor of Pathology at the University of Salerno (IT).and chief of a Pathology Istitute at the AOU San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi d' Aragona, Salerno, IT.