- Master's course in Business, Marketing and Project Management.
- D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences XXX Cycle, at Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno. Title of thesis: “Molecular basis of cardiomyopathy.”
- Postgraduate Training Internship - Project “Job Placement” at Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno.
- Master’s degree in Pharmacy, at Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Salerno on 26/07/2013. Thesis title: “Doxorubicin-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction: Involvement of Connessin 43.” Grade: 110/110 cum laude with academic mention.
- November 2024 at day: Researcher in Tenure Track SSD BIO/13, at Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno
- March 2024-November 2024: Research Fellow SSD BIO/13 at Department of Medicine, /DIPMED of the University of Salerno, to carry out the project entitled: “In vitro identification of potential therapeutic targets involved in cross talk between tumor microenvironment and pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells”
- June 2020- November 2023: Research Fellow SSD BIO/13 at Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno, to carry out the project entitled: “New possible therapeutic approaches to counteract the initiation of the inflammatory process in Cystic Fibrosis”
- April 2019- April 2020: Fellowship (BIO13) at Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno, to carry out the project entitled: “Study of the role of BAG3 protein in the inflammatory process”
- May 2018- December 2018: Fellowship at Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno, to carry out the project titled: “Role of connectin 43 in cardiomyopathies and anticancer-induced cardiotoxicity”
- November 2013- November 2014: Fellowship at Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno, to carry out the project entitled: “Mitochondrial dysfunction in cardiac damage by doxorubicin”
2016: Cooperative researcher, Vall d'Hebron Research Institute, Cardiovascular Disease Research Group, Barcelona. I conducted research activities in the field of cardiology, using various highly sophisticated techniques, including studies in pig hearts in situ and in isolated mouse hearts perfused by Langendorff.
-Alburquerque-Béjar J; Barba, I.; Valls-Lacalle, L; RuizMeana, Marisol; Pecoraro, M; Rodríguez Sinovas, A; García-Dorado, D. Remote ischemic conditioning provides humoral crossspecies cardioprotection through glycine receptor activation. Cardiovasc Res. 2017 Jan;113(1):52-60. doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvw242.PMID: 28069702
-Valls-Lacalle L., Pecoraro M., Varona S., Martinez-Gonzales J., Rodriguez C., Rodriguez-Sinovas A., Garcia-Dorado D. Human lysil oxidase overexpression does not modify infarct size in mice. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. P086-T. May 2018, Vol. 48, Supplement 1
university spin-off partner, ImmunePharma srl, production assistant; isolation of biological fluids and cells from tissues, screening and research and development phase, http://www.immunepharma.it/board-of-directors/ (2015-2018)