
Stefano PEPE Curriculum

NAME: Stefano Pepe; PLACE OF BIRTH: Salerno; BIRTH DATE: 03/15/1956; RESIDENCY: P.zza Pr.Amedeo1,84100, Salerno; WORK PLACE: Dipartimento di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Via Allende, 84081, Baronissi (Salerno); UOC di Oncologia,AOU “San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi di Aragona,Largo Città di Ippocrate, 84131, 1987:Ph.D.Degree in Medical Oncology, University of Bologna, Italy; 1984:Degree in Pharmachology, "Mario Negri" Institute, Milan, Italy; 1983:Specialty Degree in Medical Oncology, 50/50, University of Bari, Italy; 1980:MD Degree, “Summa cum Laude”, University “Federico II”, Naples, Italy. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: January 2011 at present: Associate Professor in Oncology, Dep.of Medicine, University of Salerno; Director, Div. of Oncology, “San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi di Aragona” University Hospital. March 2005 - January 2011: Associate Professor in Oncology, Dep. of Molecular and Clinical Endocrinology and Oncology, University “Federico II”, Naples, Italy. November 1990-January 2011: Research Associate and Head of "Flow Citometry Laboratory", Division of Medical Oncology, Dep. of Molecular and Clinical Endocrinology and Oncology, University “Federico II”, Naples, Italy. November 1993-June 1994: Guest Researcher, "Laboratory of Tumor Immunology and Biology. Biology and Biochemistry Section" (Chief: MD, PhD, Y.S. Cho-Chung), NCI, NIH, Bethesda (MD), USA. August 1989-November 1990 Guest Researcher, "Laboratory of Tumor Immunology and Biology. Biology and Biochemistry Section" (Chief: MD, PhD, Y.S. Cho-Chung), NCI, NIH, Bethesda (MD), USA. 1985-1987: Ph.D. Fellow, Laboratory of " Tumor Pharmacology ", "Mario Negri" Institute, Milan, Italy and Division of Medical Oncology, University “Federico II”, Naples, Italy. 1981-1984: Fellow, Laboratory of "Tumor Pharmacology", "Mario Negri" Institute, Milan, Italy.