
Curriculum Docente


Name: Laura Falivene Title: PhD in Chemistry

Birth date: 02/04/87 Email:

Place of birth: Battipaglia (Italy) Phone: +39 3333483532


B.Sc. in Chemistry - University of Salerno, Italy (110/110 cum laude) (10-2005/10-2008)

Thesis title: Co-crystals obtained from the epsilon nanoporous form of syndiotactic polystyrene.

Supervisor: prof. Gaetano Guerra

M.Sc. in Chemistry – University of Salerno (110/110 cum laude) (10-2005/10-2010)

Thesis title: Study of surface properties of biaxially oriented polypropylene film (BOPP) treated with the flame and the discharge methods.

Supervisor: dott. Lucia Caporaso.

PhD in Chemistry – University of Salerno (03-2011/02-2014)

Thesis title: Towards the rational design of new catalysts for organic transformations

Supervisor: prof. Luigi Cavallo


Consultant at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (Saudi Arabia), Kaust Catalysis Center (KCC) (01/03/2014-30/06/2014)

Subject: Catalysis by design

Supervisor: prof. Jean Marie Basset

Post-Doc at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (Saudi Arabia), Kaust Catalysis Center (KCC) (01/07/2014-30/06/2016)

Supervisor: prof. Luigi Cavallo

Research Scientist at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (Saudi Arabia), Kaust Catalysis Center (KCC) (01/07/2016-20/12/2019)

RTDb (assistant professor) at University of Salerno (Italy) (02/01/2020-01/01/2023)

Associate professor at University of Salerno (Italy) (from 02/01/2023)


- Participation to the Grant by the German Science Foundation (DFG): “Insertion Polymerization of Electron-Deficient Vinyl Monomers”, in collaboration with prof. Stefan Mecking (Konstanz University) (from 01/01/2010 up to now)

- Participation to the US National Science Foundation project: “Lewis Pair Polymerization: A Powerful Synthetic Strategy for Sustainable and Functional Polymers”, in collaboration with prof. Eugene Chen (Colorado University) (from 01/01/2010 up to now)

- Participation to the US National Science Foundation project: “Stereoselective Polymerization of Biomass Monomers by Transition-Metal and Organic Catalysts” in collaboration with prof. Eugene Chen (Colorado University) (01/01/2015 up to now)

- Participation to the Grant by the German Science Foundation (DFG): “Understanding and Controlling Chain Walking” in collaboration with prof. Stefan Mecking (Konstanz University) (from 01/01/2016 up to now)

- Participation to the FP7 European Project “EUMET” on olefin methatesis (from 01/03/2011 to 30/12/2012) with Scientific meetings in: Frankfurt, Germany, (April 2011); Varsaw, Poland, (October 2011), Edimburgh, Scotland, (April 2012); Montpellier, France, (October 2012)


Total publications: 103

Total citations: 5037

h-index: 37


Maternity leaves for 6 months in 2021

Maternity leaves for 6 months in 2023


Stefan Mecking/Konstanz University/Germany

Eugene X.-Y. Chen/Colorado State University/Colorado

Steven P. Nolan/Ghent University/Belgium

Reto Dorta/University of Western/Australia

Geoffrey W. Coates/Cornell University/New York

Michael Rudolf Buchmeiser/University of Stuttgart/Germany

Marc Mauduit/Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes/France

Elena Groppo/University of Torino/Italy

Giuseppe Leone/CNR/Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche “Giulio Natta”/Italy

Albert Poater/University of Girona/Spain


National scientific habilitation as associate professor in:

03/C2: CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (Industrial chemistry),

03/B1: FONDAMENTI DELLE SCIENZE CHIMICHE E SISTEMI INORGANICI (Fundaments of chemical sciences and inorganic systems)

03/B2: FONDAMENTI CHIMICI DELLE TECNOLOGIE (Chemical fundaments of technology)

03/C1: CHIMICA ORGANICA (Organic chemistry)

03/A2: MODELLI E METODOLOGIE PER LE SCIENZE CHIMICHE. (Models and methods for chemical sciences)

Modeling chemical reactivity using quantum mechanics methods; developing molecular descriptors; developing quantitative structural activity relationships. The areas of interest range from clarifying structure/function relationships in organometallic compounds, to unraveling the mechanisms of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts at work, to the development of molecular descriptors for quantitative structure analysis relationships. The current interests focus on contributing to improve chemical solutions to match the energy and environmental requests of a sustainable society. In all cases strict interaction with experimentalists is considered beneficial.