
Leonardo PACE Curriculum

POSITION: Full Professor SSD MEDS-22/A - Diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy - Director of the Intra-departmental Program "Molecular Imaging", Department of Diagnostic imaging and Radiotherapy, A.O.U. S. Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi D'Aragona, Salerno.

EDUCATION: Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 5 years and one session with grades 110/110 at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Naples "Federico II" of Naples; Specialized in Nuclear Medicine at the University of Florence with 70/70 cum laude.

TEACHING ACTIVITY: C.I. Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy in the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Salerno; Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy in Healthcare Degree Courses; Coordinator of the School of Specialization in Radiodiagnostics

SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ACTIVITIES: Aimed at Diagnostic Imaging in Cardiology and Oncology and Radionuclide Therapy; author of 183 scientific publications in full, a total number of citations equal to 4471 and an h-index of 36. SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES: Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine (AIMN); European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM); Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM); American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC);